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Company cars or car allowance

What’s the situation on co cars here? If no co cars, what’s the car allowance?

Allowance and don't be fooled. It is a drain of money not having a fleet vehicle. I'd rather drive an Equinox with free gas, maintenance, taxes, plates, insurance than having all the responsibility on me. Do the math, its always a better deal to have a fleet vehicle.

Allowance and don't be fooled. It is a drain of money not having a fleet vehicle. I'd rather drive an Equinox with free gas, maintenance, taxes, plates, insurance than having all the responsibility on me. Do the math, its always a better deal to have a fleet vehicle.

Exactly. Some think they are going to pocket the difference between their own payment and the allowance, until that first set of new tires is due.

Did they used to provide fleet cars and cut them recently or they never did have them? Many companies that don’t do fleet cars still provide a fuel card. Crazy if this co does not provide fuel cards.

Thank goodness our company pays for gas - it’s crazy how expensive it’s gotten because of the current Administration’s policies. With what Thanksgiving is going to cost this year because Joe’s hyperinflation, I pray our company sends us a Turkey

Thank goodness our company pays for gas - it’s crazy how expensive it’s gotten because of the current Administration’s policies. With what Thanksgiving is going to cost this year because Joe’s hyperinflation, I pray our company sends us a Turkey

most unemployed turkeys like you can find a free turkey at the homeless shelter. Idiot

Not the person you responded to but Damn you’re a real dumb ass asking someone to explain how they lose money by not having a fleet car. Gas alone sets you back over $600 per month. Do the math from there ya moron!

Not the person you responded to but Damn you’re a real dumb ass asking someone to explain how they lose money by not having a fleet car. Gas alone sets you back over $600 per month. Do the math from there ya moron!

Dickhead, it was a simple question. If you buy a REASONABLE car (assuming you didn't) and actually work, you're going to get a decent check every month. Cover the payment for the car, fuel and insurance.