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Criminal Investigation Durham, Barr, IG Report Devastation For Deep State

Thanks for trying to play the misogynist card. You missed my point. I am not at ALL impressed by millionaires NOR Republicans. I am also a millionaire although not a multimillionaire (yet). But the fact is, the big money people are the ones who provide obscene amounts of bribes (lobbyist money) and cash (PACs) to the Repugs. I do have friends who are Republicans and recently met a billionaire and simply reported what concerns of theirs I heard. Not ALL of them are happy with the Donald but they feel caught in a divide between the AOCs and the Donald.
If the Dems go with Sanders/ Warren, they will donate to the Donald AND vote for him. They may not like it but dems da facts. I share your thoughts about more women in power. They do not. Our culture won't be preserved, it will just morph into something else. We won't be here.

That’s the problem. We will either CONSERVE those values and principles or we will DEVOVLE into a pale shadow of the great nation we once were. Decision points are coming, there is no doubt about that. Either we return to our Christian roots as a nation or we will enter a new Dark Age and it won’t be pretty.

Thanks for trying to play the misogynist card. You missed my point. I am not at ALL impressed by millionaires NOR Republicans. I am also a millionaire although not a multimillionaire (yet). But the fact is, the big money people are the ones who provide obscene amounts of bribes (lobbyist money) and cash (PACs) to the Repugs. I do have friends who are Republicans and recently met a billionaire and simply reported what concerns of theirs I heard. Not ALL of them are happy with the Donald but they feel caught in a divide between the AOCs and the Donald.
If the Dems go with Sanders/ Warren, they will donate to the Donald AND vote for him. They may not like it but dems da facts. I share your thoughts about more women in power. They do not. Our culture won't be preserved, it will just morph into something else. We won't be here.

Sorry to play the misogynist card if not your intent. I also do not want to see a Sanders/Warren type candidate. It does seem though that a moderate Democrat or Republican (say Kasich) could at least begin to implement some environmental laws and help resolve the disparities in income that are growing so fast! Obviously Don the con won't even acknowledge that the changing climate will bring huge troubles to our economy in the future as will the income disparities. And don't get me started on assault weapon bans!! We are fast becoming like Mexico and some south American countries in income disparity and that does not bode well for my grandchildren!
Along with Don the con I am beyond disgusted with Repug policies towards women!! I feel like I have watched rights for women get trampled in the last few years- limiting right to chose in many states and seeing female candidates be villified and held to a higher standard than many of the male idiots I see out there- like Moscow Mitch and McCarthy and Kavanaugh. Some of the male congressman literally make me puke when they open their mouths. And unfortunately they have the control right now. My ideal would be for Trump and Pence to both get impeached and Nancy P becomes President!!!!! Saw her on Colbert last night and she is some smart cookie!!!!!
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That’s the problem. We will either CONSERVE those values and principles or we will DEVOVLE into a pale shadow of the great nation we once were. Decision points are coming, there is no doubt about that. Either we return to our Christian roots as a nation or we will enter a new Dark Age and it won’t be pretty.

Our success does NOT depend on us being Christian. Most people don't go to church - a waste of time. :cool:

Sorry to play the misogynist card if not your intent. I also do not want to see a Sanders/Warren type candidate. It does seem though that a moderate Democrat or Republican (say Kasich) could at least begin to implement some environmental laws and help resolve the disparities in income that are growing so fast! Obviously Don the con won't even acknowledge that the changing climate will bring huge troubles to our economy in the future as will the income disparities. And don't get me started on assault weapon bans!! We are fast becoming like Mexico and some south American countries in income disparity and that does not bode well for my grandchildren!
Along with Don the con I am beyond disgusted with Repug policies towards women!! I feel like I have watched rights for women get trampled in the last few years- limiting right to chose in many states and seeing female candidates be villified and held to a higher standard than many of the male idiots I see out there- like Moscow Mitch and McCarthy and Kavanaugh. Some of the male congressman literally make me puke when they open their mouths. And unfortunately they have the control right now. My ideal would be for Trump and Pence to both get impeached and Nancy P becomes President!!!!! Saw her on Colbert last night and she is some smart cookie!!!!!

I like Kasich but the reality of him taking the nomination from Ronald McDonald is slim...…. very slim...… he has done an EXCELLENT job in his state.

I like Kasich but the reality of him taking the nomination from Ronald McDonald is slim...…. very slim...… he has done an EXCELLENT job in his state.

He started well but then made major mistakes like signing up for Obama Nocare which will hurt Ohio tremendously in the future once he’s out of office. You’re stupid to be overly impressed by him.

Yeah, we did it to them again! First we thwarted their handpicked candidate, Hillary and now this! :p:D

Hey dumbshit - Trump just gave Putin a country for a birthday present. On Oct 16th, Mr. Trump said of the Russians and Syrians. “If Russia wants to get involved with Syria, that's really up to them.” ;)