D and I call today

I'm like many GNE employees.... I stop by here about 2x a year when things are changing or getting hot. This is my first ever post, after over 15 years with DNA and 23 total years in the biopharm industry. I'm not here to get all smacky and snarky. I want to be serious. Tonight was indoctrination to Critical Race Theory, based on lies, ignorance, division, and hatred. This same curriculum is being added to our high schools and elementary schools.... the skin color of people is what defines them. Embarrassing, hurtful, and extremely divisive. It's also a violation of the Civil Rights Act, even the Constitution. Perhaps after this one-hour seminar, it is time to assemble legal help.

This presentation was infuriating. As a proud white Christian male and veteran, who has never treated anyone with disrespect, I have never felt more unwelcome in an organization. I used to absolutely love this company.... it has done so much for me and my family. In fact, we WERE A GREAT GNE family! Now think back to Art back in charge.... could he even fathom what was presented to us tonight? I'm assuming it's SF values, and surely this crap plays well out there in their social circles, but it does nothing but infuriate good, hard-working, non-judgmental employees.... OF ALL COLORS AND RACES.

I've worked hard to get here. Volunteered for the Army to serve alongside my black and asian and hispanic brothers to preserve our amazing freedom. We are friends for life. We didn't care what color someone's skin was. We had better things to worry about...working, and trusting, each other to accomplish missions as a team.

I've never owned a slave , my family tree has never owned a slave, or could even imagine the christian horror of doing so. I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY. I am your friend. I fully understand the horror of slavery hundreds of years ago, and take pride that we fixed this gross wrong to make all Americans equal, which we all are in the eyes of God.

All this talk of unity is starting to sound more like submission.... you are with us, or you are a racist white supremacist. A full one hour of white guilt with Quita giggling along. I cannot honestly believe our GNE has turned into this. It was divisive, offensive, and filled with nothing but hate. Man, our once best-in-class culture, the envy of an entire industry, is being destroyed. I hate to name names, but I kinda feel like putting this on Quita, who is probably a great person who I would really enjoy talking to. But she's outta control, and you have to wonder how much influence she is having on Alexander. Does he really feel this way, or is he a yes-man to Quita? I respectfully believe Quita is the real problem, and that Alexander is just playing along to be "accepted" in the SF World. Just a thought.

I love you all, my coworkers and former DNA employees, and I only judge people on one thing, as I teach my kids - Are they a good person or a bad person"? We don't care what someone looks like.

This ideology is destined to destroy one of the greatest organizations ever created. A place where everyone used to be welcome. Alexander and Quita are destroying that, all by themselves.

I hope my first ever post was ok, and I hope I don't canned bc of it, but it felt good to get this out. This amazing company is apparently committed to dividing us in 2.

Love my DNAers, and hope you and your fams (whatever your skin color is) are healthy and safe. God Bless!

I'm like many GNE employees.... I stop by here about 2x a year when things are changing or getting hot. This is my first ever post, after over 15 years with DNA and 23 total years in the biopharm industry. I'm not here to get all smacky and snarky. I want to be serious. Tonight was indoctrination to Critical Race Theory, based on lies, ignorance, division, and hatred. This same curriculum is being added to our high schools and elementary schools.... the skin color of people is what defines them. Embarrassing, hurtful, and extremely divisive. It's also a violation of the Civil Rights Act, even the Constitution. Perhaps after this one-hour seminar, it is time to assemble legal help.

This presentation was infuriating. As a proud white Christian male and veteran, who has never treated anyone with disrespect, I have never felt more unwelcome in an organization. I used to absolutely love this company.... it has done so much for me and my family. In fact, we WERE A GREAT GNE family! Now think back to Art back in charge.... could he even fathom what was presented to us tonight? I'm assuming it's SF values, and surely this crap plays well out there in their social circles, but it does nothing but infuriate good, hard-working, non-judgmental employees.... OF ALL COLORS AND RACES.

I've worked hard to get here. Volunteered for the Army to serve alongside my black and asian and hispanic brothers to preserve our amazing freedom. We are friends for life. We didn't care what color someone's skin was. We had better things to worry about...working, and trusting, each other to accomplish missions as a team.

I've never owned a slave , my family tree has never owned a slave, or could even imagine the christian horror of doing so. I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY. I am your friend. I fully understand the horror of slavery hundreds of years ago, and take pride that we fixed this gross wrong to make all Americans equal, which we all are in the eyes of God.

All this talk of unity is starting to sound more like submission.... you are with us, or you are a racist white supremacist. A full one hour of white guilt with Quita giggling along. I cannot honestly believe our GNE has turned into this. It was divisive, offensive, and filled with nothing but hate. Man, our once best-in-class culture, the envy of an entire industry, is being destroyed. I hate to name names, but I kinda feel like putting this on Quita, who is probably a great person who I would really enjoy talking to. But she's outta control, and you have to wonder how much influence she is having on Alexander. Does he really feel this way, or is he a yes-man to Quita? I respectfully believe Quita is the real problem, and that Alexander is just playing along to be "accepted" in the SF World. Just a thought.

I love you all, my coworkers and former DNA employees, and I only judge people on one thing, as I teach my kids - Are they a good person or a bad person"? We don't care what someone looks like.

This ideology is destined to destroy one of the greatest organizations ever created. A place where everyone used to be welcome. Alexander and Quita are destroying that, all by themselves.

I hope my first ever post was ok, and I hope I don't canned bc of it, but it felt good to get this out. This amazing company is apparently committed to dividing us in 2.

Love my DNAers, and hope you and your fams (whatever your skin color is) are healthy and safe. God Bless!

You may not be a racist but are you Anti Racist? And please, Skin Color has always defined people since the founding of America. Only a White Male could say it hasn’t. How privileged of you. Quit the BS about we are “family.” Your stab me in the back the 1st second you get simply because of the fact “race” discussion pisses you off for some reason. I wonder why. And I guarantee you those “Black” brothers you served with warned their kids about people like you and had the “talk” to Verify before you Trust those people. History tells us to do so. How cute that you don’t see color. Stop that BS lie to your kids. Everyone sees color. Now how you treat someone because of it is a different color. You may not have owned slaves but you’ve benefitted from it. How many jobs have POC been passed over for and the Below Average/Average White Male decided to give it to another subpar White Male? Be Anti Racist. Not enough to be A White Moderate. Pick a side.

The whiteous indignation is palpable. “I never owned slaves?” Read a book, moron. I used to think you racists were intellectually dishonest. Silly me. You are just dumb. You can be from a family that did not own slaves and benefit from the GI Bill while black families who serve do not, turn a blind eye toward redlining which prevented minorities from building generational wealth, lose your mind because a black guy had the nerve to kneel during the anthem (but remain eerily quiet when black people are murdered by cops or Mexican kids are stripped from their parents arms). You can be outraged by looting without really caring about the REASON people looted. How can you be immune to what happens to your neighbor, both in life or death situations, and in the workplace here at Roche TODAy(not 400 years ago) and call yourself a Christian? What have you done to right the wrongs of the past AND present? Have you ever even asked a moderate person or color or two about their experiences? This is the only time 20 plus years you had a strong enough emotional response to post? You are not a good person. YOU are the problem.

This is getting crazy. I want the best for everyone and stand by all and hate ANY racist rant. Can we hold another forum at Genentech? Cities have been burned, looted with endless riots for years. Where has this outrage been? People watch other people doing things with no recourse and this is the result. I would like Candice Owens to share her thoughts to Genentech. She is a minority as well. I can't find any leadership at Genentech and I feel I have to work in a forced culture box which truly saddens me.

This is getting crazy. I want the best for everyone and stand by all and hate ANY racist rant. Can we hold another forum at Genentech? Cities have been burned, looted with endless riots for years. Where has this outrage been? People watch other people doing things with no recourse and this is the result. I would like Candice Owens to share her thoughts to Genentech. She is a minority as well. I can't find any leadership at Genentech and I feel I have to work in a forced culture box which truly saddens me.

Candace Owens, Thomas Sewell, Diamond and Silk etc get paid great money to tell White Men what they want to hear. I’ll be damned if I ever have to do that to make a living.

Candace Owens, Thomas Sewell, Diamond and Silk etc get paid great money to tell White Men what they want to hear. I’ll be damned if I ever have to do that to make a living.
Candace Owens, Thomas Sewell or Diamond and Silk would have been much better choices. What was this talk even about. He clearly had no idea about anything to do with disparities of care, he spewed hate for 60minutes. At least the above mentioned could have held a thought provoking conversation about the topic without spewing hate and making the culture of Gene horrible. Oh but they don't really agree with your politics so they will never be invited. That's what this is really about, right!

I'm like many GNE employees.... I stop by here about 2x a year when things are changing or getting hot. This is my first ever post, after over 15 years with DNA and 23 total years in the biopharm industry. I'm not here to get all smacky and snarky. I want to be serious. Tonight was indoctrination to Critical Race Theory, based on lies, ignorance, division, and hatred. This same curriculum is being added to our high schools and elementary schools.... the skin color of people is what defines them. Embarrassing, hurtful, and extremely divisive. It's also a violation of the Civil Rights Act, even the Constitution. Perhaps after this one-hour seminar, it is time to assemble legal help.

This presentation was infuriating. As a proud white Christian male and veteran, who has never treated anyone with disrespect, I have never felt more unwelcome in an organization. I used to absolutely love this company.... it has done so much for me and my family. In fact, we WERE A GREAT GNE family! Now think back to Art back in charge.... could he even fathom what was presented to us tonight? I'm assuming it's SF values, and surely this crap plays well out there in their social circles, but it does nothing but infuriate good, hard-working, non-judgmental employees.... OF ALL COLORS AND RACES.

I've worked hard to get here. Volunteered for the Army to serve alongside my black and asian and hispanic brothers to preserve our amazing freedom. We are friends for life. We didn't care what color someone's skin was. We had better things to worry about...working, and trusting, each other to accomplish missions as a team.

I've never owned a slave , my family tree has never owned a slave, or could even imagine the christian horror of doing so. I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY. I am your friend. I fully understand the horror of slavery hundreds of years ago, and take pride that we fixed this gross wrong to make all Americans equal, which we all are in the eyes of God.

All this talk of unity is starting to sound more like submission.... you are with us, or you are a racist white supremacist. A full one hour of white guilt with Quita giggling along. I cannot honestly believe our GNE has turned into this. It was divisive, offensive, and filled with nothing but hate. Man, our once best-in-class culture, the envy of an entire industry, is being destroyed. I hate to name names, but I kinda feel like putting this on Quita, who is probably a great person who I would really enjoy talking to. But she's outta control, and you have to wonder how much influence she is having on Alexander. Does he really feel this way, or is he a yes-man to Quita? I respectfully believe Quita is the real problem, and that Alexander is just playing along to be "accepted" in the SF World. Just a thought.

I love you all, my coworkers and former DNA employees, and I only judge people on one thing, as I teach my kids - Are they a good person or a bad person"? We don't care what someone looks like.

This ideology is destined to destroy one of the greatest organizations ever created. A place where everyone used to be welcome. Alexander and Quita are destroying that, all by themselves.

I hope my first ever post was ok, and I hope I don't canned bc of it, but it felt good to get this out. This amazing company is apparently committed to dividing us in 2.

Love my DNAers, and hope you and your fams (whatever your skin color is) are healthy and safe. God Bless!

The speaker today was speaking to white supremacy and those who perpetuate it. If you are a white person who doesn’t perpetuate it, then he wasn’t speaking about you and you don’t need to be offended. Not everything is about you. Or in this case, it is, and you have done your best to out yourself. Alternatively, you are offended because he called out those who refuse to accept the 2020 election. If you don’t think that, he wasn’t speaking about you. If that offended you, you once again outed yourself. I am shocked by the level of outrage.

I thought this company sells life saving drugs. Now it is getting into politics and social debates. We need to stick to what we know and go back to the lab. Chances are, we have the wrong people running the wrong business in this company. Once we let the social mafia take hold of the narrative, no one will ever have the guts to disagree with them as none of us wants to be labeled. Now we are boxed in by people like Q. We will continue this downward spiral. This company is done.

You snowflakes need to simmer down. If what he said didn’t apply to you, move on. If it did, take a good long look at yourself.

From most of your comments here I’m assuming it’s the latter. You wouldn’t be triggered if there was no (maybe 5%, maybe 50%, maybe75%) truth to what he said with his broad whitewashing brush.

Candace Owens, Thomas Sewell or Diamond and Silk would have been much better choices. What was this talk even about. He clearly had no idea about anything to do with disparities of care, he spewed hate for 60minutes. At least the above mentioned could have held a thought provoking conversation about the topic without spewing hate and making the culture of Gene horrible. Oh but they don't really agree with your politics so they will never be invited. That's what this is really about, right!

Everytime a Black Man says something the White Man doesn’t like, the 1st thing the White Man does is find a Black Man to counteract what’s been said.

Malcolm X

You may not be a racist but are you Anti Racist? And please, Skin Color has always defined people since the founding of America. Only a White Male could say it hasn’t. How privileged of you. Quit the BS about we are “family.” Your stab me in the back the 1st second you get simply because of the fact “race” discussion pisses you off for some reason. I wonder why. And I guarantee you those “Black” brothers you served with warned their kids about people like you and had the “talk” to Verify before you Trust those people. History tells us to do so. How cute that you don’t see color. Stop that BS lie to your kids. Everyone sees color. Now how you treat someone because of it is a different color. You may not have owned slaves but you’ve benefitted from it. How many jobs have POC been passed over for and the Below Average/Average White Male decided to give it to another subpar White Male? Be Anti Racist. Not enough to be A White Moderate. Pick a side.
A black racist, who are all over - but that’s ok, look the other way. Victims will always be victims.

I thought this company sells life saving drugs. Now it is getting into politics and social debates. We need to stick to what we know and go back to the lab. Chances are, we have the wrong people running the wrong business in this company. Once we let the social mafia take hold of the narrative, no one will ever have the guts to disagree with them as none of us wants to be labeled. Now we are boxed in by people like Q. We will continue this downward spiral. This company is done.

I'm not going to be anonymous when I say this, because I am aware of my privilege in being as bold as I can as a cis, white male and I want to be on the record as saying that I am deeply ashamed of some of the comments made on here.

It's 2021 in America and we still have people who like to hide behind Christianity and "loving thy neighbor" without ever actually being held accountable to that ideal. Once a neighbor becomes hard to understand or "other", you're done trying to empathize when empathy is needed the most.

There are conversations that are open to having two sides to it without having to question if one side is amoral in its debate. This is not one of them. For those of you who wish to entertain a false narrative about the election being rigged or that police response to Black Lives Matter and the terrorists who stormed the Capitol was equal, you are amoral. You are wrong. This is not Liberal and Conservative, Blue and Red. This is Right and Wrong, Love and Hate.

Ta-Nehisi Coates opened a door for a real conversation on Diversity. Whether you choose to walk through it or not is up to you all. If you don't want to hear his plea for real action over the sounds of you patting yourselves on the back for not having slave owners in your family tree, or that Genentech is being more mindful of recruitment in their clinical trials (which is simultaneously the right thing to do and a glaring admission by the industry at large that this should have been done long ago), or that you don't see color, then you're complicit in making Diversity just another corporate cliche.

Now, I'm not a perfect advocate and I'm learning. I used to sympathize with the idea that I was born after slavery in America. I'm the son of Jewish and Italian heritage and I would think, "Don't include me in this conversation because I'm not part of the problem." But the flaw in that line of thought is that I was born into a system that has deep, deep roots in systemic racism. Me not recognizing that is me not looking to listen, learn, and ultimately take whatever steps I can to fix the problem. This is me not "loving thy neighbor."

This is a call to action to the maybe one person who might walk away from this nightmare of a thread willing to do the work to educate and be part of the solution. To be part of a country that recognizes its full history and repairs its festering wound. An educator who encouraged me to start learning more after admitting my feelings of detachment from this problem turned me on to Tim Wise who tells a story of no one cleaning up gumbo in a house of five despite everyone eating from it:

And it was at that point that I said to myself, “I might not have made this mess, this may not be my fault, but I’m going to clean it up, simply because I’m tired of living in the funk.” And you see, it is the same with human societies. When we finally become tired of living in the funk, in the residue of injustice passed down to us from previous generations, we will seek to clean it up, issues of blame and guilt aside.

You may not be a racist but are you Anti Racist? And please, Skin Color has always defined people since the founding of America. Only a White Male could say it hasn’t. How privileged of you. Quit the BS about we are “family.” Your stab me in the back the 1st second you get simply because of the fact “race” discussion pisses you off for some reason. I wonder why. And I guarantee you those “Black” brothers you served with warned their kids about people like you and had the “talk” to Verify before you Trust those people. History tells us to do so. How cute that you don’t see color. Stop that BS lie to your kids. Everyone sees color. Now how you treat someone because of it is a different color. You may not have owned slaves but you’ve benefitted from it. How many jobs have POC been passed over for and the Below Average/Average White Male decided to give it to another subpar White Male? Be Anti Racist. Not enough to be A White Moderate. Pick a side.

The whiteous indignation is palpable. “I never owned slaves?” Read a book, moron. I used to think you racists were intellectually dishonest. Silly me. You are just dumb. You can be from a family that did not own slaves and benefit from the GI Bill while black families who serve do not, turn a blind eye toward redlining which prevented minorities from building generational wealth, lose your mind because a black guy had the nerve to kneel during the anthem (but remain eerily quiet when black people are murdered by cops or Mexican kids are stripped from their parents arms). You can be outraged by looting without really caring about the REASON people looted. How can you be immune to what happens to your neighbor, both in life or death situations, and in the workplace here at Roche TODAy(not 400 years ago) and call yourself a Christian? What have you done to right the wrongs of the past AND present? Have you ever even asked a moderate person or color or two about their experiences? This is the only time 20 plus years you had a strong enough emotional response to post? You are not a good person. YOU are the problem.

Every race, religion and creed has had "wrong" done to them in the past. That is not unique to the black community. In fact, there is still slavery today, there are still people being oppressed today, but no one seems to care about that. The history of this country is not perfect, nor is any, but there is a reason that people of ALL RACES AND RELIGIONS want to come to America. It is not because there is systemic racism. It is because they know what real racism and oppression is. They know there are always going to be ignorant people but that America has been the beacon of hope for so many.