Changes on Merck Contract...

Because you are paid by the hour you are covered by wage and hour laws. Publicis has been getting "free" work out of the part-time reps since it was the Schering-Plough flex-time contract. It's disgusting and illegal.

Yes it is more than 24. They need to compensate us for all of the extra conference calls, certifications, etc. They should give us one extra admin day a month to compensate us for all of the extra's they are piling on us at this time. Or reduce our expected field time. This is close to full time work with part time pay.

I had a similar problem and it was resolved instantly, so here is what to do. Ask your DM to help. She can review your call and sample activity in detail. She can access data that tells her exactly when you submit any call or obtain any signature. She can even map that activity to understand how much you have to drive. She can ask trainers when you were logged into the training system, and for how long, so she can vouch for you if there are issues. Even the help desk keeps logs of how long you had to deal with them to solve your problems. That's how they get paid, and they will send those logs to DMs upon request. In my case, I never really had a problem, I just needed to prioritize. My best resource to fix it was my DM, so call your DM. My only other advice would be if you are not comfortable with a close review of your documented work, prepare to discuss things that are out of your control. If you have issues within your control, fix them before you call her. Start today. It will make a difference, and you will feel better, too. Hope this helps!

We've been getting alot of messages from our DM saying that some of us aren't working a full 8 hrs seeing doctors. I work 8 hrs, but 2-3 of it is warehouse, administrative, and travel time back home. I don't give them 1 minute beyond what they pay me for.

They are asking for a lawsuit...and I am just talking about the meetings. They are requiring more than 24 hours a week. Anytime away from your family is considered work. They do not pay for the travel time to the meeting, the dinner after the meeting (which is expected no matter what they say) and the time we are sleeping out of our homes away from our families. Are they paying us for 48 hours while away, two weeks worth of work? The fact that they have the audacity to start questioning our time in the field is ridiculous. I could go on and on about what is becoming wrong with this contract but there is no point. Like someone else stated...we should hand in time sheets with actual hours worked, especially during meeting times.

They are asking for a lawsuit...and I am just talking about the meetings. They are requiring more than 24 hours a week. Anytime away from your family is considered work. They do not pay for the travel time to the meeting, the dinner after the meeting (which is expected no matter what they say) and the time we are sleeping out of our homes away from our families. Are they paying us for 48 hours while away, two weeks worth of work? The fact that they have the audacity to start questioning our time in the field is ridiculous. I could go on and on about what is becoming wrong with this contract but there is no point. Like someone else stated...we should hand in time sheets with actual hours worked, especially during meeting times.

Not to mention that when we were hired, we were told the contract was for 1152 hours per year. Now we are expected to work 1152 in field, plus 48 admin/meeting/other. That means we lost two weeks of (unpaid) vacation. It is almost impossible to really take two weeks off without having to make up time. Most weeks I work 28+ hours just to hit my new goal of 1200 hours/year. Some may be grateful for the extra hours, because it is an opportunity to make extra money - and I totally get that. However, a lot of us with younger kids and have day care/child care arrangements, this has become a real issue.

Class action attorney's dream

Hey, work it out with your DM. Most of us like the job and dont want/need lawyers mucking it up. Its always a few that ruin it for thee rest of us. Look, quantify your 24 hours with manager if he/she has questions. My manager is very fair, and from what I have seen, most are like him.

I have rumblings about possibly being incorporated into Merck down the line. Not sure how that would work (in terms of pay, hrs worked, etc, or if it will even happen) Maybe that is why they are looking into things a little more with our sales force.

They are asking for a lawsuit...and I am just talking about the meetings. They are requiring more than 24 hours a week. Anytime away from your family is considered work. They do not pay for the travel time to the meeting, the dinner after the meeting (which is expected no matter what they say) and the time we are sleeping out of our homes away from our families. Are they paying us for 48 hours while away, two weeks worth of work? The fact that they have the audacity to start questioning our time in the field is ridiculous. I could go on and on about what is becoming wrong with this contract but there is no point. Like someone else stated...we should hand in time sheets with actual hours worked, especially during meeting times.

Who are "they"? Either we do the job, or we don't. If you don't want to have dinner with us, then don't go. If you feel cheated, quit. Your whining is unbearable.

You are clearly not getting it. Lack of intelligence, I assume. Reread the original post about hours and wages for hours worked for meetings. Think a little bit besides being spoon fed your whole life...I know you are a pharm. rep and are not used to thinking and having your own original thoughts but try,just this once, to think intellectually.