isn't arkansas in the sec? last time i looked they were. at least in January of 2011 they were! LOL!
how transparent to single out OSU in your OP. Must have been right after Sports Illustrated did an entire cover in scarlet & grey stating Ohio State is "THE athletics factory in college"
sorry bout that.
You could have talked about TX & mack brown or USC. noooooooo. THE Ohio State U. Like they say "If they are talking about you, you definitely have their attention." LOL again.
update for the toothless. they will pack the SEC stadiums this fall even @ KY and Ole Miss. reason? free half time dental care.
1. Michigan: 888-306-38
2. Texas: 853-326-34
3. Notre Dame: 845-296-42
4. Nebraska: 836-345-41
5. Ohio State: 825-315-53
Go back and reread every post on this thread - this crap has already been discussed ad nauseum. You, Butch and lil man pulling data about other sports out from the 1800's doesn't change how the SEC beats the crap out of the little ten year after year. I especially like ohio's 0-11 bowl record agains the Mighty SEC. Yes, we are laughing and all of the Sweater Vests in your closet collecting moth holes. Cheaters, whiners and bandwagon fans - that sums up ohio football.