Death at Shacknai's house....where was he??

No evidence... because the evidence was removed.

Looks like whoever did it likes to remove evidence.

Where is the link in the chain to the chandelier. Oh yea, it was removed (evidence).



Cult of Rebecca like the Arias followers

No, there is plenty of evidence. Good, real, physical evidence that proves only Rebecca was responsible for her death. It's called DNA and fingerprints, and shows that only Rebecca Zahau was in that room that night.

But you are right about that chandelier - the link was removed - by Rebecca. What did she do to Max?

The Zahau's and their "followers' are just as bad as Jodi Arias' family and followers. They don't care how low they stoop to keep harassing the inocent families involved. And the innocent family in this case are the Shacknais. Even though it has been proved time and time again that they are innocent, the cult of Rebecca keeps it up. Disgusting.

May 1 is coming.

I doubt Rebecca would be smart enough to remove the link.

oh nohohoho! That would be done by a brilliant mastermind!

hmmmmmmmmm... does anyone know any brilliant masterminds connected to this course of events?

Someone who could outsmart everyone?

Mary Zahau is a money hungry liar. The Judge knows that and the case will be dismissed in Feb. or March. You really need to get over your weird obsession with Rebecca. She would not have given you a second look, you creep.

Can someone please tell Mary Zahau she is not going to be $10 Million richer?

Bah hah ha ha.

Judge is about to throw her stupid lawsuit out of court. Why? Because Rebecca Zahau committed suicide.

From the SD Union Tribune, 3/12/2016:

SD Superior Court Judge Katherine Bacal has ruled that the wrongful death lawsuit can move forward. The trial is scheduled for March 2017.

The Judge is expected to consider defense motions to dismiss the case in January.

Too bad the big guy isn't going to pay the Zahaus to go away. That means they will need some real evidence - like the kind the police have proving it was a suicide.

The Zahaus are trash. Trying to make cash from this tragedy. Good that they will have to put up - or shut up - very, very soon.

Too bad the big guy isn't going to pay the Zahaus to go away. That means they will need some real evidence - like the kind the police have proving it was a suicide.

The Zahaus are trash. Trying to make cash from this tragedy. Good that they will have to put up - or shut up - very, very soon.

it certinly is a tragedy. But zahau has not cashed in. Some people have gotten
money as a result of this events. Would you guys/gals that have please come out from
hiding your face. Raise your hand and tell us how much your check or checks were for!!!!