Dear Gattex leadership!

DZ treats his RBD’s like puppets. They can’t think for themselves. His leadership and thinking isn’t out of the box, it’s vintage 1990’s. Add in the awful straightoutta Chicago accent and it’s going to be a L O N G week.

CW is smart and I like her. I think she is doing the best she can in a warped reality world. What flexibility do you think Shire gives her? Think you could do better going up against HQ? Name someone else you’d rather have on stage.

She is spineless with poor leadership qualities. Handed that position without earning a thing. The people who should be on that stage left the company for better things long ago.

Dear Takeda Leadership. Please ax DZ and CW ASAP please! Horrible leaders! They are not motivating individuals and they missed on our bonus plan for 2017 and it’s looking as a bust again for 2018. Most of the reps in nation are not making any money in bonus once again. Takeda leaders, cut the fat on top and give us a better plan and direction. Please!!

You have to cast a wide net and dig really deep to be successful, trauma surgeons, weight loss surgeons, colo-rectal surgeons. Go to the people who are creating the problem and let them know there is an answer to the problem.

If that doesn't work, just tell them that getting a liter of fluid IV every 6 months is PN-dependent and Gatex is needed.

You have to cast a wide net and dig really deep to be successful, trauma surgeons, weight loss surgeons, colo-rectal surgeons. Go to the people who are creating the problem and let them know there is an answer to the problem.

If that doesn't work, just tell them that getting a liter of fluid IV every 6 months is PN-dependent and Gatex is needed.

Creating the problem? With the exception of elective weight loss surgery, you do realize the surgery you speak of “is the solution” for these patients. The loss of sections of the bowel is called collateral damage. Without the surgery these patients would have died.

Trauma, bariatric and colo-rectal surgeons DO NOT provide long term care for these patients. Once the surgery is complete and the patient is released from their care at their post-op follow up appointment it’s anyones guess where these patient go for care. News flash! Surgeons aren’t your call point.

Amazing that DZ and CW are so incompetent that their sales force doesn’t understand the basics of their disease space, the market, the providers and where to find business. It’s the blind leading the blind. They deserve the axe including the clueless original poster.

— Takeda Management
Yes. We are watching very closely.

Creating the problem? With the exception of elective weight loss surgery, you do realize the surgery you speak of “is the solution” for these patients. The loss of sections of the bowel is called collateral damage. Without the surgery these patients would have died.

Trauma, bariatric and colo-rectal surgeons DO NOT provide long term care for these patients. Once the surgery is complete and the patient is released from their care at their post-op follow up appointment it’s anyones guess where these patient go for care. News flash! Surgeons aren’t your call point.

Amazing that DZ and CW are so incompetent that their sales force doesn’t understand the basics of their disease space, the market, the providers and where to find business. It’s the blind leading the blind. They deserve the axe including the clueless original poster.

— Takeda Management
Yes. We are watching very closely.

Clearly not written by someone who truly understands these patients and how they are cared for.

Just heard the West the Colorado rep is leaving in the West. So glad we have Nathan. Thank you NF for letting us do what we have to and not looking over our backs. Unlike Doug and his RBDs who seem to be suffocated the reps with their management style and micromanagement

Nobody in Shire GI rare disease will have a job once Takeda completes their “rehire interviews” that news will be shared once the takeover is announced. Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets!! LOL

Nobody in Shire GI rare disease will have a job once Takeda completes their “rehire interviews” that news will be shared once the takeover is announced. Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets!! LOL

Got news for you.....shire GI is not rare disease sales. Se how many people actually get a job selling an orphan drug once you’re laid off.

Why does everyone keep saying that? Shire GI is rare disease. It’s the same drug NPS was promoting and they were rare disease reps.

Correct, but what we are doing here is far from what the NPS team was doing. Shire doesn’t permit us to work the same way they did.
And further, what NPS did was significantly more than just promoting a drug. They were developing a disease state and creating a market.
All we are doing here now is regurgitating a message.

Correct, but what we are doing here is far from what the NPS team was doing. Shire doesn’t permit us to work the same way they did.
And further, what NPS did was significantly more than just promoting a drug. They were developing a disease state and creating a market.
All we are doing here now is regurgitating a message.

I will bet the person who wrote this is a pathetic loser in many areas of life.
Please speak for your own behavior. I do things a bit different from losers like you.

Not perfect here but I make stuff happen.

I will bet the person who wrote this is a pathetic loser in many areas of life.
Please speak for your own behavior. I do things a bit different from losers like you.

Not perfect here but I make stuff happen.

You can think you "make stuff happen" all you want, but you still aren't much of a rare disease rep. Just ask yourself, how many rare disease start ups are knocking down your door to get to you? I know the answer for this entire sales force. The real rare disease folks are long gone.

I will bet the person who wrote this is a pathetic loser in many areas of life.
Please speak for your own behavior. I do things a bit different from losers like you.

Not perfect here but I make stuff happen.

Sounds like an RBD reply. Keep drinking the rare disease Kool-Aid they are serving you all the way to the unemployment line! Once Flemming seals the deal who’s the pathetic loser... Y-O-U