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Knowing as many educators with clinical backgrounds as I do, I can conclusively state you cannot teach most of them how to sell. Most of them are totally clueless and severely lacking in EI.

Now do we need to get rid of some of the old school pharma morons who still haven’t learned to not “reply all” and can’t count samples to save their lives? Sure.

But a wholesale change to someone who picked up an RD qualification somewhere? Nah.
Sounds like somebody is scared of clinicians taking your job.

I’m sure you’re right. It must be why the entire industry was built on a different model than you present. If HCPs wanted to hear from clinicians, a couple of things would be true: 1) we would have built our sales force that way and 2) our MSLs would be busy (but, they aren’t.)
Such faulty logic. Moron.

Sounds like somebody is scared of clinicians taking your job.

I think novo investing in educators as part of the process gives it more credibility than other companies and lots of them are very good but let’s not pretend they’re as skilled at what keeps investors and management happy as an experienced sales rep. Both jobs are important but novo doesn’t need the numbers they have now if everyone is cross trained. Changes are coming and for good reason.

Get rid of old school pharma reps/managers who aren’t clinical or with little emotional intelligence, move DE/OE into sales roles or lay off, and continue to hire reps with clinical background as the organization is doing nationally.
Lets start with DBMS. In office so many times a month that customers are tired of them. No other company has DBMS in there that much. Ask yourself how many managers do you see in the field? Ask your offices. I understand it is their job, but we all take them to the offices with the most access. They are not helping.

You can teach a clinician better selling skills. You can’t teach a sales person decades of clinical & patient experience. HCPS want to hear from clinicians and this honest discussion is more persuasive than any sales discussion hands down. End of story.

AMEN! The reps still thinking they’re more “persuasive” are trying to find a way to bring value when really their jobs should be taken. A non medical person talking to offices when you’ve worked in their shoes they respect leaps and bounds more than someone with a bachelors degree in business/marketing or what have you. It’s glaringly obvious when you do a call with a clinical person in sales vs a sales rep.

AMEN! The reps still thinking they’re more “persuasive” are trying to find a way to bring value when really their jobs should be taken. A non medical person talking to offices when you’ve worked in their shoes they respect leaps and bounds more than someone with a bachelors degree in business/marketing or what have you. It’s glaringly obvious when you do a call with a clinical person in sales vs a sales rep.
Agreed. But if you want evidence of the value of clinicians vs reps, look no further than the hiring trends—the increasing number of people with clinical backgrounds hired in sales roles.

Lets start with DBMS. In office so many times a month that customers are tired of them. No other company has DBMS in there that much. Ask yourself how many managers do you see in the field? Ask your offices. I understand it is their job, but we all take them to the offices with the most access. They are not helping.
Listen to me. POD of 3. She has several offices she is unwelcome already. And in one month she has been to 8-10 offices 3 times! She is saying stupid things, asking stupid questions and sounds like she was dropped on her head. One office manager said ENOUGH. What happened to being seen not heard. Go back to being a rep if you want to sell. STFU and observe.

Are we talking clinicians or dietitians? They’re not the same thing. Many sales people Lack good science knowledge. Many clinicians lack good business sense and people skills. Seems we’re back to square 1 again…..

I hope that’s true about the educators falling under the sales managers because our OM fosters the educators to do nothing. Literally nothing. I can’t believe novo pays for educators. They’re only remotely “needed” in areas where the overlay long term non medical lazy reps

I hope that’s true about the educators falling under the sales managers because our OM fosters the educators to do nothing. Literally nothing. I can’t believe novo pays for educators. They’re only remotely “needed” in areas where the overlay long term non medical lazy reps
I mean EM not OM*

I hope that’s true about the educators falling under the sales managers because our OM fosters the educators to do nothing. Literally nothing. I can’t believe novo pays for educators. They’re only remotely “needed” in areas where the overlay long term non medical lazy reps
the manager tells the educators to do nothing? say wha!? don't they have to login in calls, interactions, etc?

Agreed. But if you want evidence of the value of clinicians vs reps, look no further than the hiring trends—the increasing number of people with clinical backgrounds hired in sales roles.
Or is it simple because the “clinicians” you reference can’t find a better paying job than this one???? Hmmmm