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Clear Takeaway from the Reorg


The clearest takeaway from the recent restructuring is that NNI does NOT value the relationship between sales people and prescribers.

Relationships that were developed over years and years of calling on the same prescribers - were completely disregarded in this restructuring. Endo reps were pushed down to DCS roles. H reps were pushed everywhere. And DCS reps had their territories completely redrawn with no regard whatsoever to long-term successful relationships with prescribers.

There are always going to be issues when territory lines are re-drawn, we are used to that - it is part of pharmaceutical life. This restructuring was much more than that. Taking an Endo rep who has never called on the primary care physicians in the territory - and throwing that person into a territory where they have ZERO established relationships....all while still having an Endo position in the territory is completely ludicrous. If the Endo rep was successful (ours sure was) - leave them where they are! If they are not, this was the opportunity to let them go and start over. Instead what happened was just a reshuffling. Almost everyone is still here, just in new positions, with established relationships abandoned all across the country.

It looks like we are attempting to sabotage ourselves. Or, we are just unbelievably stupid. I cannot believe the leadership team is unbelievably stupid....I think the clearer and most obvious answer is they just see absolutely no value in established relationships with our prescribers. Which mean we are not very valuable to these people.


The clearest takeaway from the recent restructuring is that NNI does NOT value the relationship between sales people and prescribers.

Relationships that were developed over years and years of calling on the same prescribers - were completely disregarded in this restructuring. Endo reps were pushed down to DCS roles. H reps were pushed everywhere. And DCS reps had their territories completely redrawn with no regard whatsoever to long-term successful relationships with prescribers.

There are always going to be issues when territory lines are re-drawn, we are used to that - it is part of pharmaceutical life. This restructuring was much more than that. Taking an Endo rep who has never called on the primary care physicians in the territory - and throwing that person into a territory where they have ZERO established relationships....all while still having an Endo position in the territory is completely ludicrous. If the Endo rep was successful (ours sure was) - leave them where they are! If they are not, this was the opportunity to let them go and start over. Instead what happened was just a reshuffling. Almost everyone is still here, just in new positions, with established relationships abandoned all across the country.

It looks like we are attempting to sabotage ourselves. Or, we are just unbelievably stupid. I cannot believe the leadership team is unbelievably stupid....I think the clearer and most obvious answer is they just see absolutely no value in established relationships with our prescribers. Which mean we are not very valuable to these people.

Ordering Panera Bread and having offices sign a pad is value? Let me guess, “Election Fraud”?

Ordering Panera Bread and having offices sign a pad is value? Let me guess, “Election Fraud”?

UPS and Uber Eats has long been current emblem of the Novo Nordisk Field Rep. Entitled and grossly overestimated our own self worth.

The offices will not miss us and our tenure with Novo will be a forgotten memory in a week.

On to the next gig!

Not everyone is here, but yes leadership hasn’t gotten the importance of what messing up relationships has meant for the last 4-5 years. It’s so sad.

They have plenty of data that shows it’s meaningless. Your relationships don’t bring the value you think they do. They’ll take a better salesperson over a long standing relationship any day. They make more money off the better sales rep. Don’t fool yourself into thinking they didn’t know exactly what they were doing.

The clearest takeaway from the recent restructuring is that NNI does NOT value the relationship between sales people and prescribers.

Relationships that were developed over years and years of calling on the same prescribers - were completely disregarded in this restructuring. Endo reps were pushed down to DCS roles. H reps were pushed everywhere. And DCS reps had their territories completely redrawn with no regard whatsoever to long-term successful relationships with prescribers.

There are always going to be issues when territory lines are re-drawn, we are used to that - it is part of pharmaceutical life. This restructuring was much more than that. Taking an Endo rep who has never called on the primary care physicians in the territory - and throwing that person into a territory where they have ZERO established relationships....all while still having an Endo position in the territory is completely ludicrous. If the Endo rep was successful (ours sure was) - leave them where they are! If they are not, this was the opportunity to let them go and start over. Instead what happened was just a reshuffling. Almost everyone is still here, just in new positions, with established relationships abandoned all across the country.

It looks like we are attempting to sabotage ourselves. Or, we are just unbelievably stupid. I cannot believe the leadership team is unbelievably stupid....I think the clearer and most obvious answer is they just see absolutely no value in established relationships with our prescribers. Which mean we are not very valuable to these people.

Spot On!

They have plenty of data that shows it’s meaningless. Your relationships don’t bring the value you think they do. They’ll take a better salesperson over a long standing relationship any day. They make more money off the better sales rep. Don’t fool yourself into thinking they didn’t know exactly what they were doing.

you obviously didn’t see or know any of the people who were let go? I am sure there was some well deserved displacements but the majority were good solid people. Don’t be an asshole even though it might be hard not to be one.

They have plenty of data that shows it’s meaningless. Your relationships don’t bring the value you think they do. They’ll take a better salesperson over a long standing relationship any day. They make more money off the better sales rep. Don’t fool yourself into thinking they didn’t know exactly what they were doing.

No they don't. Plenty of evidence exists of just the opposite- Ive seen it when I worked for another diabetes company. It is the reason other pharma companies attempt to keep relationships intact as much as possible when redesigning territory lines.

In the current environment, and what will likely be the future environment, relationships are going to be MORE important - not LESS important. Good luck trying to get virtual engagements lined up, or having any meaningful virtual engagements with customers that you do not know. If you think that there is someone who can cover SUSTAIN 6 better than someone else, you are sadly mistaken. Are there better reps than others? of course, absolutely. If you think a sales rep can walk into a new territory with all new offices and just start selling like an all-star, you've never sold and have watched too many movies about sales. That is not how it works.

No they don't. Plenty of evidence exists of just the opposite- Ive seen it when I worked for another diabetes company. It is the reason other pharma companies attempt to keep relationships intact as much as possible when redesigning territory lines.

In the current environment, and what will likely be the future environment, relationships are going to be MORE important - not LESS important. Good luck trying to get virtual engagements lined up, or having any meaningful virtual engagements with customers that you do not know. If you think that there is someone who can cover SUSTAIN 6 better than someone else, you are sadly mistaken. Are there better reps than others? of course, absolutely. If you think a sales rep can walk into a new territory with all new offices and just start selling like an all-star, you've never sold and have watched too many movies about sales. That is not how it works.
more rep stupidity

Just my two cents. I can attest that starting fresh in a new territory under the current restrictions is almost impossible. If you dont have any relationships in the territory it will be the most frustrating experience of your career. But what they hell...at least we can put off being laid off another year or two.

In my opinion the head count reduction should have been greater than 421. 200 positions to be backfilled = 221 displaced. Not enough to keep them from having to do it all over again next year........ Incompetence breeds contempt

you obviously didn’t see or know any of the people who were let go? I am sure there was some well deserved displacements but the majority were good solid people. Don’t be an asshole even though it might be hard not to be one.

How am I being an asshole? Because I pointed out that they knew exactly what they were doing? I’m sorry your buddies got let go, but you aren’t the one who decided who’s good enough to stay and who isn’t. The majority of your customers don’t care if you stay or go. The data shows a very short term impact if a small group of customers within a territory when relationships are upended. But good people perform long term, no matter where you put them.

How am I being an asshole? Because I pointed out that they knew exactly what they were doing? I’m sorry your buddies got let go, but you aren’t the one who decided who’s good enough to stay and who isn’t. The majority of your customers don’t care if you stay or go. The data shows a very short term impact if a small group of customers within a territory when relationships are upended. But good people perform long term, no matter where you put them.
I think many people answered these dumb observations. If you think better people were kept and others let go, maybe you are the ET putting stuff out here? No worries, no one respects or trusts you anyway.

I think many people answered these dumb observations. If you think better people were kept and others let go, maybe you are the ET putting stuff out here? No worries, no one respects or trusts you anyway.

Ok. Believe what you want. If you want to tell yourself I’m on the ET bantering with you on CP, have at it. And, if you want to believe that good reps were let go and terrible ones retained, that’s all you. You’re delusional, but welcome to your beliefs. You seem to think you have all the answers and the people calling the shots are purposely retaining individuals that are worse for the future of the company. Yeah...sure....go with that.

The clearest takeaway from the recent restructuring is that NNI does NOT value the relationship between sales people and prescribers.

Relationships that were developed over years and years of calling on the same prescribers - were completely disregarded in this restructuring. Endo reps were pushed down to DCS roles. H reps were pushed everywhere. And DCS reps had their territories completely redrawn with no regard whatsoever to long-term successful relationships with prescribers.

There are always going to be issues when territory lines are re-drawn, we are used to that - it is part of pharmaceutical life. This restructuring was much more than that. Taking an Endo rep who has never called on the primary care physicians in the territory - and throwing that person into a territory where they have ZERO established relationships....all while still having an Endo position in the territory is completely ludicrous. If the Endo rep was successful (ours sure was) - leave them where they are! If they are not, this was the opportunity to let them go and start over. Instead what happened was just a reshuffling. Almost everyone is still here, just in new positions, with established relationships abandoned all across the country.

It looks like we are attempting to sabotage ourselves. Or, we are just unbelievably stupid. I cannot believe the leadership team is unbelievably stupid....I think the clearer and most obvious answer is they just see absolutely no value in established relationships with our prescribers. Which mean we are not very valuable to these people.
This post is spot on!!!

Ok. Believe what you want. If you want to tell yourself I’m on the ET bantering with you on CP, have at it. And, if you want to believe that good reps were let go and terrible ones retained, that’s all you. You’re delusional, but welcome to your beliefs. You seem to think you have all the answers and the people calling the shots are purposely retaining individuals that are worse for the future of the company. Yeah...sure....go with that.

Please...... tell me you are in a position of power and not some moron Rep in flyover state.

You realize people are angry bc their “sales” division was just reduced not bc of “sales” numbers but by a subjective assessment of their ability by their managers on how they line up to the NNI competencies. One would assume, if you check all the boxes that would mean you are doing all the right things and then success must be imminent. Or if it didn’t show “business momentum” then you can prove that individual is “engaged” and doing their best. We call ourselves sales reps? Get the fuck outta here.

Have any of you fucking imbeciles considered that Novo went from a serious sales company to Pharmaceutical box checking? The appearance and the effort of trying to make the sale is just as important as the sale at this place.

“We only have 30% visaid use” but we are making billions in sales. “If we used our Visaids we’d double that right?” Said no leader who actually sold anything in the last decade.

Please...... tell me you are in a position of power and not some moron Rep in flyover state.

You realize people are angry bc their “sales” division was just reduced not bc of “sales” numbers but by a subjective assessment of their ability by their managers on how they line up to the NNI competencies. One would assume, if you check all the boxes that would mean you are doing all the right things and then success must be imminent. Or if it didn’t show “business momentum” then you can prove that individual is “engaged” and doing their best. We call ourselves sales reps? Get the fuck outta here.

Have any of you fucking imbeciles considered that Novo went from a serious sales company to Pharmaceutical box checking? The appearance and the effort of trying to make the sale is just as important as the sale at this place.

“We only have 30% visaid use” but we are making billions in sales. “If we used our Visaids we’d double that right?” Said no leader who actually sold anything in the last decade.

Excellently put poster. The check the box stuff is out of control and it does not translate into anything but check the box. The appearance is more important in the NYS region than ever before, and the diversity is absolute bullshit. I am not talking about race, religion, gender--I am talking about respecting the diversity of individuality. It does not exist. We are all supposed to be clones in this circus, oh wait, I misspoke clowns in this circus.

Please...... tell me you are in a position of power and not some moron Rep in flyover state.

You realize people are angry bc their “sales” division was just reduced not bc of “sales” numbers but by a subjective assessment of their ability by their managers on how they line up to the NNI competencies. One would assume, if you check all the boxes that would mean you are doing all the right things and then success must be imminent. Or if it didn’t show “business momentum” then you can prove that individual is “engaged” and doing their best. We call ourselves sales reps? Get the fuck outta here.

Have any of you fucking imbeciles considered that Novo went from a serious sales company to Pharmaceutical box checking? The appearance and the effort of trying to make the sale is just as important as the sale at this place.

“We only have 30% visaid use” but we are making billions in sales. “If we used our Visaids we’d double that right?” Said no leader who actually sold anything in the last decade.

Get it out, little guy. You’ll feel better soon.