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Derm Expansion - Who Has Maps???

bet your measly bonus check that the expansion will usher in the worst talent in the industry, who in their right mind would sign up for this shit show, what a waste of time and money
the overlay hires were a joke, this will be worse, only the dumbest of the dumb would sign up to be laid off a year later

Whose idea was it to move the biggest douche bag manager at bms over me through these new maps and expansion? He’s all mad he lost an area but we are the ones who have to deal with this idiot now

hearing applications for the "expansion" are extremely low--shocker!!
I still can't believe that this is actually happening, what a cluster!!
cant wait to go to UCB!!
Our managers are reaching out to UCB managers to tell them they are applying. Why would UCB want them they did nothing over here? They don't want us. Trust me. We are the biggest joke in Derm.

Our managers are reaching out to UCB managers to tell them they are applying. Why would UCB want them they did nothing over here? They don't want us. Trust me. We are the biggest joke in Derm.
Ok Kevin, can you please explain how "we" are the biggest joke in Derm???Sotyktu-is the joke, not the sales reps-some of us actually sold the crap out of a dog of a product-making us more valuable than you will ever know, UCB is happily taking all of our top reps, sorry you are not one of them..enjoy getting laid off before the holidays!!!

Ok Kevin, can you please explain how "we" are the biggest joke in Derm???Sotyktu-is the joke, not the sales reps-some of us actually sold the crap out of a dog of a product-making us more valuable than you will ever know, UCB is happily taking all of our top reps, sorry you are not one of them..enjoy getting laid off before the holidays!!!
Not the reps I mean the managers. Little to no coaching. Any rep that was above goal at any quarter with this dog is a good rep. Trust me.

Ok Kevin, can you please explain how "we" are the biggest joke in Derm???Sotyktu-is the joke, not the sales reps-some of us actually sold the crap out of a dog of a product-making us more valuable than you will ever know, UCB is happily taking all of our top reps, sorry you are not one of them..enjoy getting laid off before the holidays!!!
You missed the point. That post was about the failing managers not reps

Managers who did nothing here want to bail from the ship they sunk

They want to their “talents” to ucb so they can manage another drug into failure

bummer! I was rooting for him to get the job so he could take some of his garbage with him. Like Pete Ammon and Cory for starters. I am disappointed in ucb. Can someone help get Rodman in somewhere else? This is depressing I was figuring praying we could improve our culture over here by dumping our worst on some unsuspecting sucker.