Crazy stuff going on here

In typical Vanda fashion, they were changing their minds at the.last minute on a few people. It's very sad that the conceited fucks just toy with people's livelihood on a whim. Not everyone is a Poymeropolous child with a daddy to take care of them. Some people work for their living. What a joke of a company. The end is coming when the fines hit.

I don't doubt this for a minute because the same exact thing happened with the Publicis rollover! This company is full of flip floppers who cannot make a decision!

I don't doubt this for a minute because the same exact thing happened with the Publicis rollover! This company is full of flip floppers who cannot make a decision!
Obviously on the day of the cuts, Russell was asleep and lost most of the West (Tom hates Russell and likes to make his be life miserable for fun,). Chris had kissed ass and his region was barely touched. Then their was the overrated crazy Jersey rsd that hates anyone that ever asked her a question or didn't like her off label coaching

Obviously on the day of the cuts, Russell was asleep and lost most of the West (Tom hates Russell and likes to make his be life miserable for fun,). Chris had kissed ass and his region was barely touched. Then their was the overrated crazy Jersey rsd that hates anyone that ever asked her a question or didn't like her off label coaching

She also clearly went after the ladies who were noticeably younger than her and had nice bodies because they take the attention that she craves away from her!