Dallas oncology meeting

And did you like how they just threw in, oh by the way Port A will not make 100% incentives on Sylatron if the nation doesn't meet the goal?!! So, if the country is at 80%, and you are in the 100% payout, sorry you only get 80%. But Merck doesn't like changing SIP in the middle of the year, right.

Of course. No good will or honesty here! And let's face it Sylatron will never make plan. It's a dog. We know it's a dog. The customers know its a dog.

And did you like how they just threw in, oh by the way Port A will not make 100% incentives on Sylatron if the nation doesn't meet the goal?!! So, if the country is at 80%, and you are in the 100% payout, sorry you only get 80%. But Merck doesn't like changing SIP in the middle of the year, right.

It was not thrown in its been in the plan and published for months. You just dont know the plan and or are to lazy to go read it. Also maybe your CTL was afraid to tell you it was there. We had a call when it happened about it. I had forgotten put it the hell out of my mine but remembered it was discussed.

And there is a reason for that. Education, experience, and tenure. Oncology is a very elite part of Pharma sales ( for good reason). I was a rep in grad school and am now an oncologist. I can only speak for myself but as a former detail man oncology is the cats meow, usually real experience-'ie nurses, pharm etc.

This is a very complex business. I love my reps- the ones that have been around a long time. The cookie girls, etc. I have no time for. Ma is a tough place, we don't have time for reps that care more about their tanning bed and cookies than the business.

I really liked my Merck reps back when you guys first set sail. Sorry but now I just don't have time for the cookies and bs.

Everyone has his/her talent to make a living and serve mankind. A physician with a particular skill does not make him/her a superior human being. That's his niche. I extend the same respect to my plumber as to my family physician.

Specialty reps at one time were coveted. More money and more travel though. Dealing with specialists is always nice. They are less restricted by the insurance companies. They use whatever the best for their patients.

So a shitshow is becoming primary care? What do you think your job is that special? Bunch of cry babies.

How nice, one of the DCOs I presume. This attitude is why no one wants to be here, and why the division is doing so poorly, and people are mentally checked out. And actually yes the job is pretty special, it is yours that is not.

At most companies Oncology reps are revered, get special perks, luxury cars and the like. The reason why? Because real oncology reps (a few are left here despite your best efforts) have years of experience, have a deep understanding for this business and often have directly cared for one patients themselves as RNs or otherwise.

Just like you completely disregard the patient and customers needs so do you do for your employees. Thats obvious.

And to those of us who are actually real onc reps (not the primary care ra-ra cheerleaders you have added) it is very obvious what is going on here.

And how disgusting that your gang has the nerve to get on stage or tell stories over drinks how touched you are by personal experience by cancer. Classless and juvenile.

How nice, one of the DCOs I presume. This attitude is why no one wants to be here, and why the division is doing so poorly, and people are mentally checked out. And actually yes the job is pretty special, it is yours that is not.

At most companies Oncology reps are revered, get special perks, luxury cars and the like. The reason why? Because real oncology reps (a few are left here despite your best efforts) have years of experience, have a deep understanding for this business and often have directly cared for one patients themselves as RNs or otherwise.

Just like you completely disregard the patient and customers needs so do you do for your employees. Thats obvious.

And to those of us who are actually real onc reps (not the primary care ra-ra cheerleaders you have added) it is very obvious what is going on here.

And how disgusting that your gang has the nerve to get on stage or tell stories over drinks how touched you are by personal experience by cancer. Classless and juvenile.

Very well put. Agree with it all!

How nice, one of the DCOs I presume. This attitude is why no one wants to be here, and why the division is doing so poorly, and people are mentally checked out. And actually yes the job is pretty special, it is yours that is not.

At most companies Oncology reps are revered, get special perks, luxury cars and the like. The reason why? Because real oncology reps (a few are left here despite your best efforts) have years of experience, have a deep understanding for this business and often have directly cared for one patients themselves as RNs or otherwise.

Just like you completely disregard the patient and customers needs so do you do for your employees. Thats obvious.

And to those of us who are actually real onc reps (not the primary care ra-ra cheerleaders you have added) it is very obvious what is going on here.

And how disgusting that your gang has the nerve to get on stage or tell stories over drinks how touched you are by personal experience by cancer. Classless and juvenile.

Great post

How nice, one of the DCOs I presume. This attitude is why no one wants to be here, and why the division is doing so poorly, and people are mentally checked out. And actually yes the job is pretty special, it is yours that is not.

At most companies Oncology reps are revered, get special perks, luxury cars and the like. The reason why? Because real oncology reps (a few are left here despite your best efforts) have years of experience, have a deep understanding for this business and often have directly cared for one patients themselves as RNs or otherwise.

Just like you completely disregard the patient and customers needs so do you do for your employees. Thats obvious.

And to those of us who are actually real onc reps (not the primary care ra-ra cheerleaders you have added) it is very obvious what is going on here.

And how disgusting that your gang has the nerve to get on stage or tell stories over drinks how touched you are by personal experience by cancer. Classless and juvenile.

My thoughts exactly.

Don't ever think you are that special. You put your pants on the same way as we do, right?

We are all sales reps. However, you are entitled to your self deluded fantasy that you are an elite, special, hand selected group.

Don't ever think you are that special. You put your pants on the same way as we do, right?

We are all sales reps. However, you are entitled to your self deluded fantasy that you are an elite, special, hand selected group.

Perhaps you should see how oncology reps are treated at other companies- we once were treated differently here- even told to distance ourselves from the lower tired reps.

We are not all sales reps. Oncology is totally different. With the exception of the bozos come lately look at the resumes and experience in this group. A little different than primary care to say the least.

Perhaps you should see how oncology reps are treated at other companies- we once were treated differently here- even told to distance ourselves from the lower tired reps.

We are not all sales reps. Oncology is totally different. With the exception of the bozos come lately look at the resumes and experience in this group. A little different than primary care to say the least.

Primary care reps would like to get into specialty sales. But people sometimes make decision not to pursue that option due to family situation or other reasons. It does not automatically mean a person remains in primary care is a dumb ass. Pharma companies like to divide and conquer. Each group walks away totally convinced they are the only brainy ones that bring in 99.9% of the revenues while the others are r***** and do nothing.

In the end, an oncology rep is as important as a vaccine rep as a primary care rep as my dear plumber as my gardener.

this is unbelievable! You have no idea in the US how the rest of the world have to function. I would dearly love samples! we have nothing to access the oncologists with - other than the ridiculous clinical papers which they do not want and are not worth the paper they are written on. We are not allowed samples, we are not allowed to give away pens, pads, doughnuts or deli trays. We have to see ten customers a day (two consultant oncologists at least face to face) but at least, until now, we don't have to have signatures. It is only a matter of time before they demand that aswell. We have a national health service that demands cost constriction at all times and we only have the anti-puker to sell. I spend all my time stalking customers in corridors, leaping on them, making sure i mention the product, the dose and the indication and then filling in spreadsheets. What a waste of time.

Have to chime in. Oncology is highly technical and much advanced from the entry level jobs, primary care etc. Management wants you to think we are all interchangeable because they have flooded us with doofus primary care CTLs and DCOs (thats been a proven failure).

Don't believe the BS about the s bands being paid the same- maybe for the scheming people. Many of the experienced Onc reps here are at the top end and north of 125k. How ya doing in primary care lunch tray land- doubtful your salary matches up.

The meeting was sad. What a happy, talented place this used to be. And how quickly it has turned into smile as we mistreat you or else! While I never worked in primary care - and if this is what primary care is glad I didn't! I came right here from my nursing job. So I guess I agree with the posts here, although not sure if primary care is this bad. I think the problem here is a lot of CTLs and a certain dco that don't know what they are doing and like to bully people.

The meeting was sad. What a happy, talented place this used to be. And how quickly it has turned into smile as we mistreat you or else! While I never worked in primary care - and if this is what primary care is glad I didn't! I came right here from my nursing job. So I guess I agree with the posts here, although not sure if primary care is this bad. I think the problem here is a lot of CTLs and a certain dco that don't know what they are doing and like to bully people.

why is it always bad CTLs that make things around here bad. I mean can there be some DMs that dont care or not great but also some reps that work half days, stay home on fridays, cant read a report and complain about everything that make things tough and make the division seem like a bunch of babies. Always everyone but reps that are the cause. There is shit everywhere and good everywhere in every job in america.

why is it always bad CTLs that make things around here bad. I mean can there be some DMs that dont care or not great but also some reps that work half days, stay home on fridays, cant read a report and complain about everything that make things tough and make the division seem like a bunch of babies. Always everyone but reps that are the cause. There is shit everywhere and good everywhere in every job in america.

Some reps stay home on Fridays and only work half days? NOOOO are you serious?

Unless of course you have one of the incompetent CTLs that schedule conference calls on Friday afternoons at 4pm. Just to make sure you are working.

And they wonder why people are unhappy.

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