Chronic Cough - you guys are idiots


Who's fucking idea was this? This thing is DOA from the start, just like Belsomra, Grastek, Ragwitek, and all the other miserable failures. Again no MBA from a top university, no advanced degree from a top scientific university but come on....It's the idiots leading the idiots. This company is leadership at its worst. They need to clean up from the top down instead of reshuffling the same. The leadership in this company is a joke.


Who's fucking idea was this? This thing is DOA from the start, just like Belsomra, Grastek, Ragwitek, and all the other miserable failures. Again no MBA from a top university, no advanced degree from a top scientific university but come on....It's the idiots leading the idiots. This company is leadership at its worst. They need to clean up from the top down instead of reshuffling the same. The leadership in this company is a joke.

Wrong. Its the fucking idiots leading more of the fucking idiots

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