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Discovery Labs is hiring!


I've received a call on this and it sounds very interesting. Question is, will this company price Surfaxin near the competitor's prices, do the neonates really want this product or are they just fine with the animal derivatives.... is the company hoping to sell Discovery Labs as soon as they can.... does anyone know anything along these lines?

I would be leaving my current position and really don't want to make a bad decision. Honest thoughts anyone?

I would NOT want to be selling a drug that got denied 4x (once for manufacturing issues) to neonatal docs. This is by far the most difficult customer base to sell to for new meds not to mention ones that have been denied 3-4x. In addition, the animal derived prodcuts work just fine with very little to zero safety issues. Those two issues alone will bring significant challenges. The only way I am coming on board here is if I am unemployed.

I have the device and drug experience, P&T, materials management, relationships with some of the hospitals. I'm qualified, it's not that. I just want to know if this is something people want, that will sell, that has good enough data to make the neonates rock the boat with their current therapies.

I got a call this time as well as last time. A friend of min went there a few years ago when the hired Directors to manage the reps. Said the company was ok but thought the product had many challenges if it ever made it to mkt. They were let go about 6 months after hired to due one of the many FDA rejections. Not a good place to go if you are in a good place with your current company. I am not touching this place with a 10 ft pole.

They are entering a crowded market as a known three-time loser with the FDA and the other products have preferred GPO pricing with the big level III NICUs. They are going to have a tough time up front establishing a benefit to their product with neonatologists, who are extremely picky about what they will use and will always defer to their experience with other products before trying a new drug. The pediatric/neonatal pharmacists are also very hesitant to recommend formulary approval if they have a surfactant or two that they already use and have a comfort level with after years of experience. It's not really Discovery's fault, but their timing is unfortunate given how much financial pressure they will be under. They have little or no outcomes data and they are also facing two competitors who are notoriously cut-throat.

They are entering a crowded market as a known three-time loser with the FDA and the other products have preferred GPO pricing with the big level III NICUs. They are going to have a tough time up front establishing a benefit to their product with neonatologists, who are extremely picky about what they will use and will always defer to their experience with other products before trying a new drug. The pediatric/neonatal pharmacists are also very hesitant to recommend formulary approval if they have a surfactant or two that they already use and have a comfort level with after years of experience. It's not really Discovery's fault, but their timing is unfortunate given how much financial pressure they will be under. They have little or no outcomes data and they are also facing two competitors who are notoriously cut-throat.

The have a slight mortality benefit, doesn't that help?

Please do not share the recruiters info on this site. they have plenty of qualified applicants through the discover website that the recruiter is weeding through.

Shut up. Just because you want to be greedy and hide who the recruiter is? You must feel threatened and insecure about your chances of getting hired.

No job then look at it, but if you have a job this is 6-12 months of pounding payment for nothing... I spoke to top accounts for her and this will never work... I told my wife, stay away, this is another job jumping co. Burn rate is nice also for the past few years. Check the financials - it's pretty funny

The have a slight mortality benefit, doesn't that help?

Not really. Neonatologists are some of the most conservative docs around, and so are the clinical pharmacists who serve that patient population. The survival benefit will be subjected to what is called a "NNT" (number needed to treat) analysis each and every time it goes before a P&T committee. If the NNT analysis is even close to what they already have on formulary, it will most likely be a no-go UNLESS their pricing is so attractive that the P&T committee can't turn it down for cost reasons. Unfortunately, no one knows what DSCO will ask as a price and the established products have a huge advantage with contracts and side-bars already in place.

Not really. Neonatologists are some of the most conservative docs around, and so are the clinical pharmacists who serve that patient population. The survival benefit will be subjected to what is called a "NNT" (number needed to treat) analysis each and every time it goes before a P&T committee. If the NNT analysis is even close to what they already have on formulary, it will most likely be a no-go UNLESS their pricing is so attractive that the P&T committee can't turn it down for cost reasons. Unfortunately, no one knows what DSCO will ask as a price and the established products have a huge advantage with contracts and side-bars already in place.

Check out managements track record!? Churn N Burn.