Cuts are coming

Are you HR??? Legal??? or MH himself??? Sorry but he is an executive for a public organization is our business! If I did not work for MNK it would apply but I do and again he is an public figure for a public organization. MNK is terrible with communicating such news so it comes to no surprise that I hear this news from those outside MY COMPANY when it is the responsibility of the organization to communicate our "leader" leaving us. How about you work on fixing internal issues we are dealing with than coming on here posting. No wonder we are going down the drain because you are focusing on the wrong thing. Rather spin or protect public image is not a best way to spend your time.

Now answer this, are there more cuts coming? Hopefully not before the holidays.

This is just one phase of cuts. Next up will be the former HQ in Hazelwood, MO. They will cut people in MO and NJ who were hired for the creation of Sonorant, but since they want to move out of the former HQ, I know where more of those cuts will go. Expect the Hazelwood building to be sold soon, possibly as part of a Chapter 11 restructure.

This is just one phase of cuts. Next up will be the former HQ in Hazelwood, MO. They will cut people in MO and NJ who were hired for the creation of Sonorant, but since they want to move out of the former HQ, I know where more of those cuts will go. Expect the Hazelwood building to be sold soon, possibly as part of a Chapter 11 restructure. not forget Staines in the UK...that expensive operation is a corporate tax haven with high rents...there are EC members and staff and ancillary EU sales and marketing that do not need to be there. They can move all of that to Ireland and still retain most of he tax benefit. Buh bye... Also, why would anyone keep anything around that has anything to do with that fictional pipeline? It will never materialize and is burning a hole in cash flow...all those useful idiots they hired in that so called new prod planning team need to go. See ya! Not to mention SR worthless S&T team...remind me what products have been launched in the last 5 years? Crickets ….

any idea number of cuts coming. One wave or two? What month will we be notified if let go. MT seemed to say cuts announced by end of year and cuts would be under 30% of company during the town hall but more details would be nice

yes, but he was relating that message to the board and Hugh for their high level of arrogance and blind stupidity.
They will be last to exit the Medicare gravy train, leaving with multiple millions, unscathed. No fines paid until they get their cut and then file bankruptcy. The rest of you who don’t have enough to retire, good luck selling yourself as “reputable” in your next job interview...

any idea number of cuts coming. One wave or two? What month will we be notified if let go. MT seemed to say cuts announced by end of year and cuts would be under 30% of company during the town hall but more details would be nice

I predict the Hazelwood office will go soon. Sell the land, sell the buildings, move 10% of the people to Bedminster or Madison, and “retire” the rest.

Sell the land??? It’s a nuclear toxic waste dump! Haven’t you seen Atomic Homefront documentary?

Nothing is bad about the land the Hazelwood office sits on. The Mallinckrodt nuclear waste site is on the boundary of the airport, and the disposed waste sits in a leaking landfill in Bridgeton, but at least the land by I-270 is okay to sell! not forget Staines in the UK...that expensive operation is a corporate tax haven with high rents...there are EC members and staff and ancillary EU sales and marketing that do not need to be there. They can move all of that to Ireland and still retain most of he tax benefit. Buh bye... Also, why would anyone keep anything around that has anything to do with that fictional pipeline? It will never materialize and is burning a hole in cash flow...all those useful idiots they hired in that so called new prod planning team need to go. See ya! Not to mention SR worthless S&T team...remind me what products have been launched in the last 5 years? Crickets ….

Nice commentary Joe in finance- they should think about the axe for your useless self as well

the irony is Hugh “the stupid” gets to make decisions on who to keep. I mean him and mark have single handily crushed this company. God bless the rep tht called out leadership at the sales meeting. She was right Hugh. You have no business running anything. I hope you end up a bitchhh in jail

No shit, Sherlock! You peeps are unreal! Did you ever think this sham would last forever? Smart peep got in, made money, got out before company sank to the tactics now used. Total cry babies.

the irony is Hugh “the stupid” gets to make decisions on who to keep. I mean him and mark have single handily crushed this company. God bless the rep tht called out leadership at the sales meeting. She was right Hugh. You have no business running anything. I hope you end up a bitchhh in jail

Hugh keeps anyone with any connection to Sanofi.
Well that tells you all you need to know- if have not gotten out yet, you are useless