Craig Granowitz a BULLY.

I work with him and consensus building is not in his vocabulary. He is beyond difficult and narcissistic. You just cannot approach him. Its all about his agenda with total disregard to compliance. A 360 evaluation will reveal the collateral damage his abusing behavior is having on the company.

A complete disaster in the making.

He was an ass at Schering, and still is. Leopard does not change its spots!!!!!

The Bully and Goon management operation guidelines
Starts with a whisper campaign to malign a selected employee.
Select an arbitrary area to define a problem….not a team player or team members do not respect you or you do not take initiative or not being strategic or communications are ineffective.
Now expand the whisper campaign and alert your friendly working network so that it becomes toxic environment for you to operate in.
Take the whisper campaign and alert HR and other managers you are now an identified problem employee
Then confront the maligned employee with these arbitrary made up conflicts
Start with downgrade them on performance review, PIP and hope they resign or take them off the assignment
Facts are that 98% of the time the maligned employee gives in and the GOONS WIN!
There is no process or a sense of fair play…Goons always win!

The Bully and Goon management operation guidelines
Starts with a whisper campaign to malign a selected employee.
Select an arbitrary area to define a problem….not a team player or team members do not respect you or you do not take initiative or not being strategic or communications are ineffective.
Now expand the whisper campaign and alert your friendly working network so that it becomes toxic environment for you to operate in.
Take the whisper campaign and alert HR and other managers you are now an identified problem employee
Then confront the maligned employee with these arbitrary made up conflicts
Start with downgrade them on performance review, PIP and hope they resign or take them off the assignment
Facts are that 98% of the time the maligned employee gives in and the GOONS WIN!
There is no process or a sense of fair play…Goons always win!
Cannot believe this shit happens in today's work place and that such behaviors are allowed to go on.

Come on Craigo has been TAME at Merck - back in the day at Schering - Craig liked to brag about how many people he fired. His record was firing a guy the same week he started. Ask Craig about the sign he used to have hanging on his door...

It is amazing that he is still employed in the industry

craigy will not change. he will also last as long as he can - it's got him this far, and this of the volume of people screwed over who are now at others pharma. he is legend. only that sounds like a good thing......

Craigy is back to his goon tactics.

All that recent coaching bull about openness and building trust was window dressing to make us put our guard down. The game is not changing its all about pushing us over the top to support product commercialization. Our credentials as a physician will be used to deliver commercial messages.

I know this is true based on the year end feedback from my manager.

hasta la vista el granowtiz. Company finally made the move. type in his name in merck email and select properties and you will notice that all his reports are aligned with Adam now. Finally the voice survey plays out...