Company Culture

It continues to be a distributor sell-in shell game. Eventually we will run out of distributors to sell to. If you run the units sold in Q4 2019 this equates to about 70 units per rep. Or an increase of 2 units per rep compared to last year same time period. Remember, the unit price is $10,000 so a few units sold makes a big difference.

It continues to be a distributor sell-in shell game. Eventually we will run out of distributors to sell to. If you run the units sold in Q4 2019 this equates to about 70 units per rep. Or an increase of 2 units per rep compared to last year same time period. Remember, the unit price is $10,000 so a few units sold makes a big difference.

Dude, you are clueless. You really need to move on and get over being let go.

Have to laugh...we always say “record sales” when in reality it’s minimal growth relative to a unit that costs of $10,000. Think about it “record sales” is used to describe a 100 unit worldwide growth. You think with the repeat retreat business that one would expect with a product like this that there would be more growth than just 100 units.

always the same sh*t , 10mio net loss, who the f*ck gives a dam penny for this business.
the only growth in international , are distributors with a exorbitant discount price.
whats wrong with solar capital , i don´t get it any more

always the same sh*t , 10mio net loss, who the f*ck gives a dam penny for this business.
the only growth in international , are distributors with a exorbitant discount price.
whats wrong with solar capital , i don´t get it any more

forget Solar Cap....Ron ( the only one willing to ask the tough questions) is getting worried.

thank god, after the next Q1-2020 presentation, Alimera wil be history.
no more diabetic patients want a long time IOP and no more physician want this exessive treatmend.

To all the frustrated ex Alimerians ou there! No comments on the release Q1 expected results today? I miss you guys!

this place is a joke. You know they are inflating numbers. Oh let’s blame the virus next quarter for bad numbers. Wait, people should be using during the pandemic, less injections. This drug is last resort.

Looking back at this bozos negative predictions on this thread is quite amusing. You obviously are an outsider with ax to grind. Everything from sale of the company, to delisting of the stock, negative earnings reports, layoffs and departures. None of that has happened, especially over the last year. Get a life and go talk down some other of your many former companies. We are quite happy here.

Looking back at this bozos negative predictions on this thread is quite amusing. You obviously are an outsider with ax to grind. Everything from sale of the company, to delisting of the stock, negative earnings reports, layoffs and departures. None of that has happened, especially over the last year. Get a life and go talk down some other of your many former companies. We are quite happy here.

Umm. You do realize that if you take away the 15:1 stock split that was needed to keep us listed, the real value that the stock is currently trading at (do the math) is, ready for it? A whooping 12 cents.