Contract Rep Questions

Point is this contract rep is already faking the job before anyone knows if they have made a difference. Seriously, that territory welcomed the contract rep.

Point is that no assfuck face from Forest should be remotely interested or concerned about what a CSO rep is entering for a call....douche bag. Are you that big of scum bag that you are so interested in others call activity? Get a life shitbag.

Point is that no assfuck face from Forest should be remotely interested or concerned about what a CSO rep is entering for a call....douche bag. Are you that big of scum bag that you are so interested in others call activity? Get a life shitbag.

OOoooooooo Kkkkkkkkk..... Looks like someone's struck a nerve. Yes if you want on the team you play by their rules.

Contract reps face it, we hate you and don't need you. We may be nice to your face but we will stab you in the back. Don't try and take our jobs contract boy.

You must be young, professionally immature, narcissistic, and lacking character and integrity. Your perspective is irrelevant, you have no power or influence over company direction.

If you Forest people knew how to sell you wouldn't need us contract reps. Can't you see what is happening?Im knocking it out of the park and Forest reps might as well be sitting on their hands.

If you Forest people knew how to sell you wouldn't need us contract reps. Can't you see what is happening?Im knocking it out of the park and Forest reps might as well be sitting on their hands.

The beauty of the contract we are on with forest, is that I have to do NOTHING but golf and watch puss all day at the pool in my neighborhood while the forest grunts are out panicking about sig's.... fucking I a CSO rep, you bet your ASS I am, and you do all my work and I collect on your sales...keep up the sampling and good work dick boy!

Ditto, they hate us and the way their company is going, they will be contract or unemployed soon. Let them run scared begging for sigs, I laugh at these so called sales reps every time we meet.

If the Forest kool-aid drinkers and lifers have not figured it out yet, this is the official writing on the wall. If you think the contract people are going to get fired first, you are wrong, they will retain your jobs during transition to the aquirer of Forest. Contract sales forces though possibly, and I say possibly less effective, are easier to dissolve without legacy cost or the chance of lawsuits (a bonus for the aquirer).
The sales force micromanagement, computers, tracking programs, all get the ducks in order for zero severance and the "voluntary stepping down" of your peers. If you thought the fear management was bad now, they are going to ride you harder so no severance costs ever exist. The management team has already done a great job of getting 5 plus year vets to "step-down". How many 7-8 year people that have not managed to get themselves promoted from life behind a tablet/sampling still exist?

If Forest has been good to you this far, learn that all your achievements will mean nothing or little to nothing, as they slowly force you out the door. One last push for share of voice and to squeeze every script they can before Lexapro sales degrade indefinitely and escitalopram generics take over the market.

Can anyone with a brain tell me any other reason why Forest, knowing full well they have more rep coverage than any other pharma company, would add a contract force? The answer should be the idea that Forest sales force is going to die a slow and painful death as they ruin you and your career at Forest. Thanks for all your hardwork, now go and actively search for employment outside the wicket door. Although you view your contract sales counterparts as ineffective, they are the solution to selling Forest. Karl has already communicated what his plan was for this company and unfortunately it involves less people to do it.

The beauty of the contract we are on with forest, is that I have to do NOTHING but golf and watch puss all day at the pool in my neighborhood while the forest grunts are out panicking about sig's.... fucking I a CSO rep, you bet your ASS I am, and you do all my work and I collect on your sales...keep up the sampling and good work dick boy!

Us CSOs RULE!!! We are the future!!