
I guess HR should understand the fundamentals of business and bribery at PathGroup.
Managers buy a dog for their boss to be promoted.
Managers give signed autographed footballs to their boss to be promoted.
Managers can fly or drive wherever they want with no accountability.
Managers have no accountability.
Managers couldn't sell an ice cube.
There are no reviews at this company.
Managers spew hatred and lies about folks.
I guess HR is really needed at this company.

I guess HR should understand the fundamentals of business and bribery at PathGroup.
Managers buy a dog for their boss to be promoted.
Managers give signed autographed footballs to their boss to be promoted.
Managers can fly or drive wherever they want with no accountability.
Managers have no accountability.
Managers couldn't sell an ice cube.
There are no reviews at this company.
Managers spew hatred and lies about folks.
I guess HR is really needed at this company.

C'mon, Dave. You're better than this. I know you are.

Sure, you got axed but let it go and move on.

Nice try Brian. Wrong sales person. Try again. You always had it wrong in the field and couldn't sell jack. I might be one of your old coworkers at Quest or someone on your team. Are you aware you aren't respected by anyone at Pathgroup besides your boss? Are you also aware you were never respected at Quest? I hope you grow up you soon.
PS--Maybe you should fire your whole team so you can have new robots?

He slanders and spreads rumors about his own team. This guy needs to be removed. Very true about the beard. What kind of leader tells his team no facial hair allowed and shows up to meetings with a beard? He should be ashamed of his behavior.

OMG, so glad someone is calling Brian out worst manager ever. He couldn't sell anything at MACL. Oh that's right he wasn't a rep he was an account mgr. Huge difference. His reputation is the worst.

I don't report to Thornburg, but his demeanor at the last meeting was douchey. I have never seen someone so disliked in a company before. Literally, everyone was talking poorly of him after hours. It was uncomfortable, but I totally see why. I can say that his presentation on sales closing was a joke.

The manager in Indiana claims he sold two large accounts in Indiana but everyone knows at PathGroup he didn't. He claims he did but senior mgmt went golfing with some guys, gave them low pricing and it was closed. He did nothing but brag about closing business which he onl;y road the coat tails of others. Another classy manager in the industry. This is his last rodeo as a manager......

Coming from another lab, I find this place is a logistical nightmare. Management is pretty clueless about basic industry offerings. I think anyone with prior industry experience would not be happy here.