Dez handles the apology.


Did she not apologize on her own because she is suspended?
If not, why?
If words matter, and we all know she pulled the worst verbal miscue imaginable, why is she even still here?
Why does she get a second chance after dropping an unforgiveable Hitler reference?

Why were decent, hard-working reps fired for cause because they followed managerial direction with the free trial offers for Leqvio?
Lots of good, hard-working reps who were only doing exactly what they were directed to do by management?
Why is that Dez?

This seems problematic. This seems like maybe someone is getting a free pass, when people who were guilty of far less got put out on their ass.
What does that say about you and your leadership, Dez?

Hiding behind having the sniffles for a week, then issuing a legal-approved statement on her behalf, is an egregious abdication of responsibility of leadership.
Everyone who watched you endorse the F.T.O. bullshit, and then sit back and watch reps get fired for it, already knew you were an incompetent clown. But this. Letting her off with a warning when she said what she said, in front of the whole company, is a master-class in favoritism and cowardice.

Did she not apologize on her own because she is suspended?
If not, why?
If words matter, and we all know she pulled the worst verbal miscue imaginable, why is she even still here?
Why does she get a second chance after dropping an unforgiveable Hitler reference?

Why were decent, hard-working reps fired for cause because they followed managerial direction with the free trial offers for Leqvio?
Lots of good, hard-working reps who were only doing exactly what they were directed to do by management?
Why is that Dez?

This seems problematic. This seems like maybe someone is getting a free pass, when people who were guilty of far less got put out on their ass.
What does that say about you and your leadership, Dez?

Hiding behind having the sniffles for a week, then issuing a legal-approved statement on her behalf, is an egregious abdication of responsibility of leadership.
Everyone who watched you endorse the F.T.O. bullshit, and then sit back and watch reps get fired for it, already knew you were an incompetent clown. But this. Letting her off with a warning when she said what she said, in front of the whole company, is a master-class in favoritism and cowardice.

When Dez nukes half the C.V. sales force later this year, Sherita will be giving Novartis TED talks on Stalin, Pol Pot and Leopold II.
Of course Dez lets it slide with a warning, she's not sales, so she gets a pass on everything.

It was astoundingly tone deaf.
That being said, she apologized, took responsibility, and is getting a bit of a public shaming.
I’m not cool with cancel culture. I’m good with forgiving people who take responsibility.
It could actually be a positive for Des and Neil to see the mismatch between the “company values” and the actual practices of our leaders.

It was astoundingly tone deaf.
That being said, she apologized, took responsibility, and is getting a bit of a public shaming.
I’m not cool with cancel culture. I’m good with forgiving people who take responsibility.
It could actually be a positive for Des and Neil to see the mismatch between the “company values” and the actual practices of our leaders.

It isn't cancel culture, you asshole. There is a baseline expectation of how a professional should act, and she missed it by a mile.
Without some sort of backlash it would have flew under the radar. She hasn't apologized for anything, her boss did it for her.
Before resorting to cheap, lazy cable news talking points, think about how that came across to people of certain religions and nationalities. Also ask yourself if you would have gotten away with just a warning.

Isn’t she the one that also called the ENTIRE CV salesforce incompetent? She’s a liability to Novartis. I still can’t get over the comment she made in front of a thousand people. How is she a leader?

It isn't cancel culture, you asshole. There is a baseline expectation of how a professional should act, and she missed it by a mile.
Without some sort of backlash it would have flew under the radar. She hasn't apologized for anything, her boss did it for her.
Before resorting to cheap, lazy cable news talking points, think about how that came across to people of certain religions and nationalities. Also ask yourself if you would have gotten away with just a warning.

100% AGREED!!!!!

We should definitely whip ourselves into a frenzy and burn her at the stake! Die, witch!

Nobody is in a frenzy, and suggesting she needs to be fired isn't burning her at the stake.
You're simply abdicating all professional standards by allowing her to stay.
You'll put a rep on a plan for missing call metrics, but she can drop Hitler jokes on national calls and get a slap on the wrist.
Most reasonable people know the difference.

Nobody is in a frenzy, and suggesting she needs to be fired isn't burning her at the stake.
You're simply abdicating all professional standards by allowing her to stay.
You'll put a rep on a plan for missing call metrics, but she can drop Hitler jokes on national calls and get a slap on the wrist.
Most reasonable people know the difference.
I’m a rep who is also deeply offended by her ridiculous answer and bragging about hiring basically outside the company. Additionally the Hitler reference was insensitive. But, I also understand the purpose of an apology. Apologies are a lost art. If you’re ever lucky enough to receive one, you should accept it with grace.

The apology would have been more meaningful if she gave it. Should have been a video of her saying she is sorry, etc. isn’t Dez her boss? She says her boss is like Hitler, then her boss apologizes for her via email stating her views don’t reflect the views of Novartis. Hysterical.

I’m a rep who is also deeply offended by her ridiculous answer and bragging about hiring basically outside the company. Additionally the Hitler reference was insensitive. But, I also understand the purpose of an apology. Apologies are a lost art. If you’re ever lucky enough to receive one, you should accept it with grace.

I don't think very many people read it properly. It wasn't even a real apology, it was a "the hurt that I may have caused" quasi-apology.
It took a week, which means it was filtered through H.R. and legal. It's more than Dez who is looking after her.
She let her boss handle it, she didn't actually apologize, and she didn't get fired over telling Hitler jokes.
Apologies are a lost art, and that thing that Dez posted on her behalf is proof of that.
I think what is being lost here is what certain people are allowed to get away with if they know the right people and have the right connections.
If you have any respect for this company at all, you cannot continue to employ someone who doesn't know better than that. This is not standard issue bad judgement.

I’m a rep who is also deeply offended by her ridiculous answer and bragging about hiring basically outside the company. Additionally the Hitler reference was insensitive. But, I also understand the purpose of an apology. Apologies are a lost art. If you’re ever lucky enough to receive one, you should accept it with grace.

seriously, you were offended? You are not part of the solution. You are part of the problem and you are pathetic person.

seriously, you were offended? You are not part of the solution. You are part of the problem and you are pathetic person.
Every person who is employed by Novartis should be employed to know our leaders think it’s an accomplishment to hire 80% outside hires. Novartis is a culture of discrediting, devaluing, and discarding their own employees so they can hire 80%, often less qualified, external candidates…only to repeat the same cycle.