Current Pfizer employees suing Pfizer

Current employee here....I signed up to get laid off ! I have enough to live on and when I get my severance, I can retire at a very young age. I'll find something fun to do......don't need to play games anymore. Bring it on !!!

If I get something additional from this lawsuit, it's just gravy

Actually it's pretty well documented and largely a FACT that the demise of this industry started with the selling model of sending out a bunch of "soldiers" to bombard doctors with free shit and buy scripts. Because of that, the government has all but eliminated the ability of anyone to sell anything in the pharma industry....the reality is all these old-timers who think they know how to sell and rive business refuse to acknowledge that, in their day, no creativity and effort was needed to succeed. Call on enough people and spend enough money and you'll get scripts especially when there are no obstacles to writing anything....just look at management now. These are largely ex-sales reps who got to the middle/senior management level based on sales success. Now they run states and regions and are completely lost and clueless.

Absolutely untrue. The demise started when the expansion resulted in people being promoted into management before they were ready (10 years field sales experience was the original standard). The group of gee whiz kids with 3-5 years of experience began the problem. Those of us who "been there, done that" know that the person whose name is on the door dictates the "rules of engagement". When all the "creative Madison Avenue BS" and corporate selling model was forced upon us, the customers simply closed their doors. If there is no "sales success" there is no company. The vast majority of current "middle/senior management" got there by being "yes men" and "butt-kissers". I agree with you that they are "completely lost and clueless". From your diatribe I expect that you will never get a clue. You're fired....oh, no need to fire you, the company is going under, thanks to those like yourself."The old timers" you reference have forgotten more than you "know".

Those who signed this have shown their true hand. They will try to explain why they signed it ......but it won't work. All the B.S that comes out when your with your manager or at the meetings will not offset any current employee who signed this suit. You are now a documented malcontent, don't try to spin it now or talk your way out of it. are curently suing your employer ! They never like that !

Agree 100%

When I started working for Pfizer there were two divisions and roughly 800 field sales employees. Most of the reps were ex-pharmacists or prior service (military). Our VP of Sales was a former Marine. We loved the opportunity to bring our customers information about our "best in class" products. The word "LOSERS" was not in our vocabulary. We did not "lie" (or even exaggerate) the data (didn't want to risk our reputation). Most of you would not have lasted two days in that environment. You can be thankful that the expansion (starting with Pratt) diluted the values of the corporation to the cesspool you have today. You can rest assured that the tactics (endorsed by management no less) have led to the demise of the entire pharmaceutical industry. "Jackasses" like youself have no future in business (certainly not management).

Roerig = Those were the old warriors. Fearless, fight you in the trenches types. They were like a religion all their own.

Labs = Those were the white-collar 9-5 clean guys who got all the drugs that sold themselves. Smart as hell and a breed apart from today's reps.

Those were the great days of Pfizer.

Actually it's pretty well documented and largely a FACT that the demise of this industry started with the selling model of sending out a bunch of "soldiers" to bombard doctors with free shit and buy scripts. Because of that, the government has all but eliminated the ability of anyone to sell anything in the pharma industry....the reality is all these old-timers who think they know how to sell and rive business refuse to acknowledge that, in their day, no creativity and effort was needed to succeed. Call on enough people and spend enough money and you'll get scripts especially when there are no obstacles to writing anything....just look at management now. These are largely ex-sales reps who got to the middle/senior management level based on sales success. Now they run states and regions and are completely lost and clueless.

20 + years ago a rep. had most, if not all the products in their bag, and plenty of time to spend with a doctor whom many had been calling on for years to discuss things outside of a glossy detail piece, like ugh, clinical data. In the late 90's all hell broke loose, namely with Pfizer in the lead hiring reps. by the handful to just say the name of a drug to a doctor because that is what the consultants told them to do. I came on board in pharma right before this BS marketing operation, so I enjoyed some opportunity to actually spend time with doctors before the 20 somethings took over. It ruined this business. A veteran rep. in this business can run circles over a whipper snapper. I've seen it too many times, and enjoyed the oppor. to slap the young ones around myself with sales knowledge and experience. Doctors who have known reps. for over 10 years and who continuiously bring clinical knowledge into the discussion are the ones they put confidence into, and I have been told that many times in the past. It only makes sense.

These reps should all be canned ! They There is no action which worse than suing your employer. Calling HR with compliants etc, most of these people thought they could sue behind the seens and no one would know.

Everyone knows........since you don't want to be here, just leave and find a new path in life.

Roerig = Those were the old warriors. Fearless, fight you in the trenches types. They were like a religion all their own.

Labs = Those were the white-collar 9-5 clean guys who got all the drugs that sold themselves. Smart as hell and a breed apart from today's reps.

Those were the great days of Pfizer.

So true about Roerig. Saw a nurse hanging some amp/sulbactam the other day when I was visiting a family member in the hospital. Made me smile thinking of how it used to be. Real reps. Real competition. Only the toughest and best made it through.

I don't recognize any current employees on the list...........I can't believe anyone employed would sign it. That would be somewhere in the "file" and would never disappear.

I agree that it's very stupid to be on this list, these lawsuits are ridiculous based on the flexibility we have with our job.

However, isn't it illegal for a company to take action against an employee for being part of a lawsuit against the company? If layoffs do happen, and PFE eliminates all the active employees on this list, that would mean even more trouble for PFE. They can't single out these employees.

I agree that it's very stupid to be on this list, these lawsuits are ridiculous based on the flexibility we have with our job.

However, isn't it illegal for a company to take action against an employee for being part of a lawsuit against the company? If layoffs do happen, and PFE eliminates all the active employees on this list, that would mean even more trouble for PFE. They can't single out these employees.

SD here. Yes it's true we cannot single you out. We didn't even notice who was on the list. (Wink. Wink.)

SD here. Yes it's true we cannot single you out. We didn't even notice who was on the list. (Wink. Wink.)

Anyone on this list who is currently employed , should be released with a package. How can an employer continue to employ someone who has a lawsuit against them ?

Some may be well thought of due the the incredible BS that is out there. I would not let anyone who willingly signed this try to explain their way out !

These reps should all be canned ! They There is no action which worse than suing your employer. Calling HR with compliants etc, most of these people thought they could sue behind the seens and no one would know.

Everyone knows........since you don't want to be here, just leave and find a new path in life.

Sorry I need to speak up here...

"There is no action worse than suing your employer..." ? Really?

Several employees have brought action against current or past employers for reasons that were justified to them. Seeking legal action when one feels wronged is a right.

Remember retaliation bad. I'm sure reps from both sides are on this site reading comments. Ugh! This will take years to resolve probably.


Most who are still employed and signed this .......... are shitting their pants ! They know they screwed up and this one won't go away
All of the lawyers posting with one another are idiots...keep up the's still the freedom of speech and action...and the attorney's don't know what will end up being right at the end of the day..,those who signed up ...good for you...Lawyers are are scared they might not be right at the end of the trial.

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