Dallas Hospital Manager resigns today?


MC leaving Merck after 20+ yrs? How could this be? When a confirmed Cool-aid drinker and L Monk confidant hangs it up could it be a sign of a upcoming Merck apocalypse? Maybe the fog lifted and she saw VoldeMONK for what she truly is.
After two horrendous employee surveys and MC leaving, maybe VoldeMONK is weakened. Strike while you can! Destroy the remaining horcruxes...ST and BJ! LOL


Who is MC ? Was he/she a tenured true hospital manager ? or a primary care trnsplant ?....You can post the name without fear...

and yes...similar to the take over of the vaccine division by incompetent primary care morons...the hospital division has been invaded. There is not much left of this once proud, distinguised, autonomous( read that as having cajones) crack set of troops.

Gone with the wind....

These hospital managers are so stressed out. Can you imagine working for her? The hospital division is in bad shape. Believe me it is a nightmare!

We hear that she (L Monk) scored the lowest in the surveys of all the hospital regions. Have heard she's a nightmare to work under...directs by keeping the managers and reps afraid of her. So sad...

Trust and value; candid and courageous - a pink slip waiting to happen. She has her people do the dirty work - ST and BJ. She is trying to bring her own scores up. There is less than a handful of people who enjoy working for LM - and we all know who SHE is!!! Do we need another hospital manager or do we need a manager so that LM can keep her position? Why do managers only need 8 or 9 reps to manage? Why don't they have 15-18 reps so that they are not in the field all the time????? We can read the competencies; we don't need the managers to read them for us. MC got off the ship before it sank!!!

Trust and value; candid and courageous - a pink slip waiting to happen. She has her people do the dirty work - ST and BJ. She is trying to bring her own scores up. There is less than a handful of people who enjoy working for LM - and we all know who SHE is!!! Do we need another hospital manager or do we need a manager so that LM can keep her position? Why do managers only need 8 or 9 reps to manage? Why don't they have 15-18 reps so that they are not in the field all the time????? We can read the competencies; we don't need the managers to read them for us. MC got off the ship before it sank!!!

You're right, for her it's all about her scores and how she looks to her superiors..but soulless, heartless people like her will never change. She's a perfect example of the Peter Principle in that every employee tends to rise to his/her level of incompetence", meaning that employees tend to be promoted until they reach a position at which they cannot work competently. That's L Monk...

She's a perfect example of the Peter Principle in that every employee tends to rise to his/her level of incompetence", meaning that employees tend to be promoted until they reach a position at which they cannot work competently.

Marsha Curtwright. And yes she was a true blue Merck Legacy hospital manager and has been one for quite a while...

Never cared for her, so good riddance. A total Merck robot....sound the horn when backing up or else! Even though the company is on the downslide, it is better without her. Marsha, good luck finding a job where your useless bullshit will be tolerated.
Now if the company would just grow some balls and fire the useless Dallas hospital manager who came over from SP.

Never cared for her, so good riddance. A total Merck robot....sound the horn when backing up or else! Even though the company is on the downslide, it is better without her. Marsha, good luck finding a job where your useless bullshit will be tolerated.
Now if the company would just grow some balls and fire the useless Dallas hospital manager who came over from SP.

That SP Dallas manager will never get fired unless LM does. She's a Monk mini-me.... Am sure she'd clean her toilets and wash her car if Lisa M asked her too...Of course she'd probably have to fight Stewart T for that job...

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