Craig Granowitz a BULLY.

Craig you are disliked and despised for what a monster you are. We will continue to post how horrible it is to work within medical affairs and refuse to do things which we know are not in direct conflict with compliance and policy.

To the one person who continually posts about CG, please move on and find another job !! It is obvious you cannot handle strong, results oriented leadership. All of your veiled references to doing things outside of policy are hilarious. I have never seen that once in interactions with CG. You are an obvious malcontent and would do us all a favor by resigning from your position and simply move on. Give us all a break. Thanks

To the one person who continually posts about CG, please move on and find another job !! It is obvious you cannot handle strong, results oriented leadership. All of your veiled references to doing things outside of policy are hilarious. I have never seen that once in interactions with CG. You are an obvious malcontent and would do us all a favor by resigning from your position and simply move on. Give us all a break. Thanks

Hey you must be the PR firm hired to coach and remake CG image. Afteral this stuff is all made up Bullshitn that from 2007 to now. Really nothing worry about since CG is all about results based leadership. Justbask the folks that work for him. You are an idiot this an anonymous blog which is the only media channel available to confront and expose this bully.

To the one person who continually posts about CG, please move on and find another job !! It is obvious you cannot handle strong, results oriented leadership. All of your veiled references to doing things outside of policy are hilarious. I have never seen that once in interactions with CG. You are an obvious malcontent and would do us all a favor by resigning from your position and simply move on. Give us all a break. Thanks

Good try Craig you cannot hide from all the wrong you are doing. This spin about results and strong leadership is a fabrication in your imagination. It is sad and true that we are weak and afraid of losing our jobs and therefore, we cannot confront you in any open forum. It is sad to see we have to resort to anonymous blogs to expose the bullying and threatening rhetoric from you and your goons. Obviously your management is taking no active steps to stop this outrageous conduct.

To the one person who continually posts about CG, please move on and find another job !! It is obvious you cannot handle strong, results oriented leadership. All of your veiled references to doing things outside of policy are hilarious. I have never seen that once in interactions with CG. You are an obvious malcontent and would do us all a favor by resigning from your position and simply move on. Give us all a break. Thanks

And we all know who that one person is. King Richard at his best.

Craig speak 'we are going to move fast in 2013 to be totally aligned with the commercial model. Translation we will align and prioritise our efforts to drive the bottom line and those on board will be rewarded. I have promised this to Ken and Adam. Step up to this challenge and we will well. Be well and Happy Holidays.

Craig speak 'we are going to move fast in 2013 to be totally aligned with the commercial model. Translation we will align and prioritise our efforts to drive the bottom line and those on board will be rewarded. I have promised this to Ken and Adam. Step up to this challenge and we will well. Be well and Happy Holidays.

Ha ha Rich good try. Your no risk model is being dismantled. After all Merck is about $$$$ sales and ROI. Dr. Ken Massey is going to show us how to do this. Stay tuned.

Indeed, David Schechter has a trifecta in this horserace. He is a certified bully, has a large group of ass kissing followers, and a big brother to protect him. How else does someone who lacks any real intelligence or business acumen get to where is he is today? When will the Merck Board of Directors wake up to the nepotism?

OK this is Dr. Craig Granowitz wishing all my fans a happy new year and a great 2013!

To those who did not listen or follow my advice, you shall feel strange events happening to you career. Obviously, I have at my disposal all the necessary Merck leadership tools to help me to screw you, staring with a downgrade on your your performance ratings, lets now forget lowering your title, followed by reducing your bonus eligibility and that wonderful cryptic stakeholder feedback will always get ya. Please no more talk about clarity in your objectives since we are now totally commercially aligned.

All this is part of One Merck and keeping Ken and Adam very happy with my performance.

Thanks you fans I had a great year!

OK this is Dr. Craig Granowitz wishing all my fans a happy new year and a great 2013!

To those who did not listen or follow my advice, you shall feel strange events happening to you career. Obviously, I have at my disposal all the necessary Merck leadership tools to help me to screw you, staring with a downgrade on your your performance ratings, lets now forget lowering your title, followed by reducing your bonus eligibility and that wonderful cryptic stakeholder feedback will always get ya. Please no more talk about clarity in your objectives since we are now totally commercially aligned.

All this is part of One Merck and keeping Ken and Adam very happy with my performance.

Thanks you fans I had a great year!

We are being taunted by a "BULLY" and a confirmed "ASS KISSER"

OK this is Dr. Craig Granowitz wishing all my fans a happy new year and a great 2013!

To those who did not listen or follow my advice, you shall feel strange events happening to you career. Obviously, I have at my disposal all the necessary Merck leadership tools to help me to screw you, staring with a downgrade on your your performance ratings, lets now forget lowering your title, followed by reducing your bonus eligibility and that wonderful cryptic stakeholder feedback will always get ya. Please no more talk about clarity in your objectives since we are now totally commercially aligned.

All this is part of One Merck and keeping Ken and Adam very happy with my performance.

Thanks you fans I had a great year!

So Granowitz your stakeholder feedback was great and therefore, you got a great rating for 2012. Maybe a presidential award for acing the charm schooling.

Excellent in building talent, collaboration, acted with courage, candor, showing respect, giving credit, demonstrating ethics, integrity and respect. Even a blind, deaf, mute would have a hard time to believe you are driving any results. By all accounts a needs improvement for lack of demonstrating any of the leadership traits. It is delusional to think you are adding any value to Merck. You are a SICKO!

Craig here. I am using this anonymous blog to communicate to my GMA team members.
I am now a new reformed leader with newly acquired buffed skills and I support all Merck leadership skills to make Merck #1 again.

These skills sets I am calibrating into my performance inputs and goals for 2013.

My 2013 skills grid focus are to be excellent in building talent, retention, diversity, collaboration, acted with courage, candor, showing respect, giving credit, demonstrating ethics, demonstrating integrity.

This is the new buffed Craig Granowitz.