Crazy stuff going on here

why do we still not have any answers on Hetlioz or Fanapt numbers or ic plan? The quarter is almost over and you guys can figure his shit out? Do you even work at headquarters?

why do we still not have any answers on Hetlioz or Fanapt numbers or ic plan? The quarter is almost over and you guys can figure his shit out? Do you even work at headquarters?
Mihales and GP are still stalling on paying anything to 2017 Winners Circle. This is the speed of Vanda unless you have a bad week and then you must fill out a spreadsheet and have it turned around within the hour. It's lack of respect for the reps.

Mihales and GP are still stalling on paying anything to 2017 Winners Circle. This is the speed of Vanda unless you have a bad week and then you must fill out a spreadsheet and have it turned around within the hour. It's lack of respect for the reps.
13 days left in Qtr 2 and no IC plan!!! is this for real?? what did I get myself into??

i mean if they wanted to pay us they would have trend lines and numbers. I heard from another rep from another company that they get paid out at 80% of goal and their number are no where near a 2 % increase. He thought you are expected to grow that much with a flop drug and one indication. Yep. They don’t want to pay us and will do anything not to. No communication = no pay.

Who is going to call us? We need to stay here to help the patients and prescribers. I hope they keep the performers and let the non performers go. If they let is go how much severance pay will we get? I hope we get at least 12-18 months salary. Please let us know what is going on.

Who is going to call us? We need to stay here to help the patients and prescribers. I hope they keep the performers and let the non performers go. If they let is go how much severance pay will we get? I hope we get at least 12-18 months salary. Please let us know what is going on.
12-18?? From Vanda? Not likely. Be lucky to even get a last paycheck

You are kidding, right?? When a company calls individuals as opposed to a national conference call, it is always layoffs. I hope you all have been looking and inteviewing already.