Dallas oncology meeting

Let's not say EVERYONE on stage is a complete fool. The brit knows what he's doing.

My 12-yr old can open a crowd better than little miss minivan.

Note to our current leaders: everyone's lives have been affected by cancer. Using your stories about family members as the reason why you're in oncology is a classless move & comes off cheap!

That is allowed and actually recommended in the playbook Rep

Yeah right. My manager warned us in advance to smile at everyone and not to say anything that could be seen as negative even to not ask questions. Said its not safe. Thats all the advice I need!

Act like a good little merckie robot or the directors little SS agents will get you! What a disgusting "work"environment.

Yeah right. My manager warned us in advance to smile at everyone and not to say anything that could be seen as negative even to not ask questions. Said its not safe. Thats all the advice I need!

I call BS on this post. Every CTL is evaluated on fostering courage and candor so get a life you legacy SP rep

Trust me your ctl would like to have an environment where it is safe to speak. But did you ever think about how dangerous it might be for them to speak up. That is where the problem lies.

We should all be grateful for the time and resources our company invested in Dallas to give us the new tools and information to do our jobs better.

If we use it to deliver the right message the right number of times to the right people, we will all be more successful.

We should be looking forward to going out and using these tools to drive the business in our products to acheive results. It certainly will help us meet our numbers.

We should all be grateful for the time and resources our company invested in Dallas to give us the new tools and information to do our jobs better.

If we use it to deliver the right message the right number of times to the right people, we will all be more successful.

We should be looking forward to going out and using these tools to drive the business in our products to acheive results. It certainly will help us meet our numbers.

Please let us know what drugs you are on!

And there is a reason for that. Education, experience, and tenure. Oncology is a very elite part of Pharma sales ( for good reason). I was a rep in grad school and am now an oncologist. I can only speak for myself but as a former detail man oncology is the cats meow, usually real experience-'ie nurses, pharm etc.

This is a very complex business. I love my reps- the ones that have been around a long time. The cookie girls, etc. I have no time for. Ma is a tough place, we don't have time for reps that care more about their tanning bed and cookies than the business.

I really liked my Merck reps back when you guys first set sail. Sorry but now I just don't have time for the cookies and bs.

And did you like how they just threw in, oh by the way Port A will not make 100% incentives on Sylatron if the nation doesn't meet the goal?!! So, if the country is at 80%, and you are in the 100% payout, sorry you only get 80%. But Merck doesn't like changing SIP in the middle of the year, right.

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