Centurion medical?


Worked there for about a year, sucked balls. Pay was shitty, training was literally me and one other dude for 2 days and someone just half ass showing us some of the products, very shitty. There is no resources or leadership. Really just kinda like a distributor job.

Worked there for about a year, sucked balls. Pay was shitty, training was literally me and one other dude for 2 days and someone just half ass showing us some of the products, very shitty. There is no resources or leadership. Really just kinda like a distributor job.

Did it lead to something better or did it help get you in the door with hospitals? About how much did you make? What was it like working for them/typical days? The recruiter said they are unveiling a new pay plan to help increase growth. I took that to mean it will be more lucrative than before.

The biggest objection is lack of GPO contracting. If your territory has HealthTrust GPO you are screwed. Be sure to look at the hospital makeup before taking the plunge. Other than being kicked out of hospitals for not being GPO complaint, its a pretty good job!

Yes. Good company great products. No micromanaging. If you can sell to end users you can do pretty well. They are not perfect but you can sell to any dept in the hospital.

If they offer you a sales position here's what you need to do -- RUN!!!

This co. offers ZERO training, no leadership, and the pay sucks! If you are hired as a Group Area Specialist you will be a slave to multiple sales reps and driving your car ALL day! Unprofessional to say the least. Company has limited GPO relationships so you will be hitting a brick wall depending on the territory. Products are very expensive and Buyers know better. Not a good company to work for.

No matter how good it sounds keep looking and interviewing for other sales jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!

The recruiter said 70-90 base. Then the second year your commissions are added to your previous base and that is now your new base plus additional commissions. So how does thepay suck? Anymore info on this company? How is the manager?

my wife worked here and and had to junk her car when she left
she often complained of no education,leadership
don't believe what recruiters tell you because she was lucky to break even

The pay can be decent. It all depends on your territory and ability to grow. If you walk into a territory that is tanking it will be a hard first year. Most of their products really are better than the competition so you can definitely make some closes if you push you clinical supporters to vouch for your product.
I do agree the training is pretty poor so this job is not for everyone. Although if you are self motivated its a pretty good gig. No micro management, call reports or ride alongs. Just go out and sell

I would suggest with any job offer speak to your future peers on the job. I know they are an open book and gave me the opportunity to speak with anyone on the job. To a person they were honest & open. Their tenure speak volumes of how they treat their top reps.