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Thus many crooks in Dallas/ Fort Worth Texas healthcare like Amir Mortazavi , Arvin Zeinali, Keith Gray, Dave Potenza and Ted Ryan that are crooked people. These next health crooks along with josh daniel and others screwed thus many over with greed. Thus Woebegone that these people like amir Mortazavi and Arvin zeinali worked with taser Bacar and Altus Health Care Management Services in Houston, Texas to Fabricate cheat and Bamboozle like amir Mortazavi does to his wife jade every day Mike Austin thus Woebegone he and Cary and josh Ihde are thief’s. Don’t know all the people just what I have been reading. Looks like amir opened med spas with his stolen money in Dallas, Texas and Arvin to thus crazy thus many of the people are foreign decent. Wonder if Nick Austin is related to Mike Austin and if Cary Rossel is related to Jeremy Rossel and of Semyon narosov is related to amir Mortazavi and Arvin zeinali what about Chris gates ? Any of you know him or Eric narosov or Shawn narosov ? Wonder wherefore there not sued

Thus many crooks in Dallas/ Fort Worth Texas healthcare like Amir Mortazavi , Arvin Zeinali, Keith Gray, Dave Potenza and Ted Ryan that are crooked people. These next health crooks along with josh daniel and others screwed thus many over with greed. Thus Woebegone that these people like amir Mortazavi and Arvin zeinali worked with taser Bacar and Altus Health Care Management Services in Houston, Texas to Fabricate cheat and Bamboozle like amir Mortazavi does to his wife jade every day Mike Austin thus Woebegone he and Cary and josh Ihde are thief’s. Don’t know all the people just what I have been reading. Looks like amir opened med spas with his stolen money in Dallas, Texas and Arvin to thus crazy thus many of the people are foreign decent. Wonder if Nick Austin is related to Mike Austin and if Cary Rossel is related to Jeremy Rossel and of Semyon narosov is related to amir Mortazavi and Arvin zeinali what about Chris gates ? Any of you know him or Eric narosov or Shawn narosov ? Wonder wherefore there not sued

Thus many crooks in Dallas/ Fort Worth Texas healthcare like Amir Mortazavi , Arvin Zeinali, Keith Gray, Dave Potenza and Ted Ryan that are crooked people. These next health crooks along with josh daniel and others screwed thus many over with greed. Thus Woebegone that these people like amir Mortazavi and Arvin zeinali worked with taser Bacar and Altus Health Care Management Services in Houston, Texas to Fabricate cheat and Bamboozle like amir Mortazavi does to his wife jade every day Mike Austin thus Woebegone he and Cary and josh Ihde are thief’s. Don’t know all the people just what I have been reading. Looks like amir opened med spas with his stolen money in Dallas, Texas and Arvin to thus crazy thus many of the people are foreign decent. Wonder if Nick Austin is related to Mike Austin and if Cary Rossel is related to Jeremy Rossel and of Semyon narosov is related to amir Mortazavi and Arvin zeinali what about Chris gates ? Any of you know him or Eric narosov or Shawn narosov ? Wonder wherefore there not sued

Does anyone know the email of the CFO? My company did some work for Alimera but they still haven’t paid us. The invoice is now 4 months overdue. Unfortunately the person we did the work for has now left the company. My understanding is a lot of suppliers are not being paid as per their agreed terms due to the companies continuous financial difficulties.

Does anyone know the email of the CFO? My company did some work for Alimera but they still haven’t paid us. The invoice is now 4 months overdue. Unfortunately the person we did the work for has now left the company. My understanding is a lot of suppliers are not being paid as per their agreed terms due to the companies continuous financial difficulties.
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anyone know the unlicensed lawyer Nick Oberheiden he has been featured on the website also seeable as oberheiden and the hacker. ? He was the main full time in house then started his own firm. He was the leader of all actions. He led Mike Austin and his son Nick Austin to get in the middle of all the next health money with Cary Rossel and Jeremy Rossel. Andrew Hilman was a owner however Semyon Narosov was the main king pin in charge of everyone and had his nephews Shawn Narasov and Eric Narosov do all his dirty work. Then can Amir Mortazavi and Arvin Zeinali with there own agenda. Then Amir and Arvin stole a part of the business with Altus Health Care Management Services in Houston, Texas. Tasear Badar at Altus Health Care Management Services stole The line of business away added Amir to the board. I watched all this while in the finance department. Thus sad to see such a great idea torn down by agendas. Thus messed up to watch all this. Ted Ryan , Bobby Young, Dave Potenza, Jason Money, Chris StPierre we’re all part of the demise. Don’t forget Josh Daniel very crazy to watch some go to jail and the worst actors still walk around Scott free with lots of money and assets like Amir Mortazavi and his Dallas, Texas based med spas Vitalyc he has quite a few and is printing the money. He was the chief development officer of next health like Dave Potenza was the senior Vice President of sales and even got caught many times and then fired Dave Potenza for his overt acts. I believe Semyon Narosov personally fired Dave Potenza whom the company called “the dealer” as to many this guy would remind you of a used car salesman. He then went to medoc when fired and they were soon after raided by the Dallas, Texas fbi I think he is still a free man as well.

5 years later.........what has changed besides blowing through a whole lot of shareholder equity.
I think they did an gentelment´s agreement with the honking distributor and a rebound business, so the management get paid from them. howe can a distributor pay a license for Iluvien for over 10mil and only sales 70 units for 6 moth?
this is rediculus , no company would do this for de revenue. So the only thing is
money laundering. congrats , Ricky tricky , good for your vigin island account

This is not a pharmaceutical company with a R&D pipeline, it should be viewed as a distributer of a single product that is owned by EyePoint Pharmaceuticals. Alimera owns the global distribution rights for the DME indication but it only has limited distribution rights for the uveitis indication. It’s reliance on third-party distributors in markets outside of the USA makes it an unattractive partner for companies that want to launch products in the major markets of the globe.
The sale of its distribution and marketing rights to other companies is the only source of revenue growth as its sales generation hasn’t achieved the break even point yet. Be very cautious when considering whether to join this company as it is extremely volatile/short term focused.

The latest financial results must signal tough times ahead for the international business. The recent departure of their Chief Financial Officer doesn’t send a great message either. Difficult to predict what will happen next but I’m sure it’s not going to be a great Christmas for some of the staff as they need to significantly reduce costs which must mean staff layoffs are inevitable.

The latest financial results must signal tough times ahead for the international business. The recent departure of their Chief Financial Officer doesn’t send a great message either. Difficult to predict what will happen next but I’m sure it’s not going to be a great Christmas for some of the staff as they need to significantly reduce costs which must mean staff layoffs are inevitable.

The bottom line: it makes no sense to keep spending $15 million to make $10 million. Minuscule sales growth won’t increase the value of this company. Only earnings. This trend of spending more than you make quarter after quarter since day one of operation will get you nowhere. Think about it, you are better off to cease operations.

it is sooooo embarrassing.

Good job ricky dicky, a distributor how paid 11mil. sells zero !! yea, right zero units in Asia .
this must be an fraud.
best joke i have heard this week.
good job, hope SEC finds your offshore bank account´s