Craig Granowitz a BULLY.

Unless we keep up the pressure and start a write in campaign, nothing will be done about this sociopath. Merck has to hear and fear what this bully is doing. We started the pressure but now is the time to keep it up. The "Sicko" Granowitz is using his "illness" to get sympathy and stay at Merck. He is the great manipulator. Have no doubt, he still walks among us and is still at Merck – heard he is back in WS. He certainly does have mental issues but is that what Merck wants as a leader???? No one respects this sociopath and we need to ensure Craig is kicked out on his ass for GMA and Merck to thrive or survive.

Unless we keep up the pressure and start a write in campaign, nothing will be done about this sociopath. Merck has to hear and fear what this bully is doing. We started the pressure but now is the time to keep it up. The "Sicko" Granowitz is using his "illness" to get sympathy and stay at Merck. He is the great manipulator. Have no doubt, he still walks among us and is still at Merck – heard he is back in WS. He certainly does have mental issues but is that what Merck wants as a leader???? No one respects this sociopath and we need to ensure Craig is kicked out on his ass for GMA and Merck to thrive or survive.

Agree, there is a change of control within GMA. All of Craig reports are now with ADAM. Now is the time to expose what the Bullys and the Goons are destroying this company and its employees. Lawyer up and send in your stuff!

Whts up Craig, dude you cannot win with Repressive and Regressive management practices by rolling out shadow management by human resources attending unannounced meeting. Its like the German SS.

This is a raving lunatic. Can't believe the office of compliance hasn't nailed him yet. The GHH staff think they can get away with any behavior. They are all drunk on power.

Come on Craigo has been TAME at Merck - back in the day at Schering - Craig liked to brag about how many people he fired. His record was firing a guy the same week he started. Ask Craig about the sign he used to have hanging on his door...

It is amazing that he is still employed in the industry

I worked under this bastard at SP. His reputation: Do well and you WILL get fired! He doesn't like people who steal his thunder.

I'm glad to see you at Merck have him pegged. I usually count on "What goes around, comes around." I'm still waiting. God knows he screwed enough of us - all good people doing well AND doing it ethically. Maybe that was the problem....

Dr Craig Granowitz is a real messed up. He has never practiced medicine....worked all his professional career at Schering Plough....Screwed up professional affairs at Schering and Merck....Hates Merck....thinks he is always right....lacks emotional IQ....treats us like shit.

Question to Ken Frasier, Adam Schechter and the Merck Board of Directors.


WOW to think that this beast has been coached by a trainer and is demonstrating decent human conduct.