Confirmed public school graduateOh do enlighten us with your private school wisdom.
Confirmed public school graduateOh do enlighten us with your private school wisdom.
Confirmed elitist east coast snobConfirmed public school graduate
Sooooo, in your tiny mind being white means qualified? Oh OKDEI is alive and well at AZ. Hire incompetents at any cost.
Replacing the cronyism and nepotism of the past with a rebranded cronyism and nepotism isn’t the answer. When you back off your “everything is racist” view, you will realize the vast majority of people want competence regardless of color, religion, etc.Sooooo, in your tiny mind being white means qualified? Oh OK
No. It doesn’t. Just like being black doesn’t make you qualified either.Sooooo, in your tiny mind being white means qualified? Oh OK
i’ll answer the question for you, but you probably won’t like the answer Or you’ll just deny the truth.No. It doesn’t. Just like being black doesn’t make you qualified either.
Tell me, why do white men today have to pay the price for past racism they had nothing to do with?
I ask this question all the time and nobody has an answer. Perhaps you can put your unconscious bias aside and provide one?
Or do only white men possess unconscious bias?
Time to change your tinfoil hat. Systems are “designed“ to protect wealth and power irrespective of skin color and gender (there are two btw). Those who have wealth and power protect it by elevating those around them who they identify with or trust. We can debate the merits of that separately.i’ll answer the question for you, but you probably won’t like the answer Or you’ll just deny the truth.
The whole system has been set up over hundreds of years to favour white men. This is why white men dominate the economy, capital, and most senior executive positions. You would be deluded if you thought that white men were fundamentally just better Than all other humans. The reason they dominate all of these areas is because of affirmative action for white men for these past hundreds of years.
Affirmative action policies designed to bring people up to a level playing field are not ideal, but unfortunately there isn’t an obvious viable alternative in correcting this major structural imbalance in the economy and society.
let me also make a key point. Despite policies to level up minorities, white men are still favoured as evidence by data on promotions especially senior leadership promotions. So these policies are not designed to penalise but to bring people up to the same level. Further more the policies are supposed to create a level playing field where people have equal opportunity not equal outcome. This is not always properly implemented though.
unfortunately the response from many people like yourself, is that we should simply do nothing about the structural issues in the economy and society. Your argument is that because you didn’t directly create the system that has resulted in you benefiting disproportionately to others, nothing should be done and you should be allowed to retain all of the privilege that you have today.
There are many mediocre white men who aren’t in their positions based on merit. I guess you are one of the lame brain white men who think you’re better than everyone else just because you are a white man. Can you spell whiny crybaby???DEI has no place here in the US. Plain and simple. Can you spell MERIT?
Whiner! Keep crying’ please seek help for your mommy issues.You keep mentioning "White Men". Only you. Get over it! MERIT!
You’re so tough! Go cry to your mama!You keep mentioning "White Men". Only you. Get over it! MERIT!
And there are many DEI people that are less than mediocre in positions based on only DEI initiatives. The real cry babies are those that used a BS system solely for their own inadequacies to get ahead.There are many mediocre white men who aren’t in their positions based on merit. I guess you are one of the lame brain white men who think you’re better than everyone else just because you are a white man. Can you spell whiny crybaby???
That’s not a bad thing, public school loser.Confirmed elitist east coast snob
Libtards are talking about bird flu. I will not mask or vax for their latest hoax. Anyone who masks is an idiot. Bird flu is a hoaxDEI initiatives result in the downfall of most, if not all, institutions that push it. Just take a look at Target's latest initiative to bury it . . . . . smart move. Libtardism fails.