Company Culture


I would have to say Monday Through Friday is fairly bad with a slight edge to Monday because that is when I have my DM check in call usually. It is the most soul draining experience with the most useless demotivating DM of all time.

I’ve never been disappointed as I have here. Upper Leadership isn’t forthcoming and must think we are fools. I’m over my manager saying “we’re all in this together,” yet does nothing to contribute to the team. He defers us out to other teammates for questions and then takes credit, what does he really do besides read numbers to us? Do we even need a manager for anything? With regards to Caplyta, the feedback from many doctors is that it just isn’t strong enough. Patients back in hospitals because they aren’t well controlled.

I’ve never been disappointed as I have here. Upper Leadership isn’t forthcoming and must think we are fools. I’m over my manager saying “we’re all in this together,” yet does nothing to contribute to the team. He defers us out to other teammates for questions and then takes credit, what does he really do besides read numbers to us? Do we even need a manager for anything? With regards to Caplyta, the feedback from many doctors is that it just isn’t strong enough. Patients back in hospitals because they aren’t well controlled.

Not what's happening in our region at all. I think the leadership team is doing their best to help us with all the limitations during the pandemic. Imagine trying to launch a new company, product and sales force in this mess. ITCI has done better than most based on how other companies are treating their sales reps. The prescribers in our area have great feedback on Caplyta so not sure what you are talking about there.

Yup, it’s going on in our region. If I had to do all over, I wouldn’t. My providers aren’t impressed and I regret leaving my other position. For now I need a check. It’s not worth speaking up and run the risk of pissing someone off and being on a PIP.

Yup, it’s going on in our region. If I had to do all over, I wouldn’t. My providers aren’t impressed and I regret leaving my other position. For now I need a check. It’s not worth speaking up and run the risk of pissing someone off and being on a PIP.
Several reps in my area were put on plans after annual reviews. Hired reps that had no prior connection to the territory and have almost no access due to the pandemic. What a shame. They’re trying their best and all the ABD can muster is “write em up... that’s how we did it at Forest!” I hope GR gets wise, a lot of the Forest retreads are suffocating ITCI’s potential

Several reps in my area were put on plans after annual reviews. Hired reps that had no prior connection to the territory and have almost no access due to the pandemic. What a shame. They’re trying their best and all the ABD can muster is “write em up... that’s how we did it at Forest!” I hope GR gets wise, a lot of the Forest retreads are suffocating ITCI’s potential

Sounds like some stress leave candidates will be taking some time off.

Crap culture here.

We’ve had no opportunity to build a culture. We’ve been working remotely most of the first year. No launch meeting or region POAs. I still haven’t me half the people on my team in person. You can’t build a culture on Zoom. But I like my manager and the money and stock awards are very good. I’m going to be patient and let things develop.

Not holding a POA or meeting your team isn’t an excuse for the way some are treated by the organization beginning with GR and filtering down to the RBM’s. There is a CYA mentality. Also, if you think you are fine now, it is only a matter of months. Many RBM’s cannot properly handle the stress and begin turning on their teams. I do not like seeing or hearing how others are treated and it’s a huge red flag. No organization should behave this way. They enable a toxic culture and know how to look out for only themselves. Not a true collaboration or positive environment.

Not holding a POA or meeting your team isn’t an excuse for the way some are treated by the organization beginning with GR and filtering down to the RBM’s. There is a CYA mentality. Also, if you think you are fine now, it is only a matter of months. Many RBM’s cannot properly handle the stress and begin turning on their teams. I do not like seeing or hearing how others are treated and it’s a huge red flag. No organization should behave this way. They enable a toxic culture and know how to look out for only themselves. Not a true collaboration or positive environment.

Not my experience thankfully. Sounds like some areas are being led differently.

Not holding a POA or meeting your team isn’t an excuse for the way some are treated by the organization beginning with GR and filtering down to the RBM’s. There is a CYA mentality. Also, if you think you are fine now, it is only a matter of months. Many RBM’s cannot properly handle the stress and begin turning on their teams. I do not like seeing or hearing how others are treated and it’s a huge red flag. No organization should behave this way. They enable a toxic culture and know how to look out for only themselves. Not a true collaboration or positive environment.

So true. ITCI has started earning itself a reputation - much like the reputations of the people they hired. A check is a check. What a shame!

Not holding a POA or meeting your team isn’t an excuse for the way some are treated by the organization beginning with GR and filtering down to the RBM’s. There is a CYA mentality. Also, if you think you are fine now, it is only a matter of months. Many RBM’s cannot properly handle the stress and begin turning on their teams. I do not like seeing or hearing how others are treated and it’s a huge red flag. No organization should behave this way. They enable a toxic culture and know how to look out for only themselves. Not a true collaboration or positive environment.

The company targeted and hired from the discount section of the dollar talent store, with or without Covid is irrelevant. 90% of the RBMs don’t have a clue about the business of medicine and they are even worse with hiring, as the numbers prove. Blame the pandemic, the product, and anything else, but the fact of this reality is that shitty incapable people produce shitty results and many times have no clue about how shitty they are. RBMs with nothing but big pharma and contract resumes earning less per year despite 20+ years doing it than many Reps earn at specialty/rare disease companies, where they know it is ALL about the sales personnel and pay accordingly.

ITCI wanted the top people, but didn’t want to pay, so they did the worse imaginable and settled on the third and fourth tier talent in most geographies. Our directors couldn’t compete as managers at the places stocked with talent and our managers would struggle to get hired as reps, let alone managers.

The company targeted and hired from the discount section of the dollar talent store, with or without Covid is irrelevant. 90% of the RBMs don’t have a clue about the business of medicine and they are even worse with hiring, as the numbers prove. Blame the pandemic, the product, and anything else, but the fact of this reality is that shitty incapable people produce shitty results and many times have no clue about how shitty they are. RBMs with nothing but big pharma and contract resumes earning less per year despite 20+ years doing it than many Reps earn at specialty/rare disease companies, where they know it is ALL about the sales personnel and pay accordingly.

ITCI wanted the top people, but didn’t want to pay, so they did the worse imaginable and settled on the third and fourth tier talent in most geographies. Our directors couldn’t compete as managers at the places stocked with talent and our managers would struggle to get hired as reps, let alone managers.

I was told that the West Area Director wasn’t even the first choice candidate. The original person left and they panic-hired GM. That’s a good way to set your company up for failure. Couldn’t find a better hatchet man if you tried. That guy still thinks he’s launching Celexa.

The company targeted and hired from the discount section of the dollar talent store, with or without Covid is irrelevant. 90% of the RBMs don’t have a clue about the business of medicine and they are even worse with hiring, as the numbers prove. Blame the pandemic, the product, and anything else, but the fact of this reality is that shitty incapable people produce shitty results and many times have no clue about how shitty they are. RBMs with nothing but big pharma and contract resumes earning less per year despite 20+ years doing it than many Reps earn at specialty/rare disease companies, where they know it is ALL about the sales personnel and pay accordingly.

ITCI wanted the top people, but didn’t want to pay, so they did the worse imaginable and settled on the third and fourth tier talent in most geographies. Our directors couldn’t compete as managers at the places stocked with talent and our managers would struggle to get hired as reps, let alone managers.

Several reps in my area were put on plans after annual reviews. Hired reps that had no prior connection to the territory and have almost no access due to the pandemic. What a shame. They’re trying their best and all the ABD can muster is “write em up... that’s how we did it at Forest!” I hope GR gets wise, a lot of the Forest retreads are suffocating ITCI’s potential