You can believe me or not, but I do have access to a lot of the internal workings of MDT DIE programs. I'm a hispanic woman and personally have nothing to lose from DIE, but it's disgusting to look at. A few things:
White males are absolutely right to feel targeted and disadvantaged. Guess what? If you're on a list of people to be exited on a RIF and you're a white male, noone gives a damn. There's no risk firing you and your chances of keeping your job are far worse than anyone else's. If you're some other protected class, you get a star next to your name and a special pause in the discussion about tHe peRcEPtIOn of you being fired. In fact, they will probably call in one of the high-level DIE team to have an opinion on you being sacked. You'll probably be saved by them creating some fake role for you somewhere. If not, the discussion with them is basically to protect the company legally. They can spew all their shit about DIE and say a diverse committee made the decision to fire.
If there is a discussion about your performance, there will be 10 x more people involved if you are from a protected class. They'll talk about you having opportunities to learn and other shit. If you're a white male, they don't give a sh*t. Leaders are scared to high hell to performance manage someone from a protected class, and they have a right to be. Sooner than you can turn around, the diverse person claims it is discrimination and the manager doesn't want that problem on their record. The fact is that it won't be a problem on their record at all, unless it is found that it truly was discrimination, but 1/2 of the company is self-serving and gutless, so many won't stand up to this and just performance managed the people they are supposed to.
The "diverse slate" in hiring is long known. There is some backtracking around this now as a result of the Harvard decision. Now the company has to be much more discreet and even walk all of their content backwards, where they were telling people to force a diverse slate, and even the percentages to aim at. If you look for these old documents', you'll find them around, though the company is desperately trying to remove all traces of them. Total lawsuit fodder.
The amount of time and money the ERGs spend is insane, and you're basically untouchable if you are on an ERG and a member of that class. Even worse: noone is tracking that money or the activities globally. Every chapter and location gets its own budget to flush down the toilet as they wish. Look at LinkedIn: the trips and meetings about some made-up subject, the marketing materials and branding, the speakers we pay by virtue of the fact that they are X color or sexual identity. These ERGs have committees, sub-committees, work streams, all nature of shit that takes people out of their job for 10+ hours a week. At the highest levels (MN levels), these meetings are useless shit about feelings and ultimately a discussion on "what can we do to make sure African Americans/LGBTIQ/"diverse" people make up 30%+ of leadership. Basically, how can we get anyone except a white male into leadership roles. The advantage for MDT is PR and avoiding being canceled. It's also having a big enough group to not get (much) employee backlash when the shit goes down in whatever country and the company makes no comment. In come the ERGs to "represent the company". They're a PR insurance policy and nothing more. Joining an ERG is a ticket to an "exceed" rating in DIE, that's my pro-tip. If you're not a white male and don't mind wasting time that you are meant to actually be working, even better. For example, ADN is starting to interview people for certain higher profile roles to make sure they are joining with the right intention when joining. They know people have worked out the grift.
So believe me or don't, but DIE is absolutely a reason for white men and their families to be concerned. The worst is panels and meetings full of white women -probably married to white men- sitting there agreeing to it and even promoting it, sh*tting on their own husbands and sons.
White males are absolutely right to feel targeted and disadvantaged. Guess what? If you're on a list of people to be exited on a RIF and you're a white male, noone gives a damn. There's no risk firing you and your chances of keeping your job are far worse than anyone else's. If you're some other protected class, you get a star next to your name and a special pause in the discussion about tHe peRcEPtIOn of you being fired. In fact, they will probably call in one of the high-level DIE team to have an opinion on you being sacked. You'll probably be saved by them creating some fake role for you somewhere. If not, the discussion with them is basically to protect the company legally. They can spew all their shit about DIE and say a diverse committee made the decision to fire.
If there is a discussion about your performance, there will be 10 x more people involved if you are from a protected class. They'll talk about you having opportunities to learn and other shit. If you're a white male, they don't give a sh*t. Leaders are scared to high hell to performance manage someone from a protected class, and they have a right to be. Sooner than you can turn around, the diverse person claims it is discrimination and the manager doesn't want that problem on their record. The fact is that it won't be a problem on their record at all, unless it is found that it truly was discrimination, but 1/2 of the company is self-serving and gutless, so many won't stand up to this and just performance managed the people they are supposed to.
The "diverse slate" in hiring is long known. There is some backtracking around this now as a result of the Harvard decision. Now the company has to be much more discreet and even walk all of their content backwards, where they were telling people to force a diverse slate, and even the percentages to aim at. If you look for these old documents', you'll find them around, though the company is desperately trying to remove all traces of them. Total lawsuit fodder.
The amount of time and money the ERGs spend is insane, and you're basically untouchable if you are on an ERG and a member of that class. Even worse: noone is tracking that money or the activities globally. Every chapter and location gets its own budget to flush down the toilet as they wish. Look at LinkedIn: the trips and meetings about some made-up subject, the marketing materials and branding, the speakers we pay by virtue of the fact that they are X color or sexual identity. These ERGs have committees, sub-committees, work streams, all nature of shit that takes people out of their job for 10+ hours a week. At the highest levels (MN levels), these meetings are useless shit about feelings and ultimately a discussion on "what can we do to make sure African Americans/LGBTIQ/"diverse" people make up 30%+ of leadership. Basically, how can we get anyone except a white male into leadership roles. The advantage for MDT is PR and avoiding being canceled. It's also having a big enough group to not get (much) employee backlash when the shit goes down in whatever country and the company makes no comment. In come the ERGs to "represent the company". They're a PR insurance policy and nothing more. Joining an ERG is a ticket to an "exceed" rating in DIE, that's my pro-tip. If you're not a white male and don't mind wasting time that you are meant to actually be working, even better. For example, ADN is starting to interview people for certain higher profile roles to make sure they are joining with the right intention when joining. They know people have worked out the grift.
So believe me or don't, but DIE is absolutely a reason for white men and their families to be concerned. The worst is panels and meetings full of white women -probably married to white men- sitting there agreeing to it and even promoting it, sh*tting on their own husbands and sons.