Sweetie, it’s cute that you would like us to believe you have so many “friends”.
Between your attitude, and the amount of time you spend on here bitching and trying to be heard, it’s safe to say no one is talking to you.
A simple viewing of the rest of this website will demonstrate that most companies are in the same boat as we are when it comes to dealing with managers and offices,
Maybe it’s time to have one of your “friends” get you a new job where you can sit home in your maternity overalls eating bon bons while demanding a bonus check.
I just want to know who in the heck this poster is. They routinely make comments about reps being females, overweight and OVERUSE the term "sweetie". Making derogatory comments about women like this is just.....sexist and deplorable. It's clear that you're targeting females, and females alone. Why assume that every person posting here is a female? If this is a person in a position of power within Supernus, I am disgusted. This company is turning ugly.