

They like to talk a lot about culture. But, their culture is based on fear and a playbook out of big Pharma from the 1990s. They had such an amazing opportunity being a small start up with a great product but they hired all big Pharma execs who know no other way and refuse to change w the times. They have completely alienated and demotivated their sales reps. It’s very sad.

They like to talk a lot about culture. But, their culture is based on fear and a playbook out of big Pharma from the 1990s. They had such an amazing opportunity being a small start up with a great product but they hired all big Pharma execs who know no other way and refuse to change w the times. They have completely alienated and demotivated their sales reps. It’s very sad.

There is no culture. Only threats and micro management and compliance. The money isn’t even that great compared to other companies right now. We should be looking forward to our first live sales meeting. Instead, many of us are trying to figure out a way to get out of it.

Culture? When you hear that word being mentioned in a company you instinctually think of positive connotations associated with it. Things such as respect for quality work, a positive work environment which encourages collaboration, management trusting the experience and decision making of employees, an environment that creates enthusiasm, fair and logical compensation, etc. Instead what you have here is the opposite. Stifling micromanagement, an unfair and incomprehensible IC plan and a general feeling that there is no real feeling from corporate that there is a problem with the culture here. There has been a steady trickle of quality reps leaving. That trickle will become a steady flow when other opportunities become available.

Culture? When you hear that word being mentioned in a company you instinctually think of positive connotations associated with it. Things such as respect for quality work, a positive work environment which encourages collaboration, management trusting the experience and decision making of employees, an environment that creates enthusiasm, fair and logical compensation, etc. Instead what you have here is the opposite. Stifling micromanagement, an unfair and incomprehensible IC plan and a general feeling that there is no real feeling from corporate that there is a problem with the culture here. There has been a steady trickle of quality reps leaving. That trickle will become a steady flow when other opportunities become available.

Company is built to sell. That’s why there is no focus on culture. They don’t want to build something that endures. Just something to sell to the next big pharma which will make all the big dogs rich and put the rest of us on the street.

We should all be interviewing.

I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m just surprised, as I know many others are as well, that they haven’t sold already. In my mind it is the only way to explain how poor the culture is here. It is that or they are just that archaic and arrogant in their thinking of how to motivate and build a world class sales organization. The fact is they don’t care and they are waiting to cash in on their own RSUs and move on to the next gig or retire. They give out the RSUs thinking that will keep people here no matter the treatment. No matter how POOR the culture or lack there of of any culture there is here. Now that may be true in many cases, but, a few things are and will happen regardless. People are staying till they can vest out of the bulk of their shares and then leave, many companies will match or exceed your outstanding RSUs if they want you bad enough, some will take less just to get away from this toxic culture or others will just ride it out doing the bare minimum and see how long they can coast for before they leave.

The RSU’s aren’t going to be enough when other startups start recruiting & offer competitive, if not better stock packages. Look at Axsome, people are going to resign to head over there any day now

Culture? When you hear that word being mentioned in a company you instinctually think of positive connotations associated with it. Things such as respect for quality work, a positive work environment which encourages collaboration, management trusting the experience and decision making of employees, an environment that creates enthusiasm, fair and logical compensation, etc. Instead what you have here is the opposite. Stifling micromanagement, an unfair and incomprehensible IC plan and a general feeling that there is no real feeling from corporate that there is a problem with the culture here. There has been a steady trickle of quality reps leaving. That trickle will become a steady flow when other opportunities become available.
I’m just waiting to jump ship. It has become way too toxic here. I could care less what I leave on the table at this point.

Company is built to sell. That’s why there is no focus on culture. They don’t want to build something that endures. Just something to sell to the next big pharma which will make all the big dogs rich and put the rest of us on the street.

We should all be interviewing.

It's mindbogging.
Have you heard any rumors of a take over?

It's mindbogging.
Have you heard any rumors of a take over?

You don’t need rumors. Look at the way upper leadership treats us? Any start up trying to build something that will stand the test of time wouldn’t PIP reps and chase them out of the company for rankings in the middle of a pandemic. All that matters here is stock price.

You don’t need rumors. Look at the way upper leadership treats us? Any start up trying to build something that will stand the test of time wouldn’t PIP reps and chase them out of the company for rankings in the middle of a pandemic. All that matters here is stock price.
100%. I have never seen anything like this place. Warnings, PIPs, then taking bonus money away if you are on one of these. Then being let go. What type of “culture” are they trying to build? Many are fed up and have left or are getting ready to leave.

A rep in my region got placed on a PIP even though the behaviors expected were taking place, speaker programs, lunch and learn, etc the rep eventually was pushed out...when time to get off the PIP came up, HR extended it for another two weeks, and another two weeks, and another two weeks, the rep did not to collect bonus since this co kept extending the PIP to their favor.
This co brings the worse out of us...not one rep is happy here even the ones making $$$

A rep in my region got placed on a PIP even though the behaviors expected were taking place, speaker programs, lunch and learn, etc the rep eventually was pushed out...when time to get off the PIP came up, HR extended it for another two weeks, and another two weeks, and another two weeks, the rep did not to collect bonus since this co kept extending the PIP to their favor.
This co brings the worse out of us...not one rep is happy here even the ones making $$$

Plenty of us are happy. It’s not as bad as you describe. But it’s easy to be happy when you have good coverage because your bonus and rank will be good. I feel bad for some of the very good reps who are being pressured and threatened because of ranking and crap coverage.

Plenty of us are happy. It’s not as bad as you describe. But it’s easy to be happy when you have good coverage because your bonus and rank will be good. I feel bad for some of the very good reps who are being pressured and threatened because of ranking and crap coverage.
Yes many who are making good bonus are happy. And of course those that are not are unhappy. That is not unique in pharma. But its the constant pressure and fear that is imposed by this company that is not standard. As another poster already mentioned there are MANY who are making good bonuses that have had enough of the pressure, field rides and see the writing on the wall that they to will peek in their sales and drop in ranking. And they have seen how they treat those reps, w PIPS. What have you done for me lately is the company culture. When you see and hear how some of the most professional and hard working reps are treated here bc their rankings have dropped, bc of an unfair and ridiculous IC plan, it opens your eyes that you will be in that position as well at some point. It does not create a good culture. It creates no culture at all.

Yes many who are making good bonus are happy. And of course those that are not are unhappy. That is not unique in pharma. But its the constant pressure and fear that is imposed by this company that is not standard. As another poster already mentioned there are MANY who are making good bonuses that have had enough of the pressure, field rides and see the writing on the wall that they to will peek in their sales and drop in ranking. And they have seen how they treat those reps, w PIPS. What have you done for me lately is the company culture. When you see and hear how some of the most professional and hard working reps are treated here bc their rankings have dropped, bc of an unfair and ridiculous IC plan, it opens your eyes that you will be in that position as well at some point. It does not create a good culture. It creates no culture at all.

I am the person you quoted and I agree. You make some excellent points. Force ranking creates a culture where you can be in the top of the rankings one year and drop into the bottom 25% the next because, no matter how high your volume is, it’s not enough to lift your ranking. Growth is flattening now across the company. Rankings for top performers may drop. PIPs are NOT the way to improve performance.

The constant pressure! Constant field rides. Ridiculous IC plan! There is just NO feeling here that you are valued. I have been checked out for 6 months. Actively looking. Will even take a little less, my mental health is more important.

The constant pressure! Constant field rides. Ridiculous IC plan! There is just NO feeling here that you are valued. I have been checked out for 6 months. Actively looking. Will even take a little less, my mental health is more important.

You’re not the only one checked out. Prescription growth is flattening which is scary at this early point in the launch. A lot of people feel the same and aren’t putting their best effort in because we don’t think it matters. Leadership here is dumb and they can’t see that what they are doing is shutting us down.

You’re not the only one checked out. Prescription growth is flattening which is scary at this early point in the launch. A lot of people feel the same and aren’t putting their best effort in because we don’t think it matters. Leadership here is dumb and they can’t see that what they are doing is shutting us down.

Riding it out until I get fired or find something better. This place sucks.

This culture is NOT what I thought it would be and definitely NOT what I was sold during interviews. If I wanted force ranking, constant pressure, micro-management and PIPs, I would have stayed at my old company.