
You will soon melt into mediocrity if you are so "lucky" to keep your job with the crappiest lab company of all. There is no corporate culture that values employees. They keep buying companies where everyone is brilliant with excellent degrees, but most of the upper management at LabCorp has NOT EVEN ATTENDED COLLEGE! That is why this company is destroying all of the labs that they acquire!!

You will soon melt into mediocrity if you are so "lucky" to keep your job with the crappiest lab company of all. There is no corporate culture that values employees. They keep buying companies where everyone is brilliant with excellent degrees, but most of the upper management at LabCorp has NOT EVEN ATTENDED COLLEGE! That is why this company is destroying all of the labs that they acquire!!

you are so impressed with yourself. Labcorp and Quest have the lead position with changes occuring healthcare. They were 5-10 years ahead of the curve.

Obamcare will make all of you work harder for less. These two large blood brothers will thrive through the slaughter of the US based healthcare system.

Watch and learn.

Obamcare will make all of you work harder for less. These two large blood brothers will thrive through the slaughter of the US based healthcare system.

Watch and learn.

Can you explain why you think that under the affordable care act, the clinical lab industry will work harder for less?

It seems to me that since the affordable care act mandates increases in both primary and preventative care and increases the number of Americans that will be insured, thus getting more lab testing, that this would be good for the industry. Again, can you be specific and tell me why you think we would be working harder the less.


Romney is a capitalist. Obummer is a socialist. Enough said. President Romney in a landslide!

Can you tell me why you think Romney’s Shareholder Capitalism apposed to Stakeholder Capitalism is good for America? What specifically did he do at Bain capital that was good for America?

Also, can you explain how President Obama’s time in office was used to control the means of production and distribution of services, and how you would square that with the fact that during is presidency, the government sector has actually shrunk for the first time in 40 years?

Thanks a bunch.

And thank you so much for trying to help that poster by making him think. It is obvious he never took a political science class, at least Poli Sci 101....or he just doesn't get it because he is clueless. He gets his misinformation from that crazy propaganda machine- Rush Limbaugh and the Fox News Network. No room for critical thinking there. Why else would one vote against one's own best interest? Because he is UNDER THE ILLUSION OF INCLUSION.

And thank you so much for trying to help that poster by making him think. It is obvious he never took a political science class, at least Poli Sci 101....or he just doesn't get it because he is clueless. He gets his misinformation from that crazy propaganda machine- Rush Limbaugh and the Fox News Network. No room for critical thinking there. Why else would one vote against one's own best interest? Because he is UNDER THE ILLUSION OF INCLUSION.

So you're an msnbc viewer eh? You are one of the idiots that have a herd mentality and are incapable of an independent thought. Isn't it about time you call the dept of agriculture and get your food stamps??? Despicable moocher!

So you're an msnbc viewer eh? You are one of the idiots that have a herd mentality and are incapable of an independent thought. Isn't it about time you call the dept of agriculture and get your food stamps??? Despicable moocher!

Wow! The old “herd mentality” retort. What a sophisticated rhetorical tool box you have little fella. Maybe you should turn off Fox News and try to “read” stuff. Reading stuff can be a lot of fun.

Have a great week end!

Wow! The old “herd mentality” retort. What a sophisticated rhetorical tool box you have little fella. Maybe you should turn off Fox News and try to “read” stuff. Reading stuff can be a lot of fun.

Have a great week end!

I guess the govt run post office didn't deliver your food stamps on time huh?

Sounds like the Genzyme acquisition :






All of GG should be interviewing, the smart ones already left. The rest are still thinking if they are the last man standing it will work out. They are wrong.

Good luck in closing business with them you are going to need it, we just lost out on another deal to a competitor.
They are one of the reasons why Dianon died, they were a joke and were schooled by other labs, lacked follow skills, lied directly to doctors and in one case a doctor told the BDE to get the F. out of his practice for lying and told the labcorp rep never to bring that BDE back into his office. That incidence made it around the sales force in a matter no time and not one rep was surprised. Other issues are the so call double booking of appointments with reps, telling one rep they are available for that date then they tell the rep at the last minute they have to be somewhere else, even though they said they could make it 1-2 months ago, I guess it is more fun to work with a buddy. When working with reps they bug out early since they say they have so much work to do, really, then why don’t they answer their phones and emails when reps try to reach out to them, sometimes it takes days if you are lucky to get any response at all.
The reps are the ones getting the new business and the BDE’s take credit for any deals the reps close. If you are lucky they would come in at the beginning of the talks and make a 10 minute useless presentation, since they have to be involved by orders of upper management, and make it sound like they are the closers and then report back if it were not for them the deal would have never happened, while the reps do 99.9% of the work. What eventually happens is the reps have to get their mangers involved to save the account after the BDE screws up the lack of communication on their part. When they go to trade shows it is a big get together to have a party and put it on the companies tab, then they come back and tell everyone how much new business they have signed up from the show, really if that is the case how come Dianon’s numbers are terrible when it comes to new business and TECH deals? Has anyone ever audited the dinners they have when they go to trade shows? I bet the receipts Avg is over $400 per so call doctor that attends the dinner, I guarantee they are padding the bill by submitting multiple receipts by putting down they took out such and such Drs.
Now you see some of the issues Dianon reps had with them, the reps could never say anything for fear of loosing their job. Upper management wants to keep their buddies around by telling everyone what a great job they are doing and they are a valuable asset to the growth of the company since the program was their idea. The Dianon reps were glad to see them go and wish they were never involved, they did more damage than good. I know quite a few uslabs and Dianon reps laugh out loud when you mention them and their programs.
Their upper management buds wanted to protect them due to their incompetence so they moved them to the uslabs side where they can hide them instead of admitting their program is a failure. I can’t believe labcorp does not look and see how much business they are not generating; maybe labcorp should ask every rep how much help and involvement they were in closing deals. As far as $12 million in new business and $50 million in lost, if they had the best program out there why did they go with a competitor? They says offices have internalized their labs so only a portion of the business would be sent to other labs, if that was the case why wasn’t Dianon getting the left over business that offices were sending to competitors? Maybe a portion of $50 million lost business should have been $20 million.

AND, labcorp reps, do you know what % commission the Dianon reps make? Waaaaaaaay more than your lousy 4 % I can tell you its over 10 but less than 15 And we lost million and millions in business over the last couple of years. As a matter of fact, we love it when you morons do all the work to close a deal..we laugh all the way to the bank.

AND, labcorp reps, do you know what % commission the Dianon reps make? Waaaaaaaay more than your lousy 4 % I can tell you its over 10 but less than 15 And we lost million and millions in business over the last couple of years. As a matter of fact, we love it when you morons do all the work to close a deal..we laugh all the way to the bank.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.