Hunter Biden criminal charges

It’s all there. You just refuse to look at it.
Hunter’s Laptop (treasure trove of evidence)
Tony Bobulinski (facts)
Recent whistleblowers (facts)
1023 Document (facts)
Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor after his bribes (fact)

I get it. You love dementia Joe so none of those facts count in your mind. But, at some point even YOU won’t be able to deny the obvious compromising corruption anymore.

We get it, you’re all talk and cannot post a link to a reputable source like Vag did.
Hunter’s laptop? Where is it? Post quotes and the source of those quotes. You can’t do it and you know it.

It’s all there. You just refuse to look at it.
Hunter’s Laptop (treasure trove of evidence)
Tony Bobulinski (facts)
Recent whistleblowers (facts)
1023 Document (facts)
Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor after his bribes (fact)

I get it. You love dementia Joe so none of those facts count in your mind. But, at some point even YOU won’t be able to deny the obvious compromising corruption anymore.

You're a space cadet. What do I refuse to look at?

1) Hunter's laptop? Do you have unaltered copy or something? It was seized in 2019 and access given to Stevev Bannon (rermember? the guy arrested on a Chinese Billionaire's yacht? LOL) and Trump was still president then, the repair shop owner had made a copy of the external hard drive before it was seized by the FBI and that copy was later provided to Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani (remember Rudy who circulated stop the steal stories that 59 of 60 Federal courts rejected plus SCOTUS rejected?) And the subpoena to seize the laptop was issued by a grand jury on behalf of the US attorney's office in Wilmington.

2) Bobulinski? CEO of Sinohawk? Apparenty Hunter dealt with a guy who was CEO of a company 'connected to' the Communist Chinese regime. Guess what? Ivanka Trump had dinner with a guy not 'connected tp China but who was the HEAD of the Communist Chinese regime (Xi) at Mar-a-lago. (facts). What's the difference dipshit? There are PHOTOGRAPHS of this! Then she received 41 Chinese trademarks. AALL DOCUMENTED FACT.

3) Recent whistleblowers (fact) Wha? Be specific, if you're talking about the 2 IRS whistleblowers that testified before Congress, they had the OPINION he should have been charged with something more serious. But the fact is, he pleaded guilty and paid a fine and back taxes. On the other hand, no one said a freaking word when Ivanka's tax avoidance charges were COMPLETELY DROPPED.
You want favoritism? You got it right there (FACT)

4) 1023 forms? You wanna compare notes on proper documentation of taxes? Trump's lead guy assisted them falsely manipulate property values to both obtain loans and avoid taxes.

5) And you wanna talk about bragging? Good fucking grief, Trump brags about his relationships with murderers Putin and Un not to mention the Saudi King whose gang leveled our trade towers and killed over 3,000 US citizens.

You are a waste of band width and your stuff isn't worth the time of day. All you do is make undocumented statements then put the word (fact) in parentheses at the end. You wouldn't know a reputable source if it bit you in the ass.
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You're a space cadet. What do I refuse to look at?

1) Hunter's laptop? Do you have unaltered copy or something? It was seized in 2019 and access given to Stevev Bannon (rermember? the guy arrested on a Chinese Billionaire's yacht? LOL) and Trump was still president then, the repair shop owner had made a copy of the external hard drive before it was seized by the FBI and that copy was later provided to Donald Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani (remember Rudy who circulated stop the steal stories that 59 of 60 courts rejected plus SCOTUS rejected?) And the subpoena to seize the laptop was issued by a grand jury on behalf of the US attorney's office in Wilmington.]

2) Bobulinki, CEO of Sinohawk, apparenty Hunter dealt with a guy who was CEO of a company 'connected to' the Communist Chinese regime. Guess what? Ivanka Trump had dinner with the HEAD of the Communist Chinese regime (Xi) at Mar-a-lago. (facts) What's the difference studmuffin?

3) Recent whistleblowers (fact) Wha? Be specific, if you're talking about the 2 IRS whistleblowers that testified before Congress, they had the OPINION he should have been charged with something more serious. But the fact is, he pleaded guilty and paid a fine and back taxes. On the other hand, no one said a freaking word when Ivanka's tax avoidance charges were COMPLETELY DROPPED.
You want favoritism? You got it right there (FACT)

4) 1023 forms? You wanna compare notes on proper documentation of taxes? Trump's lead guy assisted them falsely manipulate property values to both obtain loans and avoid taxes.

5) and you wanna talk about bragging - good fucking grief, Trump brags about his relationships with murderers Putin and Un not to mention the Saudi King whose gang leveled our trade towers and killed over 3,000 US citizens.

You are a waste of band width and your stuff isn't worth the time of day. All you do is make undocumented statements then put the word (fact) in parentheses at the end. You wouldn't know a reputable source if it bit you in the ass.

Your ability to miss the point is spectacular. Do you still believe Dementia Joe that he NEVER discussed Hunter’s business dealings? I mean, you have absolutely no doubt that he didn’t discuss Hunter’s corrupt business dealings at any point while there were flying around the world on Air Force 2, or in their personal time. Never?

And you have absolutely no curiosity if Joe and the rest of the family were paid out in a bribery scheme from Ukraine. Like, absolutely no doubt in your mind they’re squeaky clean? Come on man. You’re smarter than this.

It’s all there. You just refuse to look at it.
Hunter’s Laptop (treasure trove of evidence)
Tony Bobulinski (facts)
Recent whistleblowers (facts)
1023 Document (facts)
Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor after his bribes (fact)

I get it. You love dementia Joe so none of those facts count in your mind. But, at some point even YOU won’t be able to deny the obvious compromising corruption anymore.

Putting cute words in parentheses behind garbage statements does not make them true. Hey - here's one I found on regarding the 1023 document: Does Newly Released 'FD-1023' Document Prove Burisma CEO Gave Two $5M Bribes to Bidens?
Here's a USA Today fact check on the Ukrainian prosecutor: Fact check: Joe Biden leveraged Ukraine aid to oust corrupt prosecutor
I don't believe Bobulinski until I see the proof. I've SEEN and HEARD plenty regarding your idiot orange boy. Lots of video of him saying all kinds of shit and plenty of pictures of classified info sitting in Mar-a-Lago.
And if there was damning evidence against Joe Biden on the laptop, I am sure it would have surfaced by now and the GOP would be coming in their underwear. But it hasn't.

Vagitarian and Fucktard: One more time for the record. You both believe Joe that he never spoke to his son about his foreign business dealings? I want to be able to refer back to this in a few months for some laughs.

And if you’re going to make it about Trump as you always do, I don’t believe anything Trump says either. The difference is, I can admit that. I’m guessing your Biden blinders are just too damn effective.

Vagitarian and Fucktard: One more time for the record. You both believe Joe that he never spoke to his son about his foreign business dealings? I want to be able to refer back to this in a few months for some laughs.

And if you’re going to make it about Trump as you always do, I don’t believe anything Trump says either. The difference is, I can admit that. I’m guessing your Biden blinders are just too damn effective.

Once again you pump the Trump line. When did I say I didn't believe there was an issue with the Bidens? Hunter will be testifying soon - I will listen.

And when have YOU ever acknowledged the FACT Ivanka started doing business with the Chinese (patents and trademarks) immediately after her father was elected? As far 'special treatment' due to being a child of the leader (like you say Hunter had) when have you ever acknowledged that Ivanka's tax aversion case was totally dismissed? And dismissed around the same time Hunter entered a plea deal and paid his back taxes plus a fine.

Is the child of a former PRESIDENT receiving special treatment (like we know she did) of no more concern than the child of a former Vice President?

Why do you wear blinders for Ivanka but remove them for Hunter? I've asked you this continually and you refuse to answer.

Once again you pump the Trump line. When did I say I didn't believe there was an issue with the Bidens? Hunter will be testifying soon - I will listen.

And when have YOU ever acknowledged the FACT Ivanka started doing business with the Chinese (patents and trademarks) immediately after her father was elected? As far 'special treatment' due to being a child of the leader (like you say Hunter had) when have you ever acknowledged that Ivanka's tax aversion case was totally dismissed? And dismissed around the same time Hunter entered a plea deal and paid his back taxes plus a fine.

Is the child of a former PRESIDENT receiving special treatment (like we know she did) of no more concern than the child of a former Vice President?

Why do you wear blinders for Ivanka but remove them for Hunter? I've asked you this continually and you refuse to answer.

In my opinion, it’s not about the kids. It’s about the President being compromised BECAUSE OF the kids. We’re talking about two entirely different things.

Vagitarian and Fucktard: One more time for the record. You both believe Joe that he never spoke to his son about his foreign business dealings? I want to be able to refer back to this in a few months for some laughs.

And if you’re going to make it about Trump as you always do, I don’t believe anything Trump says either. The difference is, I can admit that. I’m guessing your Biden blinders are just too damn effective.

Once again you pump the Trump line. When did I say I didn't believe there was an issue with the Bidens? Hunter will be testifying soon - I will listen.

And when have YOU ever acknowledged the FACT Ivanka started doing business with the Chinese (patents and trademarks) immediately after her father was elected? As for 'special treatment' due to being a child of the leader (like you say Hunter had) when have you ever acknowledged that Ivanka's tax aversion case was totally dismissed? And dismissed under the Biden Justice department around the same time Hunter entered a plea deal and paid his back taxes plus a fine.

Is the child of a former PRESIDENT receiving special treatment (like we know she did) of no more concern than the child of a former VICE President?

Why do you wear blinders for Ivanka but remove them for Hunter? I've asked you this continually and you refuse to answer.
In my opinion, it’s not about the kids. It’s about the President being compromised BECAUSE OF the kids. We’re talking about two entirely different things.

OK, let's talk about BECAUSE of the kids.
Hunter has yet to testify and have his hearing so aren't we supposed to wait until proven otherwise?
He admitted guilt, paid a fine and back taxes.

Do you not have any concern about Trump's kids? Ivanka and Jared? After all, both he and Joe are BOTH candidates.

It is already documented that Ivanka's tax evasion case was magically (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) dropped.
Also documented she received 41 Chinese trademarks while Jared received $2 Billion from the country who brought down our trade towers, killing over 3000 Americans.
So which country of these 3 is the biggest concern? China, Saudi Arabia (who we sell fighter planes to and brought down our trade towers) or Ukraine?

I'm waiting for your answer - go !!!
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Once again you pump the Trump line. When did I say I didn't believe there was an issue with the Bidens? Hunter will be testifying soon - I will listen.

And when have YOU ever acknowledged the FACT Ivanka started doing business with the Chinese (patents and trademarks) immediately after her father was elected? As for 'special treatment' due to being a child of the leader (like you say Hunter had) when have you ever acknowledged that Ivanka's tax aversion case was totally dismissed? And dismissed under the Biden Justice department around the same time Hunter entered a plea deal and paid his back taxes plus a fine.

Is the child of a former PRESIDENT receiving special treatment (like we know she did) of no more concern than the child of a former VICE President?

Why do you wear blinders for Ivanka but remove them for Hunter? I've asked you this continually and you refuse to answer.

OK, let's talk about BECAUSE of the kids.
Hunter has yet to testify and have his hearing so aren't we supposed to wait until proven otherwise?
He admitted guilt, paid a fine and back taxes.

Do you not have any concern about Trump's kids? Ivanka and Jared? After all, both he and Joe are BOTH candidates.

It is already documented that Ivanka's tax evasion case was magically (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) dropped.
Also documented she received 41 Chinese trademarks while Jared received $2 Billion from the country who brought down our trade towers, killing over 3000 Americans.
So which country of these 3 is the biggest concern? China, Saudi Arabia (who we sell fighter planes to and brought down our trade towers) or Ukraine?

I'm waiting for your answer - go !!!

I appreciate the question. Ukraine is far and away our biggest concern since they are the ones who paid Hunter, Joe and the entire Biden family bribes (allegedly, but looking more factual by the day). We’re also pumping billions of taxpayer dollars (or printed phony money at this point) to their corrupt government with virtually no questions asked currently. Why are we doing that? You don’t see this as a concern?

Trump literally got impeached for asking Zelensky to look into Biden’s corruption. Also good with you?

I appreciate the question. Ukraine is far and away our biggest concern since they are the ones who paid Hunter, Joe and the entire Biden family bribes (allegedly, but looking more factual by the day). We’re also pumping billions of taxpayer dollars (or printed phony money at this point) to their corrupt government with virtually no questions asked currently. Why are we doing that? You don’t see this as a concern?

Trump literally got impeached for asking Zelensky to look into Biden’s corruption. Also good with you?

Oh, get off of it. Ukraine is bigger problem than China who now has a bigger navy than we do? And a bigger problem than Saudi Arabia who leveled our Trade Towers and murdered 3000 Americans? Are you sniffing glue? That's a horseshit spin job on his impeachment and you know it and the Ukraine pales in comparison to China's navy and Saudia Arabia's slaughters of 3000 New Yorkers.

The first impeachment was for a call President Trump made to Zelenskyy where he asked him to announce two investigations: one involving his potential opponent in the upcoming 2020 presidential election and a second into unsubstantiated allegations that entities within Ukraine interfered in the 2016 presidential election. At the time of the call, Office of Management and Budget had frozen $400 million in military aid at the direction of the Trump. The contents of the call FINALLY came to light through an intelligence community whistleblower report, and a spun version calling it a 'perfect call' :)rolleyes:) was later made public by President Trump. That's the same nonsensical spin he used in Georgia when 'all he wanted was to 'find' X amount of votes. It was a quid pro quid call, a trick he learned from mafia attorney Roy Cohn. The money had been appropriated by Congress, he held it up unless he 'got some dirt' on Biden.,

His second impeachment dealt with inciting the insurrection. Luckily, there was a Republican Senate or he would have been thrown out on his ass.

I'm done with your 'wise guy', smart assed nonsense. You sound like a 'wanna-be' Tucker the Fucker Carlson.
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Oh, get off of it. Ukraine is bigger problem than China who now has a bigger navy than we do? And a bigger problem than Saudi Arabia who leveled our Trade Towers and murdered 3000 Americans? Are you sniffing glue? That's a horseshit spin job on his impeachment and you know it and the Ukraine pales in comparison to China's navy and Saudia Arabia's slaughters of 3000 New Yorkers.

The first impeachment was for a call President Trump made to Zelenskyy where he asked him to announce two investigations: one involving his potential opponent in the upcoming 2020 presidential election and a second into unsubstantiated allegations that entities within Ukraine interfered in the 2016 presidential election. At the time of the call, Office of Management and Budget had frozen $400 million in military aid at the direction of the Trump. The contents of the call FINALLY came to light through an intelligence community whistleblower report, and a spun version calling it a 'perfect call' :)rolleyes:) was later made public by President Trump. That's the same nonsensical spin he used in Georgia when 'all he wanted was to 'find' X amount of votes. It was a quid pro quid call, a trick he learned from mafia attorney Roy Cohn. The money had been appropriated by Congress, he held it up unless he 'got some dirt' on Biden.,

His second impeachment dealt with inciting the insurrection. Luckily, there was a Republican Senate or he would have been thrown out on his ass.

I'm done with your 'wise guy', smart assed nonsense. You sound like a 'wanna-be' Tucker the Fucker Carlson.

So firing the prosecutor who was investigating his son’s company that was likely bribing them both in exchange for our aid…quid pro quo or just sound government policy? It’s good to get a glimpse into your liberal psyche and to get you on the record for future mockery.

So firing the prosecutor who was investigating his son’s company that was likely bribing them both in exchange for our aid…quid pro quo or just sound government policy? It’s good to get a glimpse into your liberal psyche and to get you on the record for future mockery.

You REALLY want to get into firing those investigating you and yours?
Don't - I will shred you.
Back off while you still have a nutsack................

This is just for beginners................

Trump fires IG said to be investigating Pompeo, involved in impeachment probe

You REALLY want to get into firing those investigating you and yours?
Don't - I will shred you.
Back off while you still have a nutsack................

This is just for beginners................

Trump fires IG said to be investigating Pompeo, involved in impeachment probe

I have to hand it to you. Your ability to deflect everything back to Trump is impressive. I can see you getting pulled over for speeding today and have an article pulled up for the officer showing Trump was once ticketed for going even faster.

Coukd you focus on the Biden corruption for a single post? You know, the topic of this thread.

Firing people in your own government, which happens frequently is not the same as firing the prosecutor in another country who is getting too close to revealing your own corruption. Even YOU can acknowledge that?

I have to hand it to you. Your ability to deflect everything back to Trump is impressive. I can see you getting pulled over for speeding today and have an article pulled up for the officer showing Trump was once ticketed for going even faster.

Coukd you focus on the Biden corruption for a single post? You know, the topic of this thread.

Firing people in your own government, which happens frequently is not the same as firing the prosecutor in another country who is getting too close to revealing your own corruption. Even YOU can acknowledge that?
What is actually driving us non Magats crazy is that you people refuse to see what a criminal your dear leader is and then deflect deflect deflect onto Biden. There is no PROOF that Biden did anything illegal. He just has a former drug addicted son who hasn’t amounted to much and basically has used daddy’s name for ways to make money. Hunter is obviously a black sheep. But there have been investigations going on for YEARS-his laptop , his laptop, etc etc and money has been thrown at prosecuting him and he’s been charged. SO??????? He’s not a candidate for any office. Quite frankly, I admire Joe Biden for trying to help his son despite his many failings. End of story for me, Pal. It doesn’t diminish my admiration for Biden- I think he’s done a fantastic job given that the republicans have been skewering him but he keeps outperforming most presidents. So zip it.

I have to hand it to you. Your ability to deflect everything back to Trump is impressive. I can see you getting pulled over for speeding today and have an article pulled up for the officer showing Trump was once ticketed for going even faster.

Coukd you focus on the Biden corruption for a single post? You know, the topic of this thread.

Firing people in your own government, which happens frequently is not the same as firing the prosecutor in another country who is getting too close to revealing your own corruption. Even YOU can acknowledge that?

If the focus of the thread is the title - it isn't Biden corruption it's Hunter Biden criminal charges.
Hunter Biden was charged with 2 misdemeanor tax charges and one felony firearm charge.
You want me to focus on the topic?
Then you also focus on the topic.
You want to bring up others related to the topic?
In the interest of consistency, I will do the same.

Joe must go. Not only is he focused on the wrong things like jobs and inflation, he is also keeping secrets in dealing with UFOs. He knows who they are and is secretly communicates with them which is against our Constitution.

If the focus of the thread is the title - it isn't Biden corruption it's Hunter Biden criminal charges.
Hunter Biden was charged with 2 misdemeanor tax charges and one felony firearm charge.
You want me to focus on the topic?
Then you also focus on the topic.
You want to bring up others related to the topic?
In the interest of consistency, I will do the same.

Uh oh, bad day for the crackhead and his dad. Get ready. The story will eventually play out and you’ll be on record as being in total denial of Joe’s corruption. Hahahahaha