Death at Shacknai's house....where was he??

Why does Dina want this case reopened? It doesn't change anything. Whether it was an accident or Max was killed by Rebecca, the outcome is the same. Rebecca is now dead so she can't be prosecuted anyway.

The more curious case that should be reopened is the death of Rebecca. Was it really a suicide? Or homicide? Who killed her? Dina? The brother? Jonah ordered a hit?

I'm surprised that Rebecca's family would appear on Dr. Phil with Dina, who has basically thrown Rebecca under the bus.

Why does Dina want this case reopened? It doesn't change anything. Whether it was an accident or Max was killed by Rebecca, the outcome is the same. Rebecca is now dead so she can't be prosecuted anyway.

The more curious case that should be reopened is the death of Rebecca. Was it really a suicide? Or homicide? Who killed her? Dina? The brother? Jonah ordered a hit?

I'm surprised that Rebecca's family would appear on Dr. Phil with Dina, who has basically thrown Rebecca under the bus.

They did not appear together on Dr. Phil, they were taped in seperate segments. Dina is appearing tomorrow before the Coronado City Council to demand that they get the CPD to reopen the case. She always has to win, particularly when it involves Jonah.

Why does Dina want this case reopened? It doesn't change anything. Whether it was an accident or Max was killed by Rebecca, the outcome is the same. Rebecca is now dead so she can't be prosecuted anyway.

The more curious case that should be reopened is the death of Rebecca. Was it really a suicide? Or homicide? Who killed her? Dina? The brother? Jonah ordered a hit?

I'm surprised that Rebecca's family would appear on Dr. Phil with Dina, who has basically thrown Rebecca under the bus.

Dina stated on a segment with Dr. Drew that she wants the case re-opened for Max because the 2 private investigators that she hired and who have been investigating Max's case for the last 9 months have determined that this was a homicide. Both reports from these investigators can be viewed on I must say after seeing the pictures shown in the reports of the banister that Max supposedly fell over that something definitely doesn't add up. I can understand how the Mother of this precious little boy wants answers for her son, but I also feel that in Dina's attempt to re-open this case that maybe she is trying to get some $$$ out of Jonah by getting the case re-opened so that the cause of death will be changed to 'homicide' instead of an accidental death. That's what Dina said on the Dr. Drew show, that all she wants is the cause of death changed on record. She will probably go after Jonah in a 'wrongful death' lawsuit since apparently Jonah agreed to Dina's request that Max was never to be left alone with Rebecca and obviously Jonah violated this agreement the day of the accident. I'm sure since Max, the only child that Jonah and Dina shared has passed away that the money train Dina used to ride has come to a screeching halt...unless she got some sort of ongoing alimony from their divorce settlement in addition to child support.

Dina stated on a segment with Dr. Drew that she wants the case re-opened for Max because the 2 private investigators that she hired and who have been investigating Max's case for the last 9 months have determined that this was a homicide. Both reports from these investigators can be viewed on I must say after seeing the pictures shown in the reports of the banister that Max supposedly fell over that something definitely doesn't add up. I can understand how the Mother of this precious little boy wants answers for her son, but I also feel that in Dina's attempt to re-open this case that maybe she is trying to get some $$$ out of Jonah by getting the case re-opened so that the cause of death will be changed to 'homicide' instead of an accidental death. That's what Dina said on the Dr. Drew show, that all she wants is the cause of death changed on record. She will probably go after Jonah in a 'wrongful death' lawsuit since apparently Jonah agreed to Dina's request that Max was never to be left alone with Rebecca and obviously Jonah violated this agreement the day of the accident. I'm sure since Max, the only child that Jonah and Dina shared has passed away that the money train Dina used to ride has come to a screeching halt...unless she got some sort of ongoing alimony from their divorce settlement in addition to child support.

Jonah violated the alleged agreement all the time......why is Dina making noise over this one time? Because she wants to punish Jonah for leaving her, and the only way to do that is to make him pay $$$$$$$$$.

What ever happened on the Dr. Phil show with Dina? I read the report and clearly Max didn't fall over the banister the way the keystone cops described it. However, that doesn't mean he was murdered. There was missing paint on the top of the banister and a scooter on top of him when they found him on the ground. Maybe he tried riding the scooter down the railing and the worst happened. I can see a boy his age trying that. It's tragic but foul plays seems like a stretch.
Its not like he was bound naked hanging with a rag shoved in his mouth with duck tape residue on his mouth and ankles, contusions on top of his head and sailor knots tied to the rope hanging him with a tug boat captain staying in the guest house nearby.

What ever happened on the Dr. Phil show with Dina? I read the report and clearly Max didn't fall over the banister the way the keystone cops described it. However, that doesn't mean he was murdered. There was missing paint on the top of the banister and a scooter on top of him when they found him on the ground. Maybe he tried riding the scooter down the railing and the worst happened. I can see a boy his age trying that. It's tragic but foul plays seems like a stretch.
Its not like he was bound naked hanging with a rag shoved in his mouth with duck tape residue on his mouth and ankles, contusions on top of his head and sailor knots tied to the rope hanging him with a tug boat captain staying in the guest house nearby.

Any update on this? It is amazing the Keystone Cops see RZ's death as a suicide.

As I watch all of the cotinuing drama in the courtroom of the Jodi Arias trail, I can't help but think that this "unsolved" murder has had a wet balnket thrown over it. How on earth , in the great US of A, could this one have been swept under the investigative rug? Had Arias family had JS kind of money, would it even have been an issue? Where'd all the payoff money go? WHo got stinkin rich on this one?

Not really. There's usually investigative work that puts enough pressure on someone to cause them to squeal. There's been no pressure, no nothing exerted in this case. Its like the investigators circled the joint, found no leads and moveed on to the next crime scene.Really??

Its like the investigators circled the joint, found no leads and moveed on to the next crime scene.Really??

It's actually more like the investigators circled the joint, ignored leads and moved on to the next crime scene.

What a nautical Knot...

Innocence deferring to Iniquitous intention.

Knowing not that Knot knowing (or knowing) is about to tie you into Knots.

Figure 8's swirling in your head about what has transpired,
Figure 8's swirling your wrists and ankles..

then suddenly, knowing.

Naughty, naughty!

If you want to Know, check out what you do KNOT know. Knowing is all about the Knots.