Complete Employee Disaster

Already getting calls, talking to the hubby. He wants out, too, as we have no life but work anymore.
His friends cannot believe the absolute bullshit we put up with, day in and out. What fries my twinkies is the sheer nastiness of management.

Management is a bunch of motards. They would be better off working to retain talent. In this tight job market losing even one key employee is a big deal. Losing the entry level people creates "churn" where you are constantly training and cleaning up the mess the newbies make.

The ONLY reason for management to be nasty is if they have someone they want to leave...that is the "treat them shitty and hope they leave" school of personnel management

Indeed. The mentally handicapped are innocent. SK, TD, SH, CS.... they are scum.
Keep in mind these wonderful "men" are training (shitting all over) the site leaders to get things done "the CMO way". The site leaders are as bad, or worse since we have to deal with them daily, but more than a few of them buy into this "philosophy" on managing people. All the senior leaders will be all smiles and rah-rah but they always revert to being total assholes.
Allshitty is rotten on at least the two top levels. They must have horrible home lives.

Keep in mind these wonderful "men" are training (shitting all over) the site leaders to get things done "the CMO way". The site leaders are as bad, or worse since we have to deal with them daily, but more than a few of them buy into this "philosophy" on managing people. All the senior leaders will be all smiles and rah-rah but they always revert to being total assholes.
Allshitty is rotten on at least the two top levels. They must have horrible home lives.

BOHICA, and again. Get used to it and shut that mouth.

TGIF, I am hoping the ELT will die is a flaming car crash, it would be a relief for everyone who works here. The smell of burning bullshit would be a small price to pay to be free.

in G-town we call them ice-holes.
Fargging ice-holes. The dipshits have to realize how little respect people have for them. Such big words for small minded men.
The Penn and Teller show continues to amuse and abuse. They have the garden gnome in HR to add to the hilarity.
The SLT treats people like shit and the gnome backs them up with the corporate slobber. If this was "The Office" this would be funny. The show would involve running a business into the floor by getting everyone to quit.

Not only are people quitting the outstanding ELT is having a hard time getting replacements. The job market is tight, the word is out as to what a difficult work place allcrappy has become, that makes it really hard to hire any competent replacements for mid to upper level slots. Entry level slots are getting harder to fill. BOHICA, mandatory weekend work and overtime is now the norm.

Not only are people quitting the outstanding ELT is having a hard time getting replacements. The job market is tight, the word is out as to what a difficult work place allcrappy has become, that makes it really hard to hire any competent replacements for mid to upper level slots. Entry level slots are getting harder to fill. BOHICA, mandatory weekend work and overtime is now the norm.
EVERY person I talk to who has left from management told me that not only would they not recommend working here, they would warn people away. No wonder no one even takes a second look at this place despite the rise in the bait (salary). It is a death spiral that this company will not get out of for years to come.
People should work their 40 hours and go home. Screw this being screwed.

Two fires, is that a new record?

Around thanksgiving we used to deep fry a turkey in the Wilmington Hall Street lab parking lot, that was a long time ago and many CEO's past. Never set the lab on fire tho. Maybe you guys in G-town should take the BBQ outside?

If you do have a cook out be careful to watch for ice-hole, they can ruin a party, or a company.