
US Imaging is scheduled to have their National Sales Meeting in November. That should be a good one. A bunch of pissed off reps spending a week training on what? Being encouraged about what?

All the executives will be celebrating the fact that they are rolling in dough, the stock has gone through the eff-ing roof, they are so so so so happy!

In the meantime, the reps better bring a good supply of vaseline 'cause they'll continue to take it where the sun don't shine!

You are a sales rep. A medical device sales rep. This team whines like a bunch of pharma faggots!! If you want to make more sell more that is the beauty of device sales. If management is so bad gets some balls walk up to them and tell them why your company isn't were it should be and this is how you get back on course. Stop complaining and get to work. Your job is to row the boat mine is to steer it.

obviously you have no earthly idea how this company has been treating their reps. How would you like to work for a company that moves the bar(quota) several times a year? Once you get close to the carrot, oops, there it goes out of reach again. How about rolling out a 120% price increase to generator customers with zero improvement to product, service, consistency of delivery. Sales 101 says you don't take from the customer unless you have something to give..... duh!

How about raising quotas for a product not yet released or approved by the FDA 4 months before it's projected release? How about Aug. 1, the big release day, the FDA delays the release and the great John Collins (not) says he is not going to adjust the quotas until after the end of the fiscal year Oct. 1? Now that we are failing miserably to sell a product not available and not approved by the FDA, we all owe Covidien all of the pennies in commission we received BEFORE the quota increase IN ADVANCE of a product release.

My favorite is that they assure us Collins in honorable and fair and "Will do the right thing." Gee, could we be waiting this out in order to manipulate the stock value on wall street? Me thinks I smell very big rats at Covidien. Show the stock holders great profit, great margins, tens of millions in generator price increase alone, reduced cost of doing business (not paying sales reps) and they are off to the races.

Now, whoever said the execs are having a big party was exactly correct! They are paid on the value of the stock and the stock price has gone from 34 range to 55 bucks in less than a year. All the while they sit on conference calls celebrating the stock and trying to decide how they should celebrate new thresholds in stock value going up.

What a bunch of selfish, greedy losers!

ROnce they raised it 4 months before the FDA approval for the generic heart agent. Now they've been delayed by the FDA for at least two months. Guess what? They have elected not to adjust the quotas. Every sales person in the entire company is so mad! I worked for them for over twenty years.

And when folks are talking about their new product ... it's a generic of a product that has been on the market for nearly 20 years (sestamibi), of which there will be at least one other generic (Draxis/GE) and the branded version (Cardiolite) ... you'll have your own nuclear pharmacies to peddle this product, but the key will be getting Cardinal and the other independent nuclear pharmacy chains to use your version over the other brands.

And that'll be a price war.

meanwhile, the quota increases reflect an expectation of 80% conversion to Covidien. Can anyone define GENERIC? Their egos are so huge, they think 80% of the market will flock to us. Is that the example where we say, "buy from us, after all, we are who we are." Give me a break!

meanwhile, the quota increases reflect an expectation of 80% conversion to Covidien. Can anyone define GENERIC? Their egos are so huge, they think 80% of the market will flock to us. Is that the example where we say, "buy from us, after all, we are who we are." Give me a break!

Unless Coviden is planning to give away generic sestamibi, there's no way they'll get an 80% market share.

GE is going to distribute their Myoview and Draxis sestambi, so there's one group of providers (nuclear pharmacies) that aren't going to be potential customers.

And if you think customers (physicians, hospitals, clinics) are going to be banging down the doors of their nuclear pharmacies demanding Coviden sestamibi, you are smokin' cigarettes that don't come in packs of 20.

From my experience with cardiologists, most would sell their mothers for a dollar discount ... as a cardiologist once told me, the most dangerous place to be is between a cardiologist and a $100 bill

It's clear to the reps that the overblown quota expectations and little to no commission is the wave of the future. I will give them an 80% figure to consider.......

A minimum of 80% of their "seasoned" reps, as they like to celebrate, are busily looking for new jobs. They stand to lose a huge percentage of their work force due to their unethical behavior. It was the worst possible time to put the screws to the sales force with quotas out of sight and no commission for the reps. They will not likely forget anytime soon.

The sales people go through such intensive training for this job. They are now hiring entry level people right off the used car lots (practically) and its going to be lots of fun watching them try to pass their tests. Average preparation time for exams is 3 months at home study.

They act like this is a hot shit job and a hot shit company. Most of the reps will finish the year at 58K base and no commission or worse, they will owe the company money.

They should be ashamed of themselves. Way to go John Collins you A+ a$$hole! Go get yourself another gastric bypass.

Wow, I was going to interview for a position with Covidien and I came here to learn more about the company. It sounds pretty bad. I think I'll look for something else. Does anyone think it will get better? It sure sounds like it could not get worse. Thanks to everyone for this feedback. I cannot afford to take the wrong job.

Hernia reps have mesh and hernia endomechanical devices, ie fixation, dissection ballons, etc.

Soft Tissue has mesh, endomechanical devices and suture.

At plan hernia reps should be at $150K.

Soft tissue should be at $110K for entry level.

Hernia reps have mesh and hernia endomechanical devices, ie fixation, dissection ballons, etc.

Soft Tissue has mesh, endomechanical devices and suture.

At plan hernia reps should be at $150K.

Soft tissue should be at $110K for entry level.

hell, i make 150K at plan and i'm in pharma. maybe device/equip sales is a joke after all.

Ok guys here is the truth. I've done both jobs as a Pharma Rep and a Med Device OR Rep:

Pharma at Plan= $150K working 30-40 hrs/week ($70/hr) with healthy expense account, ability to entertain, full corporate support and strong budget. Customers treat you fairly well and enjoy your presence over breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Downside is if you work more/harder you won't necessarily make more.

OR Device Rep at plan=$160k working 50-60hrs/wk ($47/hr) with no expense acount, no entertainment budget, no corporate support at all, no budget. Customers treat you like total crap even if you bring in food which rarely happens. Upside is you might, maybe do better to $190K if you get very very lucky and have a good year.

Sorry man but you guys have been fooled to think you have a better job just because you stand in an OR and shoot the sh*t with OR staff and a surgeon for hrs on end. You can keep your OR job. I'm going back to selling drugs making more per hour having a heck of a lot more fun doing it and getting treated better.

Please only those with experience on both side respond. I'm sick of hearing from the kool aid drinking med device jocks and r*****s that can't even read without using their finger say crap like, "pharma's for catering", "pharma's a monkey in a suit job". Look ya r***** who's the monkey standing in the corner of an OR tapping away on their blackberry hoping the surgeon pulls a endo gia over an echelon just to make $25.00!

Ok guys here is the truth. I've done both jobs as a Pharma Rep and a Med Device OR Rep:

Pharma at Plan= $150K working 30-40 hrs/week ($70/hr) with healthy expense account, ability to entertain, full corporate support and strong budget. Customers treat you fairly well and enjoy your presence over breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Downside is if you work more/harder you won't necessarily make more.

OR Device Rep at plan=$160k working 50-60hrs/wk ($47/hr) with no expense acount, no entertainment budget, no corporate support at all, no budget. Customers treat you like total crap even if you bring in food which rarely happens. Upside is you might, maybe do better to $190K if you get very very lucky and have a good year.

Sorry man but you guys have been fooled to think you have a better job just because you stand in an OR and shoot the sh*t with OR staff and a surgeon for hrs on end. You can keep your OR job. I'm going back to selling drugs making more per hour having a heck of a lot more fun doing it and getting treated better.

Please only those with experience on both side respond. I'm sick of hearing from the kool aid drinking med device jocks and r*****s that can't even read without using their finger say crap like, "pharma's for catering", "pharma's a monkey in a suit job". Look ya r***** who's the monkey standing in the corner of an OR tapping away on their blackberry hoping the surgeon pulls a endo gia over an echelon just to make $25.00!

Sadly, this is becoming more and more true. While I agree this is true for the average rep, the ability to break through the ceiling and make well over 200k is only available with medical device. But only the top ten percent will make this.

I've sold both and here is my take on it:

Most med device jobs are basically pharma like jobs these days. If you can get a hospital pharma gig and make 150-200 then take it and don't look back. No pagers. Good company cars. Great QOL. You can still wear scrubs(no suits).

All of the glamour behind selling device is BS. I would much rather make more by working less