
Coming from another lab, I find this place is a logistical nightmare. Management is pretty clueless about basic industry offerings. I think anyone with prior industry experience would not be happy here.

There are reps at PG making over $400,000/year. Several making over $250k consistently.

Who wouldn't be happy with that?

I guess you mean the Hem/Onc team Maybe you mean the wonderful TAM's?
The only folks here making consistent money are those reps in TN with business being given to them. Many reps are struggling and quitting or looking.
Management still sucks. A bunch of losers...........Ask anyone in the industry.

"Coming from another lab, I find this place is a logistical nightmare. Management is pretty clueless about basic industry offerings. I think anyone with prior industry experience would not be happy here."

There's quite a bit of truth to this post.

Best Account managers ever? You have to be kidding. What a joke. They couldn't sell a slice of bread much less retain an account. The department should be fired along with their boss and other managers. The blind leading the blind......... Please, us.

Who is this loser that keeps up this thread. Must be Joe C who we fired. He is such a loser and could not sell. He depended on old accounts and they now hate him. What a loser who is always fired. Glad we fired him. Good luck who ever hires him. He is lazy.