Current Pfizer employees suing Pfizer

Most who are still employed and signed this .......... are shitting their pants ! They know they screwed up and this one won't go away
All of the lawyers posting with one another are idiots...keep up the's still the freedom of speech and action...and the attorney's don't know what will end up being right at the end of the day..,those who signed up ...good for you...Lawyers are are scared they might not be right at the end of the trial.

However, isn't it illegal for a company to take action against an employee for being part of a lawsuit against the company? If layoffs do happen, and PFE eliminates all the active employees on this list, that would mean even more trouble for PFE. They can't single out these employees.

They wouldn't be singled out they'd be lumped in with all the other folks who are being laid off in the latest organizational streamlining effort.

Why continue to bash the people who were brave enough to sigh up for their ' humane ' rights? They obviously aren't scared, so go on your merry lil' cocky way, with your self -assured resolve that you 'got' your job and let them loose their job. There's nothing to fear but fear itself and you all that continue to talk about fear are the cowards. In this economic blood bath in pharma you do still have the right to defend yourself. Those that can will and they will find jobs as well and they will make those accountable that left behind to play the game. Good for them. As someone who moved on, got jobs and won, kudos to those who make a stand for something they believe in-theirselves. Let the scaredy cats continue to cackle about being scared and how wise they are. Geez. No wonder ur industry is stuck on stupid. Wont be back for the hysterics, talk among yourselves, you all seem to be so 'spot' on.

Why continue to bash the people who were brave enough to sigh up for their ' humane ' rights? They obviously aren't scared, so go on your merry lil' cocky way, with your self -assured resolve that you 'got' your job and let them loose their job. There's nothing to fear but fear itself and you all that continue to talk about fear are the cowards. In this economic blood bath in pharma you do still have the right to defend yourself. Those that can will and they will find jobs as well and they will make those accountable that left behind to play the game. Good for them. As someone who moved on, got jobs and won, kudos to those who make a stand for something they believe in-theirselves. Let the scaredy cats continue to cackle about being scared and how wise they are. Geez. No wonder ur industry is stuck on stupid. Wont be back for the hysterics, talk among yourselves, you all seem to be so 'spot' on.


Why continue to bash the people who were brave enough to sigh up for their ' humane ' rights? They obviously aren't scared, so go on your merry lil' cocky way, with your self -assured resolve that you 'got' your job and let them loose their job. There's nothing to fear but fear itself and you all that continue to talk about fear are the cowards. In this economic blood bath in pharma you do still have the right to defend yourself. Those that can will and they will find jobs as well and they will make those accountable that left behind to play the game. Good for them. As someone who moved on, got jobs and won, kudos to those who make a stand for something they believe in-theirselves. Let the scaredy cats continue to cackle about being scared and how wise they are. Geez. No wonder ur industry is stuck on stupid. Wont be back for the hysterics, talk among yourselves, you all seem to be so 'spot' on.

Wow. This is barely english. No wonder pharma sales has become such a joke....this person is borderline illiterate. Sad.

Anyone on this list who is currently employed , should be released with a package. How can an employer continue to employ someone who has a lawsuit against them ?

Some may be well thought of due the the incredible BS that is out there. I would not let anyone who willingly signed this try to explain their way out !

They are so done. No companies or recruiters will give these people any chances. Just google 'John Doe Pfizer' and BOOM those names are accessible to the anyone who's responsible for acreening/background check.

I just googled myself and 5 other people on this list; i went through 10 google pages...NOTHING!!!!! Keep hatin..

it depends on how you enter your search. If you just type the name and your name happens to have lots of contents, it may not be on the first page. People with advanced Google knowledge know how to narrow the search. the format they use is 'Name Pfizer' and the content they search will be on the first page. Just try type in your name in this format i.e. 'Jane Smith Pfizer' and see what happens.

I signed it to get laid off !!! I hope they pick me this fall.......100k plus baby ! and out ....

You know the severance package is significantly smaller now right? And that's assuming Pfizer even offers severance rather than just sending you packing with nothing more than WARN....I don't know what your salary is, but I know it isn't enough to get you a size figure severance. So sad how naive and ill-informed some people are. The reality will hit hard.

You know the severance package is significantly smaller now right? And that's assuming Pfizer even offers severance rather than just sending you packing with nothing more than WARN....I don't know what your salary is, but I know it isn't enough to get you a size figure severance. So sad how naive and ill-informed some people are. The reality will hit hard.

Ill informed ? Trust will offer a good severance. No one will sign a release without some significant incentive. The release will allow Pfizer to get rid of people without having to worry about being sued later. Do your homework before you fefer to people as "ill-informed"

Hope to win the lottery ticket out the door !!! Don't need to perform month to month like many of you still have to do !

I'm a former rep and on the list. I didn't sign up earlier when I was employed at pfe b/c of fear of retribution and getting laid off. Then I was let go in 09' (even tho I had excellent numbers and ratings) and gladly signed up. I routinely (along with other successful reps) worked 50+ hours a week trying to get ahead. I always accepted and seeked out extra assignments from my DM. Weekend conferences, dinners, breakfasts, POA's, etc, etc. Bottomline - Pfizer HR classified us as professionals. If you are a professional anything you get overtime. Period. They screwed up - not us. A catatrosphic blunder they knew would bite them in the butt. And guess what, they aren't on your side anyway. Why do you think everytime there is a lay-off everybody gets a different title? for fun? for new business cards? nooooo.. it's b/c they can't fill a position of someone they layed off for like 3 yrs. so, if they change the name of the position, shuffle you a bit, they can hire on cheaper replacements or contract reps. The ole manhattan two-step. I'm not excited about being on this searchable list but trust me, outside of pfe the reputation is soooo f'in poor that people will probably slap you five. I got out of pharma so if people want to question me about it I will tell them the truth. I'll gladly answer why I did it.

PS: I definitely saw alot of slugs on this list that worked 20 hours a week if they were lucky.. You slugs know who you are. One more way to suck the system dry.

Ill informed ? Trust will offer a good severance. No one will sign a release without some significant incentive. The release will allow Pfizer to get rid of people without having to worry about being sued later. Do your homework before you fefer to people as "ill-informed"

Hope to win the lottery ticket out the door !!! Don't need to perform month to month like many of you still have to do !

Umm. No one has to "trust" you. The severance package is already set, has been for a while and can be seen by anyone. It's not nearly close to what it used to be and after taxes isn't going to land any rep enough money to laugh their way to the bank. Resting on the thought that your severance will cover you is a HORRIBLE error. Don't make that mistake.

Umm. No one has to "trust" you. The severance package is already set, has been for a while and can be seen by anyone. It's not nearly close to what it used to be and after taxes isn't going to land any rep enough money to laugh their way to the bank. Resting on the thought that your severance will cover you is a HORRIBLE error. Don't make that mistake.

No mistake, I can retire today without it ! I figure that it makes sense to hang around for one more payday. Youj need to understand that everyone is in a different boat.....some of us 20 + year employees can call it a day. Many have a high six figure portfolio and can do something else with out time.

I do feel for those who are dependant on this moving forward, waters will be very choppy. Check out Epocrites new "sampling program", docs can order samples from any company by hitting a button on their smart phone. Much less intrusive and easy for docs. Pharma has an old broken model, they don't know how to respond to the rapid changes. They are like bees flying around a hive that has just been hit. In my humble opinion, people need to explore the next stage of their careers ! The most dangerous place to be right now ...... is staying in place. Yes it can happen to you !!!

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