College Football: Will the SEC "6 Peat"

Why the deflections on this thread? Is it because the little ten can't hang with the big dogs in the SEC on the football field? You better believe it!

This is a football thread but you keep asking about basketball - for the last time

Kentucky stays No.1 in AP Top 25

But who cares??!!!

It's a football thread. It's like coming on here and asking how is the SEC doing in baseball? South Carolina has 2 National Championships in a row and is vying for a third while Florida, Arkansas, Georgia, Vandy and LSU will have something to say about that as they too occupy top 11 spots in the baseball rankings.

But again, who cares??!!

Back to basics. SEC dominates the little ten in football and other sports as well now that you mention it.

SEC Football has won Six National Championships in a row and is on it's way to a...


could not care less about the sec. i care about my condos, rolexes and mercedes.
good selling! nice to retire at 48. you can dream my friend. some of us did it!

could not care less about the sec. i care about my condos, rolexes and mercedes.
good selling! nice to retire at 48. you can dream my friend. some of us did it!

Noooo, He's back - captain of the bullshit ship. You are so full of it. If your life was so great you wouldn't be on this board.

could not care less about the sec. i care about my condos, rolexes and mercedes.
good selling! nice to retire at 48. you can dream my friend. some of us did it!

OSwho 0-11 vs SEC in bowl games. Also, 0-2 vs SEC and gave up an average of 40PPG to the SEC in 2 head to head national title beat downs. Keep dreaming you delusional a$$ clown.

OSwho 0-11 vs SEC in bowl games. Also, 0-2 vs SEC and gave up an average of 40PPG to the SEC in 2 head to head national title beat downs. Keep dreaming you delusional a$$ clown.

jealous boy driving a company heap with a timex.

rolex here & new benz every 24 mos. we will be fine here in cbus and i will be at the miami beach condo tomorrow eve!

no tradition down there except bear bryant.
no nice old trad stadiums. all aluminum pieces of crap.
the top 3 traditional teams are notre dame, ohio state and mich.

osu vs mich is the top rivalry in ALL sports. college or pro. no doubt among experts.
that will never go away. sorry sec boy.
to start a string about a college FB conference shows how bored and sad you are. you are stuck in a dead end job as a rep in a dead end career which is going away for good very soon.

osu cover story on sports ill. as THE COLLEGE sports factory. fb and basketball and baseball is rising very very fast. we take who we want. if urban's health cannot take it, we will just take saban away. we take and get who we want.

talk some more about your alma mater KY instead of a whole conference. meow.

i VISIT florida in the winter but would not gator chop all yr round in that sticky heat. the only half decent stadium in the sec is TN for night games. it is okay. sorta fun. mostly toothless like all of your schools though. would love to see the academics of the sec!! lol! michigan, northwestern, mich st. ohio state etc sec can compare cept vandy. live up to the fact you have no zero zippo pure tradition. we like tradition and academics up here. NO team in the nation has a tandem like urban and matta. none. no comparison. urban will win at least 6 NC's at osu.

no tradition down there except bear bryant.
no nice old trad stadiums. all aluminum pieces of crap.
the top 3 traditional teams are notre dame, ohio state and mich.

osu vs mich is the top rivalry in ALL sports. college or pro. no doubt among experts.
that will never go away. sorry sec boy.
to start a string about a college FB conference shows how bored and sad you are. you are stuck in a dead end job as a rep in a dead end career which is going away for good very soon.

osu cover story on sports ill. as THE COLLEGE sports factory. fb and basketball and baseball is rising very very fast. we take who we want. if urban's health cannot take it, we will just take saban away. we take and get who we want.

talk some more about your alma mater KY instead of a whole conference. meow.

i VISIT florida in the winter but would not gator chop all yr round in that sticky heat. the only half decent stadium in the sec is TN for night games. it is okay. sorta fun. mostly toothless like all of your schools though. would love to see the academics of the sec!! lol! michigan, northwestern, mich st. ohio state etc sec can compare cept vandy. live up to the fact you have no zero zippo pure tradition. we like tradition and academics up here. NO team in the nation has a tandem like urban anta. none. no comparison. urban will win at least 6 NC's at osu.

5 of 12 teams in the SEC have won a recent national title. Yep, in that same span, only 1 lil 1o team has a title. Your living in the dark ages pal with all of that nd, mich and ohio bull sh!t. keep all of your lame lil rivals going there pal and watch how the SEC 7 Peats next season. Lil Mich is going to get b!tch slapped by Bama in just 7 short months.

5 of 12 teams in the SEC have won a recent national title. Yep, in that same span, only 1 lil 1o team has a title. Your living in the dark ages pal with all of that nd, mich and ohio bull sh!t. keep all of your lame lil rivals going there pal and watch how the SEC 7 Peats next season. Lil Mich is going to get b!tch slapped by Bama in just 7 short months.

hope mich does get slapped. i have the guts to admit my loyalty to ONE school. where i went. you either went to KY or NO SEC school at all and just trying to start fights on the board. doesn't work on me pallie. i am proud of my alma mater as are my parents. your parents didnt even go to college like 90% of all drug reps! chew on that truth lil fella. keep pumpin your "conference". urban will change things soon. saban will be sobbin and miles is a rockhead as everyone knows. no nice stadiums and no tradition. sultry sweat 8 mos a year. poor rocky rockheads.


hope mich does get slapped. i have the guts to admit my loyalty to ONE school. where i went. you either went to KY or NO SEC school at all and just trying to start fights on the board. doesn't work on me pallie. i am proud of my alma mater as are my parents. your parents didnt even go to college like 90% of all drug reps! chew on that truth lil fella. keep pumpin your "conference". urban will change things soon. saban will be sobbin and miles is a rockhead as everyone knows. no nice stadiums and no tradition. sultry sweat 8 mos a year. poor rocky rockheads.

but you can`t spin the fact that your ohio st routinely gets sh!t canned by the SEC. with all of america watching, your pathetic team gave up 40ppg not just once but twice vs sec teams in the national title game. america witnessed ohio get sh!t canned 2x`s by the sec. 0-11 vs sec in bowls and your talking crap?????? what kind of dumb a$$ are you?

you can slobber your drunken crap all you want on here but your team and conference can do nothing to stop the SEC 7 Peat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but you can`t spin the fact that your ohio st routinely gets sh!t canned by the SEC. with all of america watching, your pathetic team gave up 40ppg not just once but twice vs sec teams in the national title game. america witnessed ohio get sh!t canned 2x`s by the sec. 0-11 vs sec in bowls and your talking crap?????? what kind of dumb a$$ are you?

you can slobber your drunken crap all you want on here but your team and conference can do nothing to stop the SEC 7 Peat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BOY lil fella someone from big 10 land really hurt your feelings along the line. you prob. got rejected on your application to ohio state or mich and had to go to KY. sad same drivel over and over all day long. sec 7 peat. keep yapping. making no sense. of course not this year. osu is banned from bowls. you idiot. you didnt hear that i am sure. the usc magnum trojans sure can stop the toothless boys though. you cant seem to pick one team can you? okay, for all future posts, i am picking the entire Big 10, Texas, USC and Oklahoma. that is my "new conference" ie "group of teams I love" still way less in #'s that you have as your list. you have a whole conference and in your over 300 posts you have yet to EVER mention a single school you like let alone your alma mater KY. oh wait., you went there for 2 yrs then ole miss for 6 yrs.. on the 8 yr. program. dont forget my "new favorite teams now son." oh, i am adding notre dame to that list................. screw it. i am making the list of my favorite teams as ANY team playing ANY SEC TEAM! ah ah ah,,,,,,,hahahahahahhahaaaaaaaaa! cant last that much longer can it son? 7 peat. possibly. 10 peat? NO way and i will be posting away every saturday even if KY or Ole Miss lose. any SEC losses and you are getting another ah ah ah ah haaaahahahahahahhahahahhahaaaaaaaaa hows that grab ya lil feller. you should be out about now delivering yet another lunch

gotta run and pack here for miami beach. catch back up Sunday. maybe. if you are lucky!


Don't forget Florida State my alma mater. I have not posted on this string yet, but find it interesting. Go Noles! (I also love USC, Texas, Oregon, and Oklahoma!)

Who is this person with arrests? Multiple arrests? We need to know. It must be someone in HR or someone who is long gone. Who is this person.? Do you have a free background check site? Let us know!!!

BOY lil fella someone from big 10 land really hurt your feelings along the line. you prob. got rejected on your application to ohio state or mich and had to go to KY. sad same drivel over and over all day long. sec 7 peat. keep yapping. making no sense. of course not this year. osu is banned from bowls. you idiot. you didnt hear that i am sure. the usc magnum trojans sure can stop the toothless boys though. you cant seem to pick one team can you? okay, for all future posts, i am picking the entire Big 10, Texas, USC and Oklahoma. that is my "new conference" ie "group of teams I love" still way less in #'s that you have as your list. you have a whole conference and in your over 300 posts you have yet to EVER mention a single school you like let alone your alma mater KY. oh wait., you went there for 2 yrs then ole miss for 6 yrs.. on the 8 yr. program. dont forget my "new favorite teams now son." oh, i am adding notre dame to that list................. screw it. i am making the list of my favorite teams as ANY team playing ANY SEC TEAM! ah ah ah,,,,,,,hahahahahahhahaaaaaaaaa! cant last that much longer can it son? 7 peat. possibly. 10 peat? NO way and i will be posting away every saturday even if KY or Ole Miss lose. any SEC losses and you are getting another ah ah ah ah haaaahahahahahahhahahahhahaaaaaaaaa hows that grab ya lil feller. you should be out about now delivering yet another lunch

gotta run and pack here for miami beach. catch back up Sunday. maybe. if you are lucky!


ohio footbll is pathetic. take your pick. which is your favorite ohio football moment?

6-7 record this season
0-11 bowl record vs sec
2 a$$ beatings giving up 40pts in head to head national titles games vs sec

sorry butch, the sec 7 peat on the way and big 1o does not have a single team good enough to stop it.

Butch's favorite moment was avoiding going to games this season and watching his coveted dancing with the stars reruns when he realized it was all down hill for oswho. He jumped off the bandwagon and in bed with the bon bons, diet coke and fuzzy pink slippers to comfort the miserable season they had.
