

A recruiter contacted me in regard to a position with Dianon. I've been in specialty pharma for a number of years and looking for a change. Not to mention the pharmaceutical industry isn't what it used to be. Any feedback on this division of what was US LABS? Serious feedback please. Thanks!

job sucks, company sucks, but the upper management is to die for. Just so bright, all promoted after killer sales careers, not because no one else wanted the job. So sharp that LabCorp does the hiring now, took it away from the brain trust. Sharpest tools in the shed for sure.

Do not take this position; the sales moral is at an all time low. Many reps are looking for new jobs since they are frustrated by the lack of guidance and being treated like garbage by management. The only reason reps are staying is they can’t find anything new out there in the industry so they are buying their time.

Do not take this position; the sales moral is at an all time low. Many reps are looking for new jobs since they are frustrated by the lack of guidance and being treated like garbage by management. The only reason reps are staying is they can’t find anything new out there in the industry so they are buying their time.
Its BIDING their time. Word is that there's a busy little bee out in the field with "Homemade Bread", violating HIPAA laws. Who might this person be?

Can anyone honestly tell me what the Dianon BDE’s do?

Rumor has it they are coming over to the USLabs side! Are you kidding me!!! We don’t want them!!!
They can’t even get the Dianon businesses so what make them think they will be of any use to the USLabs side when they try to sell in a more sophisticated environment?
They consistently loose the AP business to competitors that have better follow up skills and know what they are talking about in front of prospects or current clients without looking like an idiot.
Does anyone know how much Dianon business they so called brought on vs. what they lost this year?
Hopefully it won’t take long for uslabs to realize they are worthless before damage control is too late to save us.

best job ever. No responsibility, no BDE's to f things up, easy days and lazy nights. Bob Marley in the morning, Pink Floyd at lunch, The Dead at happy hour. All the smart people are long gone, just a happy go lucky place to be.

Thanks for sending us all of your Dianon BDE's. They have hours of training in hospital business solutions and minutes of training in dealing with pathologists. This was a brilliant move done I am sure because labcorp did not want to foot the bill for them. This will help USlabs really grow now.

Glad to see you are aware of the issues Dianon had with them. Remember you were warned in post #10. Why do you think Labcorp gave them to you?
Once Labcorp took us over they found out in a matter of weeks what a joke they were and they had no selling advantages over the sales reps.
Why do you think the Dianon reps can now do their own deals and not have them get involved? Because the reps close the deals without them and they are completely useless to the reps! Besides the reps could not stand the BDE’s, they were given their positions without proving themselves as sales reps.
Remember, keep selling the ProVation program and make sure they are involved so they can gravy train on your success and take full credit for your hard work and that’s how they keep their jobs. They will take the credit and make it look like it was all their deal with no help from the sales reps.

Can someone honestly tell me what is going on here?

I have been here for a short time and it seems every rep is looking for a new job. Over the past few months some many reps that have left on their own, Why?

It appears only the people with a manager’s title are safe in keeping their jobs and everyone above a sales rep is incompetent

It seems the reps are expendable and it is a revolving door for them.

Can someone honestly tell me what is going on here?

I have been here for a short time and it seems every rep is looking for a new job. Over the past few months some many reps that have left on their own, Why?

It appears only the people with a manager’s title are safe in keeping their jobs and everyone above a sales rep is incompetent

It seems the reps are expendable and it is a revolving door for them.

correct. what's your point?

All the decent Dianon reps are begging for jobs on the usl side. Both companies are punchlines now and need to be brought under Burlington's control so we can right the ship. Funny... the little labs that could.

All the decent Dianon reps are begging for jobs on the usl side. Both companies are punchlines now and need to be brought under Burlington's control so we can right the ship. Funny... the little labs that could.

AhHhhh..ummmm... the reason that they are BOTH a punchline is directly BECAUSE of Burlington's control you joke of a tard. Two very viable, growing companies... all before WHAT took place???? HMMMMM let me see... the TARDVILLE from BISCUITVILLE bought them.

Do the math you putz. If you think Im joking look where all the management went from both companies.. you will find them all at very successful and growing AP companies, which you certainly cant say about Dianon and US LABS now, can you?

This company is a complete JOKE!!!!!
The leadership by upper management is a disaster, the BDE team is a debacle, and there is no guidance as to sell against the competition.
Reps are treated like crap, while upper management barks down orders of programs that are inferior and obsolete to the competition. Accounts are taken away left and right and we have no defense against it.