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ROI potential of newly designed territories will be driving factor. Access as we know will not be used. Greater value on rxs within 30 days interactions. 3 reps to most previous 2 territories including E’s. 7/8 territories per DBMs. Still some adjustments being made but this is the foundation. “This is unlike I’ve ever seen before” Jefferies’s Analyst.

And HS?

ROI potential of newly designed territories will be driving factor. Access as we know will not be used. Greater value on rxs within 30 days interactions. 3 reps to most previous 2 territories including E’s. 7/8 territories per DBMs. Still some adjustments being made but this is the foundation. “This is unlike I’ve ever seen before” Jefferies’s Analyst.
Where did you find this information? You’re quoting someone so it must be out there somewhere.

Wall Street - Numbers still being finalized but big push for 3 reps per every 2 Territories / New Footprints with DBM’s covering 7/8 Territories each. E’s will be blended into footprint count as well. DEs team will be eliminated. Some will be allowed to post for Obesity positions. Industry no longer places extreme value on access but on ROI of newly designed footprints. Data driven designs. So customers without 30 follow up rx not seen as access. Unlike I’ve ever been privy to in past.
Thanks insider!

Rx within 30 days of interaction.
Clearly a troll posted this and doesn’t understand sema sampling

exactly. I really cannot comprehend just how miserable the souls are of the people who post this. Our careers and family's well being are on the line, and they choose to add chaos and additional stress on top of that.

Plus, how on earth does 'Wall Street' know about any of this??

exactly. I really cannot comprehend just how miserable the souls are of the people who post this. Our careers and family's well being are on the line, and they choose to add chaos and additional stress on top of that.

Plus, how on earth does 'Wall Street' know about any of this??

Clearly we are all on here to find early information. Albeit, a bunch is a ton of crap and some may be faint echoes of what may be true.

What we do know is that information seems to be coming quickly like the end of next week. It’ll be a 50,000 foot view of what’s to come but it’s something. I assume the information will be what the new organization will look like, and footprints of new areas and regions. Then I can see placed ACLs, and placed RBDs defining district and territory footprints. If they release the district and territory footprints next week I’ll be shocked.

I think many of you are forgetting we put off any sales force adjustment last year because of the Rybelsus launch. And this was supposed to be a 5 year plan completed in 2021. To me it seems like a major reorganization of epic change is on the horizon and early post could be realistic. I’m worried. Been here 9 years and youngsters to raise. Just hope they are equitable.