Diabetes overlay vs respiratory role


I do know that, just curious if any respiratory reps thought it was good idea to switch over to a diabetes overlay role if given the opportunity, since there is so much negativity around Stiolto and the respiratory future.

As a resp. rep I tried desperately to get over to diabetes side. Was basically told no, RD wasn't going to allow it and it would cast me in a negative light to even try. There's no future in resp. here. It's done in 12/18 months and everyone knows it. Resp. reps should be given the chance to move over to diabetes. Within 2 years it's almost all we will have left at this company (resp. and Cardio gone), don't punish us for Germany's mistakes.

This is being allowed in some regions, so I guess it is not a consistent policy throughout the nation. In our district a reassigned-from-diabetes-to-respiratory rep interviewed for the new diabetes overlay. He was moved to respiratory June 28 and said thank you but no. I don't blame him, but it makes things more difficult for me, the unretained respiratory rep who also interviewed for the overlay. He has a job but Aug 31 is a BI unemployment cliff for me. Maybe we will find out this week.

How many respiratory territories are there now in the US left? Is there any possible chance that management may rethink things and introduce a Resp Overlay force, just like diabetes... just say'n... what's your prediction