Diabetes Overlay and Cardiology

I'm just sick of all the BS too. But the facts are the company said you have 5 months to leave and you choose not to leave and were severed. You can't get more transparent than that. They cleaned house. The only ones let go were on the bottom that I know. I'm not an asshole I am sick of your bitching for the last 5 months about horrible BI is. Look, this company is a shit show of marketing and products to be sure. But to say they were not treating me fairly when they clearly said if you are in respiratory you will be gone in 5 months make no sense. The company had/has a bloated work force and they aren't your mommy or pre-school teacher. Since when should a company "treat you fairly". We are all on borrowed time in Pharma especially after HRC wins. They didn't include you on any new emails becuase they don't want you back.


I'm just sick of all the BS too. But the facts are the company said you have 5 months to leave and you choose not to leave and were severed. You can't get more transparent than that. They cleaned house. The only ones let go were on the bottom that I know. I'm not an asshole I am sick of your bitching for the last 5 months about horrible BI is. Look, this company is a shit show of marketing and products to be sure. But to say they were not treating me fairly when they clearly said if you are in respiratory you will be gone in 5 months make no sense. The company had/has a bloated work force and they aren't your mommy or pre-school teacher. Since when should a company "treat you fairly". We are all on borrowed time in Pharma especially after HRC wins. They didn't include you on any new emails becuase they don't want you back.

Listen asswipe.... If a whole district or region for that matter are struggling near the bottom of the nation they are not going to let them all go because nobody would be there. On the other hand of they are all preforming well you can't keep them all. You don't have situations where someone is so much higher up than those around them. I was kept, but there were people near me who were ranked higher. There is no point in feeling so smug about yourself. Plenty of us bottom feeders are still here too.

Listen asswipe.... If a whole district or region for that matter are struggling near the bottom of the nation they are not going to let them all go because nobody would be there. On the other hand of they are all preforming well you can't keep them all. You don't have situations where someone is so much higher up than those around them. I was kept, but there were people near me who were ranked higher. There is no point in feeling so smug about yourself. Plenty of us bottom feeders are still here too.

Thank you! As someone who was ranked at the top in their region and still displaced, I appreciate that fact that you stood up to this smug SOB. I really don't appreciate being kicked when I am down. To the OP that made the rude comments.....karma is a bitch, your day will come.

Thank you to the original poster who posted this to tell the un retained. A colleague called me to let me know. Here's a thought. Did you ever think maybe we weren't copied on the email because we have already been removed from the distribution lists? I do not believe there was any malicious intent. There are simply some geographies that had no applicants. Good luck on your interviews everyone and stay positive!

Thank you to the original poster who posted this to tell the un retained. A colleague called me to let me know. Here's a thought. Did you ever think maybe we weren't copied on the email because we have already been removed from the distribution lists? I do not believe there was any malicious intent. There are simply some geographies that had no applicants. Good luck on your interviews everyone and stay positive!

Agree 100%. Who cares that it went to the current sales force only? It was a national sales force distribution list. Do you think they have a displaced rep distribution list?
And, if you were displaced and wanted to apply for a position, didn't you already apply? Go find something else to complain about or start your own company, because that's easy.

I'm just sick of all the BS too. But the facts are the company said you have 5 months to leave and you choose not to leave and were severed. You can't get more transparent than that. They cleaned house. The only ones let go were on the bottom that I know. I'm not an asshole I am sick of your bitching for the last 5 months about horrible BI is. Look, this company is a shit show of marketing and products to be sure. But to say they were not treating me fairly when they clearly said if you are in respiratory you will be gone in 5 months make no sense. The company had/has a bloated work force and they aren't your mommy or pre-school teacher. Since when should a company "treat you fairly". We are all on borrowed time in Pharma especially after HRC wins. They didn't include you on any new emails becuase they don't want you back.

Hey Einstein, here's an idea for you: if you don't like a thread where people come to bitch and vent, how about you stay away from the thread? I don't spend time with people I don't want to be around. I sure as shit don't spend time with them and then complaing about spending time with them.

Agree 100%. Who cares that it went to the current sales force only? It was a national sales force distribution list. Do you think they have a displaced rep distribution list?
And, if you were displaced and wanted to apply for a position, didn't you already apply? Go find something else to complain about or start your own company, because that's easy.[/QUOTH

Gonna guess you were retained. If so, you shouldn't be so quick to criticize someone without walking in their shoes. If you werent retained, you should have more respect for yourself.

Food for thought: when PF publicly promises transparency and respect to the employees of this company, you ought to be able to expect those things. And you ought to be able to get more than token interviews held for the sake of appearance.

Could it be incompetence that kept some people from getting included in the distribution list? You bet. Given the sloppy execution we've seen so far, that's sure possible.

On the other hand, it's no stretch to believe that keeping displaced reps off the list was done intentionally to avoid those reps questioning the value of going through with token interviews.

Complaining about management that's been dishonest about transparency, respect, and token interviews really isn't going to change anything. But that's better then being passive and silent about it.