Considering abandoning wife and kids & debts

this is why I...Internist Single! Actually it's b/c like most MDS I'm socially retarded and never had time for anything in trianing. Am also living on redneck Riviera these days.

Neil Straus wrote a book about survivalism. He got citizenship after a long hassle in St Kitts but Kittittians have electric power problems. You could also Rat on a "fat Tony" and join witness protection. Monogamy is an unnatural state and who can stand kids???

are you female?

OP here with update. Now almost 3 1/2 yrs later. Just got my 2 promotion, remarried awith a baby on the way! W2'D $136,000 last year. Yes a new identity and career can work if you are smart. God luck to all that pursue this and due your due dillengence research.

this is why I...Internist Single! Actually it's b/c like most MDS I'm socially retarded and never had time for anything in trianing. Am also living on redneck Riviera these days.

Neil Straus wrote a book about survivalism. He got citizenship after a long hassle in St Kitts but Kittittians have electric power problems. You could also Rat on a "fat Tony" and join witness protection. Monogamy is an unnatural state and who can stand kids???

Evidently your mother couldn't stand you because you turned out to an idiot!!

I think he made the right decision leaving......I mean come on once you have kids it all sucks. Everytime you go to a BBQ all everyone says is "It's all about the kids....the kids.....the kids.....the kids....screw that. I am a 30 year old male married for 4 years, 1 child. I already feel dead. I remember those days in high school and college and ealy 20's....the adventure.....the parties...getting wasted with the primary objective of landing some new pussy for the evening......It was awsome. I already feel dead. One vagina for the rest of my life....great!! What was I thinking. Don't get me wrong, I love the wife...she's fun....but there's no adventure.....we'll have more kids soon and I'll leave in 10 years......don't think twice about it bro.....just go and live YOUR life.

Man you gotta luv this future generation, no wonder this country is going down the tubes - yep YOU split bcuz it's all about YOU - your kids will grow up to be well adjusted - why don't you get some balls and leave now with one kid - minimize the damage to the kid and let your 'fun' wife find a real man who will appreciate her. It's time to shit or get off the pot junior!

The whole world is damn near devoid of people of understand committment, who have integrity, who have morals, who have business ethics. Major downhill slide. There was actually a time when corporations felt bad when cutbacks were required and tried to find those displaced work with other companies or got them into re-training programs. They devised termination packages based on tenure and salary that would help them have the time and resources to find new jobs.

The problem today? Corporations are run by people with the same morals and committment as the assholes who come on here bragging about running out on their families.....

Dude you nailed it! These are the same self-centered, self-serving assholes, think they- know-more, better-than-everyone, to smart for ethics or faith, assholes that are at the head of the procession leading American Business and the country into oblivion. 225+ years progess down the tubes. The only positive is that when the fit hits the shan these assholes won't have the skills to survive and I will have no problem feeding their asses to the wolves (literally)

Re: UPDATE- Considering abandoning wife and kids & debts

Another update from the OP: New life has been better than I ever would have imagined. Yes at first it was a struggle getting use to a new identity and living a new ife thousands of miles where I had always lived. I have excelled in my new pharma position moved to a much nicer apartment and am now in district manager training! I also have a beautiful 25 year old new girlfriend who loves me just for who I am. To all you negative naysayers out there just remeber I had the guts to make a change, a BIG change. You did not and live in a world of self-loathing and self-denial. You only live once and I am going 100% balls out. Good luck to all of you!

I call bullshit. If not, I can appreciate that moving to an apartment vs the rock you lived under as an upgrade. Living a lie will eventually catch up to you probably just when you've gotten everything together in your 'new' life and destroy it.

I knew a girl who's dad walked out on her and disappeared - couldn't trust anyone - always picked the wrong guy - she's just driftin' thru life from one disaster to another - can't commit to anything - came from a nice family too, uncle is a doc etc.

The kids u left will be 4ever driftin' lookin' for something they will never find. Hope u sleep well.

End the lie now - go out 2 some canyon and off yourself. You deserve it. Just think, sweet peace, no more worrying about being caught, you can finally rest with no problems - no responsibility, ever again. You know your really not cut out to be an adult anyway. You know I'm right. Just do it. No one will really care.

OP here with update. Now almost 3 1/2 yrs later. Just got my 2 promotion, remarried awith a baby on the way! W2'D $136,000 last year. Yes a new identity and career can work if you are smart. God luck to all that pursue this and due your due dillengence research.

Op you are an inspiration to all of us with chubby aging wives, ungrateful kids and debts.......Because of you I have well

Hey, wait a minute. YOU 'chose' this life and 'had' those kids.....what, you think you're owed something??? YOU OWE YOUR FAMILY THE ORIGINAL COMMITMENT YOU MADE. You got into this of your own volition. And at the end of it all, it is not about arguing with those of us who will be about living with your ultimate selfish choice, as you come to see the destruction you will have undoubtably caused your family. Get some counseling with your situation and try and work it out.

I didnt choose the life, our society made me choose it by ramming a myth down my throat for a lifetime. "You'll gat married, have a wife, have kids, live happy ever after". Bullshit, like I said, one vagina for the rest of my life? LOL - get real !!!

I didnt choose the life, our society made me choose it by ramming a myth down my throat for a lifetime. "You'll gat married, have a wife, have kids, live happy ever after". Bullshit, like I said, one vagina for the rest of my life? LOL - get real !!!

I can't do the one vagina thing. You get tired of it. Looks the same, feels the same, smells the's too short !!! You gotta find a way to get some on the side and cover your tracks. You can also leave like the OP !

Serious replies only please. Due to a terrible marriage, terrible wife and huge debt I am very seriousely thinking of leaving my wife and 2 kids next month. Here's my question; does anyone have any experience with creating a new identity? Any websites or books? Thank you in advance.

OP here again. Been almost 5 years since my original post. I have been doing extremely well. Promoted 2 times and now engaged i to a wonderful woman. The new life is so refreshing and I have heard that my old wife and kids are doing well also. Please do not analyze or critique me unless you have been where I am, life is too short.

I really think the OP deserves some kudos for having the guts to go this tough route. We all are or know someone in a loveless, miserable marriage. I admire the OP.

Yes, people change after marriage. In most cases, the woman loses her mind.

Men don't change overnight, like chicks. Once a man hits 18, their personality RARELY changes.

Woman are like Dr. Jeykell and Mr. Hyde, in their personalities.

I am glad to not be married.

As for the OP, just stay calm and do what you have to do, especially if the situation is causing you many problems that you can't take or if you have a wife that is nuts.

Women's Lib. has much blame in this. Women bel. the lies of Women's Lib., instead of supporting a good husband and allowing the husband to be the leader of the family.

We are seeing a weakening of the American male, and families are falling apart...

and people wonder why?

Also, sharp men don't get married anymore, because women give it up so easily today.

I too appauld the OP for his guts and initiative in starting over. Few people have the genuine corage to make a substancial change in your life. The negative Nellys on this board need to just shut up!

I really think the OP deserves some kudos for having the guts to go this tough route. We all are or know someone in a loveless, miserable marriage. I admire the OP.

Oh yeah, I agree, takes TONS of guts to walk out on a family and leave them to fend for themselves.

A real man.

Oh yeah......