Dermavant and Arcutis

If you are not eating properly and doing cardio at least 45 minutes every day you will not be successful. You will never be #1. Exercise and eating habits are essential to a demanding job and it looks like a lot don't do either. Bir

I have already distributed all my 60g tubes to the biggest Otezla writers in my territory.

My sole goal every day is to destroy Otezla because Amgen didn't keep me.

Frank loves what I bring to the table.

Go to the 2 pharmacies where the little man's scripts are coming from and show them his photo and his RSM and they both will be recognized. It must be nice to get a pass on bad behavior. How long will it last ?

The funniest thing of all is to see our Top Management fawn over a few representatives that are so phony. NOT ALL if they only really new a few of them and knew some history their eyes would be wide open and they would

Crushing it day by day.
How many of you sat around and drank all weekend and did nothing ? Most I bet.
Don’t cry when 8/31 numbers show what you deserve. A few of us worked and it will
be seen in the #s.

Time to go work for Arcutis.

Anyone get wind of the new gig from #1 super star? His wife is now the one involved with
all the freebies , dinners , gift cards . I guess that makes it compliant now.

what a joke

CAN OA go out and work the open territory in the District?
Let’s see if he would have the same results. We all know the answer is absolutely NO.

Did he get the memo: AD approval did not happen