NEVER do you want to accept a job that does not provide you with a corporate card for your expenses! This is a nightmare scenario having to use your own card for expenses. Yes, some will tell you that they like using their own card because they get "points", however once your card is maxed out from all the lunches and coffee runs you've expensed, and you've been waiting weeks for your expense reports to be approved (and the funds deposited into your account so you can pay your credit card bill), you will see how shitty a situation this truly is. I've experienced this situation with another company and it's something I will never again accept. If the company will not supply a corporate card for expenses, then that's a deal breaker and I will not accept an offer and join that company.
Please stop embarrassing yourself by letting the world know how financially irresponsible you are. Nobody cares to read about how you are unable to manage paying your credit card bills on time. What is your credit limit on your VISA? $250? Get a life you idiot and stay off this forum!