Current Pfizer employees suing Pfizer

Actually it's pretty well documented and largely a FACT that the demise of this industry started with the selling model of sending out a bunch of "soldiers" to bombard doctors with free shit and buy scripts. Because of that, the government has all but eliminated the ability of anyone to sell anything in the pharma industry....the reality is all these old-timers who think they know how to sell and rive business refuse to acknowledge that, in their day, no creativity and effort was needed to succeed. Call on enough people and spend enough money and you'll get scripts especially when there are no obstacles to writing anything....just look at management now. These are largely ex-sales reps who got to the middle/senior management level based on sales success. Now they run states and regions and are completely lost and clueless.

The demise of the pharma industry started back in the early 80's when Pfizer and a few others boughtout the smaller pharma companies and elemenated the competition. Also the fact that most of the pharma reps back then either were working two jobs or using pharma as a step up to medical device. When I started in pharma late 70's their were 2 pages in the classifieds for rep positions and all you needed was a college degree. Its all over now!!

I think what is most telling is how many peoples names are on this list. If there was ever a document that shows the failure of leadership, strategy, and execution from the top down this is it. Man, I remember when I thought I would work at Pfizer my whole career and everyone you met was positive, impressive, and conscientious. I was proud to be a Pfizer employee. Going to Arrowwood and the Regional Office was fun and exciting. I couldn't wait to get promoted and maybe try to break into HQ. Now you have thousands of people suing the company and many thousands more completely disaffected. Way to go Hank and Jeff and every layer down the line.

Scrolling through the list I see about 40 names I recognize. I have to chuckle because none of them I would consider super hard workers that were logging tons overtime hours that they weren't componsated for. I also recognize some people that would stand up at the POA's and pledge their allegiance to Pfizer blue for everyone to hear.

If you signed up for this lawsuit you're a total moron. Good luck getting a job with any employer that does a simple background check. Don't believe me? Go ahead and google your name, lawsuit and Pfizer and see how quickly your name appears.

Highering interviewer "Gee Sally, you sure look qualified for this position but we see that you are currently sueing your past employer. Do you care to explain that to me. It makes our HR department afraid since you might turn around and sue us one day.

Sally's response, "I'm a dumbass".

Scrolling through the list I see about 40 names I recognize. I have to chuckle because none of them I would consider super hard workers that were logging tons overtime hours that they weren't componsated for. I also recognize some people that would stand up at the POA's and pledge their allegiance to Pfizer blue for everyone to hear.

If you signed up for this lawsuit you're a total moron. Good luck getting a job with any employer that does a simple background check. Don't believe me? Go ahead and google your name, lawsuit and Pfizer and see how quickly your name appears.

Highering interviewer "Gee Sally, you sure look qualified for this position but we see that you are currently sueing your past employer. Do you care to explain that to me. It makes our HR department afraid since you might turn around and sue us one day.

Sally's response, "I'm a dumbass".

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