Company Culture

Several reps in my area were put on plans after annual reviews. Hired reps that had no prior connection to the territory and have almost no access due to the pandemic. What a shame. They’re trying their best and all the ABD can muster is “write em up... that’s how we did it at Forest!” I hope GR gets wise, a lot of the Forest retreads are suffocating ITCI’s potential

Worst Company Culture I have ever seen in my 27 years in this industry. Leadership rules by Fear and Intimidation......who are they kidding saying it’s a culture of “accountability”. That’s a smoke screen for “we punish our people”. 100% Toxic. A few people on my team were also put on Warnings and docked their bonus pay while on it because of last year’s numbers. PIPs and firing are coming in May. I think the toxic culture is coming from GR and above. My manager is clueless but thankfully my numbers have been good so he leaves me alone. No excuse for creating a toxic culture. No excuse for treating employees the way they have.

This place is the bottom of the barrel culture wise. Great salary almost no chance for bonus and no chance of long term survival. Great is you like a culture of intimidation and threats though.

I’ve never been disappointed as I have here. Upper Leadership isn’t forthcoming and must think we are fools. I’m over my manager saying “we’re all in this together,” yet does nothing to contribute to the team. He defers us out to other teammates for questions and then takes credit, what does he really do besides read numbers to us? Do we even need a manager for anything? With regards to Caplyta, the feedback from many doctors is that it just isn’t strong enough. Patients back in hospitals because they aren’t well controlled.

Not at all what I’m hearing. Most providers are actually surprised at responses in patients who have failed multiple medications. If anything, I’ve heard more complaints about a need for a lower dose.

I’m tired of being told that patients are:
1) decompensating
2) the sedation is too much, even when dosed at night
I feel like I’m selling a lemon

Total opposite in my territory. At first, we got the patients no other agent could help and they responded. My most skeptical providers and KOLs report impressive results. Feedback is great.

Do you really work here?

I took this position because I thought I was promoting a good company with a good product, clearly not the case. I’ve got great long standing relationships and am barely growing. The feedback isn’t great at all. Doctors are expressing their disappointment with efficacy. I’m not going to promote off label. Company culture is a toxic.

I like my boss. The company has been very generous and supportive during Covid. No overlaps or co-promotion drama. And Caplyta is doing well in my territory. I know others may have a different experience but, so far, I’m glad I made the move.

Insurance is a little more expensive and I wish we had the week between Christmas and New Years off. Other than that I’m pretty happy.

Good bosses and positive medication feedback is few and far between. Like someone else said, it’s only a matter of time before it happens to you. Co-workers on PIP’s for things beyond their control, lack of true collaboration, and a cover you butt mentality is unacceptable. It’s a true toxic culture.

I was told that the West Area Director wasn’t even the first choice candidate. The original person left and they panic-hired GM. That’s a good way to set your company up for failure. Couldn’t find a better hatchet man if you tried. That guy still thinks he’s launching Celexa.

the Forest DM in the East couldn’t find enough candidates because of his reputation. At least 3 people took their name out of considerwhen they heard he was hired. You must leave an impression when you have your own personal thread on 3 Companies boards on Cafepharma

I’ve got a female manager and she’s completely lost any small ounce of respect I once had for her. She began recording our team on camera zoom calls without notifying or asking us. I spoke to a friend of mine on another team and he said his male manager does the same thing and they weren’t notified or asked either. My friend actually began recording his manager because surprise surprise the manager says/does one thing on one on one’s in person and then changes his tune during his recorded team Zoom calls. With both managers that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

the Forest DM in the East couldn’t find enough candidates because of his reputation. At least 3 people took their name out of considerwhen they heard he was hired. You must leave an impression when you have your own personal thread on 3 Companies boards on Cafepharma
There is no Forest DM in the East.

I’ve got a female manager and she’s completely lost any small ounce of respect I once had for her. She began recording our team on camera zoom calls without notifying or asking us. I spoke to a friend of mine on another team and he said his male manager does the same thing and they weren’t notified or asked either. My friend actually began recording his manager because surprise surprise the manager says/does one thing on one on one’s in person and then changes his tune during his recorded team Zoom calls. With both managers that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

What those managers are doing could be illegal depending on which state they are in, the rep as well. There could be charges brought against them. Sadly, it doesn’t surprise me given the caliber of most of these managers.

I like my boss. The company has been very generous and supportive during Covid. No overlaps or co-promotion drama. And Caplyta is doing well in my territory. I know others may have a different experience but, so far, I’m glad I made the move.

Insurance is a little more expensive and I wish we had the week between Christmas and New Years off. Other than that I’m pretty happy.